Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers You must use your back button to return to the main button as this document is quite large and is in ascii format. Use find to locate the state you need. Then scroll down the list until you find the regiment and microfilm number you are looking for. Each state has its own series number, then followed by a roll number. Copies of individual records can be obtained from the National Archives in Washington D. C. Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers Who Served in Organizations From the State of Alabama. M311. 508 rolls. 16mm. DP. The compiled service records in this microfilm publication are indexed on M374. Roll Description 1 1st Cavalry A--G 2 H--N 3 O--Y 4 2d Cavalry A--Co 5 Cr--Ha 6 He--Ma 7 Mc--R 8 S--Y 9 3d Cavalry A--D 10 E--K 11 L--Q 12 R--Z 13 4th Cavalry 14 4th (Roddey's) Cavalry 15 4th (Russell's) Cavalry A--D 16 E--L 17 M--T 18 U--Y 4th (Love's) Battalion, Cavalry 19 5th Cavalry A--L 20 M--Y 21 6th Cavalry A--I 22 J--U 23 V--Y 7th Cavalry A--C 24 D--J 25 K--P 26 R--Y 27 8th Cavalry 8th (Hatch's) Cavalry A--K 28 L--Y 8th (Livingston's) Cavalry 29 9th Cavalry 9th (Malone's) Cavalry A--I 30 J--Y 31 10th Cavalry 11th Cavalry A--C 32 D--Z 33 12th Cavalry A--M 34 N--Z 15th Cavalry 24th Cavalry 35 Capt. Arrington's Co. A, City Troop (Mobile) Barbiere's Battalion, Cavalry A--F 36 G--Y Capt. Barlow's Co., Cavalry 37 Capt. Bowie's Co., Cavalry Capt. Brooks' Co., Cavalry Reserves Capt. Callaway's Co., Cavalry Capt. Falkner's Co., Cavalry (Chambers Cavalry) Capt. Chisolm's Co. Forrest's Cavalry A--M 38 N--Y Gachet's Co., Cavalry Graves' Co., Cavalry Hardie's Battalion, Cavalry Reserves 39 Holloway's Co., Cavalry Capt. Lenoir's Independent Co., Cavalry B--D 40 E--Y Lewis' Battalion, Cavalry A--G 41 H--Y 42 Logan's Co., Mounted Reserves Mobile City Troop Moreland's Regiment, Cavalry A--G 43 H--Y 44 Capt. Morris' Co. (Mounted Men) Capt. Moses' Squadron, Cavalry Murphy's Battalion, Cavalry A--De 45 Di--L 46 M--Z 47 Roddey's Escort, Cavalry Stuart's Battalion, Cavalry Young's Co., Cavalry (State Reserves) 1st Battalion, Artillery A--Ap 48 Ar--B 49 C 50 D--F 51 G--Ho 52 Hu--Lo 53 Lu--M 54 N--R 55 S--T 56 U--Z 57 2d Battalion, Light Artillery A--B 58 C--D 59 E--G 60 H--J 61 K--Mi 62 Mo--R 63 S 64 T--Y 65 State Artillery A--G 66 H--N 67 O--Z Bay Batteries 68 20th Battalion, Light Artillery A--J 69 K--Y 70 Clanton's Battery, Light Artillery Eufaula Light Artillery A--D 71 E--Y 72 Gid Nelson Light Artillery A--P 73 Q--Y Goldthwaite's Battery, Light Artillery A--F 74 G--Z 75 Hurt's Battery, Light Artillery A--P 76 R--Z Jeff Davis Artillery A--G 77 H--Y 78 Kolb's Battery, Light Artillery A--S 79 T--Y Lee's Battery, Light Artillery 80 Phelan's Co., Light Artillery 81 Capt. Seawell's Battery (Mohawk Artillery) Tarrant's Battery, Light Artillery A--S 82 T--Y Capt. Ward's Battery, Light Artillery 83 1st Infantry A--Ba 84 Be--Co 85 Cr--E 86 F--G 87 H 88 I--Ll 89 Lo--Mi 90 Mo--P 91 Q--Sl 92 Sm--V 93 W--Z 94 1st Conscripts 95 1st Mobile Volunteers A--Ma 96 Mc--Z 97 1st Battalion, Cadets 1st (Loomis') Battalion, Infantry 98 2d Volunteer Militia 2d Infantry A--Bl 99 Bo--Hi 100 Ho--O 101 P--Y 102 3d Volunteer Militia 3d Infantry A--Ba 103 Be--Ca 104 Ce--Di 105 Do--Fo 106 Fr--Ha 107 He--Je 108 Jo--L 109 M--Mi 110 Mo--Pe 111 Ph--Ri 112 Ro--Se 113 Sh--Sw 114 T--Wa 115 We--Z 116 3d Alabama Reserves A--R 117 S--Y 3d Battalion Reserves 118 4th Infantry A--Bl 119 Bo--Ca 120 Ch--Cr 121 Cu--Fl 122 Fo--G 123 H--Ho 124 Hu--Ki 125 Kn--Ma 126 Mc--My 127 N--P 128 Q--Sa 129 Sc--Sp 130 St--Tr 131 Tu--We 132 Wh--Z 133 4th Volunteer Militia A--K 134 L--Z 135 4th Reserves 136 5th Infantry A--Bi 137 Bl--By 138 C 139 D--E 140 F--Go 141 Gr--He 142 Hi--Je 143 Jo--Le 144 Li--Mc 145 Me--Pa 146 Pe--R 147 S 148 T--Wa 149 We--Y 150 5th Battalion, Volunteers A--De 151 Di--J 152 K--M 153 N--Si 154 Sl--Y 5th Battalion (Blount's), Volunteers 155 6th Infantry A--Bl 156 Bo--Ch 157 Ci--Da 158 De--F 159 G 160 H--Hi 161 Ho--J 162 K--Li 163 Ll--Me 164 Mi--Pa 165 Pe--R 166 S--Sp 167 St--V 168 W--Y 6th (McClellan's) Battalion, Infantry 169 7th Infantry A--J 170 K--Y 171 8th Infantry A--Br 172 Bu--Co 173 Cr--E 174 F--G 175 H--I 176 J--L 177 M--Mo 178 Mu--Ra 179 Re--Sl 180 Sm--T 181 U--Z 182 9th Infantry A--B 183 C--Do 184 Dr--G 185 H 186 I--L 187 M 188 N--R 189 S--Ti 190 To--Y 191 10th Infantry A--Br 192 Bu--C 193 D--F 194 G--Ha 195 He--K 196 L--Mc 197 Me--Pa 198 Pe--Sl 199 Sm--V 200 W--Z 201 11th Infantry A--B 202 C--D 203 E--Ha 204 He--L 205 M--O 206 P--R 207 S--Th 208 Ti--Y 209 12th Infantry A--B 210 C--E 211 F--He 212 Hi--Le 213 Li--M 214 N--P 215 R--S 216 T--Z 217 13th Infantry A--Bl 218 Bo--Ca 219 Ce--D 220 E--Gl 221 Go--Hi 222 Ho--K 223 L--Ma 224 Mc--N 225 O--Ri 226 Ro--Sm 227 So--V 228 W--Y 229 13th Battalion, Partisan Rangers 14th Infantry A 230 B--Br 231 Bu--C 232 D--F 233 G--Ha 234 He--K 235 L--M 236 N--P 237 R--Sm 238 Sn--V 239 W--Y 240 15th Infantry A--Bo 241 Br--Co 242 Cr--Fl 243 Fo--He 244 Hi--J 245 K--Ma 246 Mc--My 247 N--Q 248 R--Sm 249 Sn--V 250 W--Z 15th (First) Battalion, Partisan Rangers A--C 251 D--W 252 16th Infantry A--G 253 H--Pr 254 Pu--Z 255 17th Infantry A--B 256 C--E 257 F--Hi 258 Ho--L 259 M--N 260 O--R 261 S--T 262 U--Y 17th Battalion, Sharp Shooters 263 18th Infantry A--B 264 C--E 265 F--H 266 I--Ma 267 Mc--Q 268 R--Sp 269 St--Wi 270 Wo--Z 18th Battalion, Volunteers A--I 271 J--Y 272 19th Infantry A--C 273 D--Hi 274 Ho--M 275 N--S 276 T--Z 277 20th Infantry A--B 278 C--F 279 G--I 280 J--Ma 281 Mc--Pa 282 Pe--Sn 283 Sp--Y 284 21st Infantry A--B 285 C--Di 286 Do--Ha 287 He--Ma 288 Mc--Q 289 R--S 290 T--Z 291 22d Infantry A--F 292 G--K 293 L--O 294 P--S 295 T--Y 296 23d Infantry A--C 297 Co--G 298 H--K 299 L--O 300 P--S 301 T--Y 23d Battalion, Sharp Shooters A--H 302 J--W 24th Infantry A--B 303 C--F 304 G--K 305 L--O 306 P--Sm 307 So--Y 308 25th Infantry A--C 309 D--Ha 310 He--Ma 311 Mc--R 312 S--Z 313 26th (O'Neal's) Infantry A--E 314 F--K 315 L--Ri 316 Ro--Y 317 27th Infantry A--F 318 G--O 319 P--Z 320 28th Infantry A--C 321 D--G 322 H--K 323 L--O 324 P--Sn 325 Sp--Z 326 29th Infantry A--Co 327 Cr--G 328 H--K 329 L--M 330 N--Sm 331 So--Z 332 30th Infantry A--C 333 D--I 334 J--M 335 N--Sl 336 Sm--Y 337 31st Infantry A--B 338 C--G 339 H--L 340 M--P 341 Q--V 342 W--Y 32d Infantry A--Bl 343 Bo--C 344 D--Gl 345 Go--J 346 K--Me 347 Mi--Ri 348 Ro--Te 349 Th--Y 32d and 58th (Consolidated) Infantry 350 33d Infantry A--B 351 C--E 352 F--Hi 353 Ho--Mc 354 Me--Pu 355 Q--S 356 T--Y 357 34th Infantry A--C 358 D--Ho 359 Hu--M 360 N--Sm 361 Sn--Z 362 35th Infantry A--P 363 R--Y 36th Infantry A--B 364 C--G 365 H--L 366 M--R 367 S--Z 368 37th Infantry A--C 369 D--G 370 H--L 371 M--Rh 372 Ri--Y 373 38th Infantry A--C 374 D--Ho 375 Hu--Mi 376 Mo--S 377 T--Y 39th Infantry A--Ch 378 Cl--J 379 K--R 380 S--Z 381 40th Infantry A--Ca 382 Ce--D 383 E--Ha 384 He--L 385 M--Pe 386 Ph--S 387 T--Z 388 41st Infantry A--B 389 C--D 390 E--G 391 H 392 I--Ma 393 Mc--N 394 O--Ri 395 Ro--So 396 Sp--To 397 Tr--Z 398 42d Infantry A--D 399 E--K 400 L--P 401 R--Y 402 43d Infantry A--C 403 D--I 404 J--N 405 O--Sn 406 So--Y 407 44th Infantry A--Br 408 Bu--C 409 D--Fo 410 Fr--He 411 Hi--K 412 L--Mi 413 Mo--P 414 Q--S 415 T--Y 416 45th Infantry A--G 417 H--Q 418 R--Z 419 46th Infantry A--D 420 E--L 421 M--Sp 422 St--Y 423 47th Infantry A--Br 424 Bu--C 425 D--Go 426 Gr--Ho 427 Hu--Le 428 Li--M 429 N--R 430 S--Te 431 Th--Z 432 48th Infantry A--Cl 433 Co--G 434 H--L 435 M--P 436 Q--S 437 T--Z 48th Militia 438 49th Infantry A--G 439 H--V 440 W--Y 50th Infantry A--Cl 441 Co--G 442 H--L 443 M--R 444 S--Y 445 51st Partisan Rangers A--F 446 G--M 447 N--Z 448 53d Partisan Rangers A--C 449 D--H 450 I--Mi 451 Mo--Sn 452 So--Z 453 54th Infantry A--N 454 O--Z 55th Volunteers A--B 455 C--Ha 456 He--P 457 R--Y 458 56th Partisan Rangers A--Ha 459 He--Sp 460 St--Y 57th Infantry A--C 461 D--M 462 N--Y 463 58th Infantry A--G 464 H--O 465 P--Z 466 59th Infantry A--F 467 G--K 468 L--P 469 R--Y 470 60th Infantry A--H 471 J--R 472 S--Z 473 61st Infantry A--D 474 E--J 475 K--Q 476 R--Z 477 62d Infantry A--F 478 G--O 479 P--Y 480 63d Infantry A--E 481 F--Ma 482 Mc--S 483 T--Z 89th Militia 94th Militia 95th Militia 484 Hilliard's Legion A--Bo 485 Br--C 486 D--F 487 G--Ha 488 He--Ji 489 Jo--Ll 490 Lo--Mi 491 Mo--P 492 Q--Sl 493 Sm--Th 494 Ti--Z 495 Leighton Rangers Fire Battalion of Mobile Montgomery Guards Camp of Instruction, Talladega, Alabama A--C 496 D--I 497 J--P 498 Q--Z 499 Calhoun County Reserves Coosa County Reserves Fayette County Reserves Randolph County Reserves Shelby County Reserves Talladega County Reserves A--C 500 D--Y 501 Allen's Co. Capt. Belser's Co., Reserves Capt. Bligh's Co., Militia Capt. Campbell's Co., Militia Capt. Crawford's Co. Capt. Darby's Co., Auburn Home Guards, Volunteers Lt. Echols' Co. of Conscripts Capt. Fagg's Co., Lowndes Rangers, Volunteers 502 Capt. Freeman's Co., Prison Guard 503 Capt. Goldsmith's Independent Co., Volunteers Capt. Gorff's Co. (Mobile Pulaski Rifles) Capt. Gueringer's Co., Militia Capt. Hardy's Co. (Eufaula Minutemen) Capt. Hert's Co. Capt. Hunt's Co., Militia Capt. Lee, Jr's., Co., Volunteers Capt. Lockett's Co., City Guards Capt. Meador's Co., Volunteers Capt. John Oden's Co., Mounted Infantry Capt. Orr's Co., Morgan Defenders 504 Capt. Palmer's Co., State Reserves Capt. Rabby's Coast Guard Co. No. 1, Volunteers Capt. Rankin's Co., Reserves Ready's Battalion, Reserves Reed's Supporting Force, 2d Congressional District Capt. Rives' Supporting Force, 9th Congressional District Lt. Stewart's Detachment, Local Defense Capt. Toomer's Co., Local Defense and Special Service (Chunchula Guards) Capt. West's Co., Militia Capt. Young's Co., Nitre and Mining Corps 505 Alabama Conscripts Battalion of Conscripts and Reserves Alabama Rebels Alabama Recruits Miscellaneous, Alabama A--B 506 C--I 507 J--R 508 S--Y Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers Who Served in Organizations From the Territory of Arizona. M318. 1 roll. 16mm. DP. The compiled service records reproduced in this microfilm publication are indexed on M375. Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers Who Served in Organizations From the State of Arkansas. M317. 256 rolls. 16mm. DP. The compiled service records reproduced in this microfilm publication are indexed on M376. Roll Description 1 1st Cavalry 1st (Crawford's) Cavalry A--C 2 D--Y 1st (Dobbin's) Cavalry A--Cl 3 Co--Y 4 1st (Monroe's) Cavalry A--Le 5 Li--Y 6 1st Mounted Rifles A--Cl 7 Co--Ge 8 Gi--H 9 I--L 10 M--Pa 11 Pe--Sp 12 St--Z 13 1st (Stirman's) Battalion, Cavalry A--R 14 S--Y 1st State Cavalry 2d Cavalry A--Co 15 Cr--Ma 16 Mc--Y 17 2d Mounted Rifles A--Ch 18 Cl--Ha 19 He--L 20 M--R 21 S--Z 22 3d Cavalry A--C 23 D--I 24 J--Q 25 R--Z 6th Battalion, Cavalry 26 7th Cavalry 27 8th Cavalry A--I 28 J--Y 29 10th (Witt's) Cavalry 15th (Buster's) Battalion, Cavalry 45th Cavalry A--H 30 I--Y 46th (Crabtree's) Cavalry 31 47th (Crandall's) Cavalry 48th Cavalry Anderson's Unattached Battalion, Cavalry Carlton's Cavalry 32 Davies' Battalion, Cavalry Gipson's Battalion, Mounted Rifles Gordon's Cavalry A--B 33 C--J 34 K--Tra 35 Tre--Z Harrell's Battalion, Cavalry McGehee's Cavalry A--F 36 G--Y Nave's Battalion, Cavalry Poe's Battalion, Cavalry Witherspoon's Battalion, Cavalry 37 Wright's Cavalry Abraham's Co., Mounted Volunteers Baker's Co., Mounted Volunteers Hooker's Co., Mounted Volunteers Reeve's Co., Cavalry 38 1st Field Battery (McNally's Battery) 5th Battery, Light Artillery Clarkson's Battery, Light Artillery (Helena Artillery) Etter's Battery, Light Artillery 39 Hart's Battery, Light Artillery Key's Battery, Light Artillery 40 Marshall's Battery, Light Artillery Owen's Battery, Light Artillery 41 Pine Bluff Artillery River's Battery, Light Artillery 42 Thrall's Battery, Light Artillery Wiggins' Battery, Light Artillery A--C 43 D--Y Zimmerman's Battery, Light Artillery 44 1st Volunteers 45 1st Infantry 1st (Consolidated) Infantry 1st Battalion, Infantry 46 1st (Colquitt's) Infantry A--Cl 47 Co--Go 48 Gr--J 49 K--Me 50 Mi--P 51 Q--Ta 52 Te--Z 53 2d Volunteers 2d Infantry A--Ba 54 Be--Co 55 Cr--Go 56 Gr--J 57 K--Me 58 Mi--Rh 59 Ri--Ti 60 To--Y 61 2d (Consolidated) Infantry 2d Battalion, Infantry 3d Infantry A--An 62 Ap--Ca 63 Ch--El 64 Em--Ha 65 He--Ke 66 Ki--Mi 67 Mo--Re 68 Rh--S 69 T--Wi 70 Wo--Y 3d (Consolidated) Infantry 3d State Infantry 4th Infantry A--Ba 71 Be--Dl 72 Do--Ho 73 Hu--Me 74 Mi--So 75 Sp--Y 76 4th State Infantry 4th Battalion, Infantry A--Me 77 Mi--W 78 5th Infantry A--Cl 79 Co--Fr 80 Fu--Ja 81 Je--L 82 M--Q 83 R--Th 84 Ti--Y 5th Militia 5th State Infantry 85 6th Infantry A--Co 86 Cr--Gi 87 Gl--Je 88 Ji--Mi 89 Mo--Ro 90 Ru--Ti 91 To--Z 92 7th Infantry A--Co 93 Cr--G 94 H--L 95 M--Pa 96 Pe--Sp 97 St--Y 98 7th Militia 8th Infantry A 99 B--Br 100 Bu--C 101 D--Ge 102 Gi--H 103 I--L 104 M 105 N--Q 106 R--S 107 T--Y 108 8th Battalion, Infantry 9th Infantry A--Bi 109 Bl--C 110 D--G 111 H--L 112 M--N 113 O--S 114 T--Z 115 10th Infantry A--H 116 I--S 117 T--Y 10th Militia A--N 118 O--Y 11th Infantry A--C 119 D--L 120 M--R 121 S--W 11th and 17th (Griffith's) Consolidated Infantry A--Ca 122 Ch--L 123 M--S 124 T--Y 12th Infantry A--D 125 E--P 126 R--Z 127 12th Battalion, Sharp Shooters 128 13th Infantry A--E 129 F--L 130 M--R 131 S--Y 13th Militia 132 14th (McCarver's) Infantry A--R 133 S--Y 14th (Powers') Infantry A--C 134 D--L 135 M--T 136 V--Z 15th Infantry 137 15th (Johnson's) Infantry A--K 138 L--Y 139 15th (Josey's) Infantry A--C 140 D--J 141 K--O 142 P--T 143 U--Y 15th (Northwest) Infantry A--B 144 C--F 145 G--H 146 I--M 147 N--S 148 T--Y 149 15th Militia 150 16th Infantry A--F 151 G--M 152 N--Y 153 17th (Griffith's) Infantry A--H 154 I--S 155 T--Y 17th (Lemoyne's) Infantry 156 18th Infantry A--G 157 H--O 158 P--Y 159 18th (Marmaduke's) Infantry A--J 160 K--Z 161 19th Infantry 19th (Dawson's) Infantry A--B 162 C--F 163 G--K 164 L--O 165 P--V 166 W--Z 19th (Dockery's) Infantry A--C 167 D--L 168 M--T 169 U--W 20th Infantry A--B 170 C--H 171 I--P 172 Q--Y 173 21st Infantry A--E 174 F--L 175 M--R 176 S--Z 177 21st Militia 23d Infantry A--B 178 C--H 179 I--Q 180 R--Y 181 24th Infantry A--D 182 E--L 183 M--R 184 S--Y 185 25th Infantry A--E 186 F--L 187 M--R 188 S--Y 189 26th Infantry A--D 190 E--L 191 M--Q 192 R--V 193 W--Z 27th Infantry A--Be 194 Bi--D 195 E--H 196 I--M 197 N--R 198 S--Wa 199 We--Y 13th Infantry A--B 200 C--G 201 H--L 202 M--R 203 S--Y 204 31st Infantry A--F 205 G--Me 206 Mi--V 207 W--Y 32d Infantry A--Cl 208 Co--Hi 209 Ho--O 210 P--Y 211 33d Infantry A--C 212 D--H 213 I--N 214 O--V 215 W--Z 34th Infantry A--Bo 216 Br--G 217 H--Mi 218 Mo--S 219 T--Y 35th Infantry A--Be 220 Bi--C 221 D--Ha 222 He--L 223 M--Pa 224 Pe--S 225 T--Z 226 36th Infantry A--E 227 F--K 228 L--R 229 S--Y 230 37th Infantry A--C 231 D--H 232 I--Pa 233 Pe--S 234 T--Y 38th Infantry A 235 B--E 236 F--J 237 K--P 238 R--Wa 239 We--Y 45th Militia 240 50th Militia 241 51st Militia 58th Militia 242 62d Militia Adams' Infantry Borland's Infantry Cocke's Infantry A--Bl 243 Bo--C 244 D--G 245 H--K 246 L--O 247 P--S 248 T--Y Crawford's Battalion, Infantry 249 Desha County Battalion, Militia 250 Hardy's Infantry A--E 251 F--L 252 M--R 253 S--Z Williamson's Battalion, Infantry 254 Capt. Ballard's Co., Infantry Capt. Clayton's Co., Infantry Clear Lake Independent Guards, Infantry Ernest's Co., Infantry Hutchison's Co., Infantry Kuykendall's Co., Infantry Louis' Co., Militia Sparks' Co., Infantry Willett's Co., Infantry 255 Miscellaneous, Arkansas A--I 256 J--Y Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers Who Served in Organizations From the State of Florida. M251. 104 rolls. 16mm. DP. The compiled service records in this microfilm publication are indexed on M225. Roll Description 1 1st Cavalry A--E 2 F--K 3 L--R 4 S--Y 5 1st Battalion, Special Cavalry 6 2d Cavalry A--B 7 C--Di 8 Do--G 9 H--K 10 L--M 11 N--R 12 S--Te 13 Th--Z 14 3d Battalion, Cavalry A--J 15 K--Y 16 5th Battalion, Cavalry A--F 17 G--O 18 P--Y 19 Capt. Fernandez's Mounted Company A--W Capt. Pickett's Company B--W Capt. Smith's Cavalry Company A--Y Capt. Abell's Light Artillery Company A--Y 20 Capt. Dunham's Milton Light Artillery Company A--Y 21 Capt. Dyke's Light Artillery Company A--Y 22 J--W 23 Kilcrease Light Artillery A--W 24 Capt. Perry's Light Artillery Company A--Z 25 1st Infantry A--B 26 C--F 27 G--K 28 L--Mo 29 Mu--Sm 30 Sn--Z 31 1st (Reserves) Infantry A--G 32 H--N 33 O--W 34 2d Infantry A--Bo 35 Br--Cl 36 Co--E 37 F--Ha 38 He--K 39 L--M 40 N--Ri 41 Ro--Ti 42 To--Z 43 2d Battalion, Infantry A--F 44 G--N 45 O--Y 46 3d Infantry A--Ca 47 Ch--F 48 G--I 49 J--Me 50 Mi--Rh 51 Ri--Sp 52 St--Z 53 4th Infantry A--Ch 54 Cl--G 55 H--La 56 Le--O 57 P--Sk 58 Sl--Y 59 5th Infantry A--Bi 60 Bl--Cl 61 Co--E 62 F--G 63 H--I 64 J--L 65 M--Pe 66 Ph--R 67 S--Ti 68 To--Z 69 6th Infantry A--Ca 70 Ch--F 71 G--H 72 I--Ma 73 Mc--P 74 R--Sp 75 St--Y 76 7th Infantry A--Co 77 Cr--H 78 I--M 79 N--Sp 80 St--Z 81 8th Infantry A--B 82 C--Gl 83 Go--K 84 L--O 85 P--St 86 Su--Y 87 9th Infantry A--Cl 88 Co--Gi 89 Gl--J 90 K--N 91 O--Sl 92 Sm--Z 93 10th Infantry A--Ca 94 Ch--F 95 G--J 96 K--O 97 P--Sp 98 St--Z 99 11th Infantry A--D 100 E--J 101 K--Q 102 R--Y 103 Conscripts A--Z Campbellton Boys A--Y Capt. Harrison's Company C--W Capt. McBride's Company B--Y 104 Capt. Parson's Company A--W Florida Miscellaneous A--Y Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers Who Served in Organizations From the State of Georgia. M266. 607 rolls. 16mm. DP. The compiled service records reproduced in this microfilm publication are indexed on M226. Roll Description 1 1st Cavalry A--Cl 2 Co--G 3 H--L 4 M--R 5 S--Z 6 1st Battalion, Cavalry A--L 7 M--Z 8 First Battalion, Reserve Cavalry 9 1st Gordon Squadron, Cavalry (State Guards) 2d Georgia Cavalry A--C 10 D--J 11 K--R 12 S--Z 13 2d Georgia Cavalry (State Guards) 14 2d Battalion, Cavalry A--J 15 K--Z 16 3d Cavalry A--C 17 D--J 18 K--R 19 S--Z 20 3d Cavalry (State Guards) 21 4th (Clinch's) Cavalry A--Ch 22 Cl--Go 23 Gr--K 24 L--M 25 N--Sm 26 Sn--Z 27 4th Cavalry (State Guards) 28 5th Cavalry A--C 29 D--G 30 H--Mc 31 Me--Sl 32 Sm--Z 33 6th Cavalry A--F 34 G--O 35 P--Y 6th Battalion, Cavalry (State Guards) A--L 36 M--W 7th Cavalry A--E 37 F--L 38 M--Z 39 7th Battalion, Cavalry (State Guards) 40 8th Cavalry A--J 41 K--Z 42 8th Battalion, Cavalry (State Guards) 9th Battalion, Cavalry (State Guards) 43 10th Cavalry 44 10th Cavalry (State Guards) 45 10th Battalion, Cavalry (State Guards) 46 11th Cavalry A--H 47 I--Y 48 11th Cavalry (State Guards) 49 12th Cavalry A--E 50 F--M 51 N--Y 52 12th Battalion, Cavalry (State Guards) 12th (Robinson's) Cavalry (State Guards) 53 12th (Wright's) Cavalry (State Guards) 13th Cavalry A--C 54 D--M 55 N--Y 56 15th Battalion, Cavalry (State Guards) 16th Battalion, Cavalry (State Guards) 57 19th Battalion, Cavalry 58 20th Battalion, Cavalry A--G 59 H--O 60 P--Z 61 21st Battalion, Cavalry A--H 62 I--Z 63 22d Battalion, Cavalry (State Guards) 24th Battalion, Cavalry A--C 64 D--Y 65 29th Cavalry A--J 66 K--Y 67 62d Cavalry A--D 68 E--J 69 K--R 70 S--Z 71 Capt. Alexander's Co., Cavalry Capt. Allen's Co., Cavalry Capt. Arnold's Co., Cavalry Capt. Asher's Co. (Murray Cavalry) Capt. Boddie's Co. (Troup +scCounty+sd Independent Cavalry) Capt. Bond's Co., Cavalry (State Guards) Camden County Militia (Mounted) Capt. Corbin's Co., Cavalry Dorough's Battalion, Cavalry 72 Capt. Floyd's Co., Cavalry Capt. Gartrell's Co., Cavalry Capt. Hall's Co., Cavalry Hardwick Mounted Rifles 73 Capt. Hendry's Co., Cavalry (Atlantic and Gulf Guards) Capt. Humphrey's Co., Independent Cavalry (Reserves) Capt. Logan's Co., Cavalry (White County Old Men's Home Guards) Capt. Mayer's Co. (Appling Cavalry) Capt. Nelson's Independent Co., Cavalry 74 Capt. Newbern's Co., Cavalry (Coffee Revengers) Capt. Pemberton's Co., Cavalry Ragland's Co., Cavalry Roswell Battalion, Cavalry Capt. Rumph's Co. (Wayne Cavalry Guards) Capt. Russell's Co., Cavalry Lt. Waring's Co., Cavalry Capt. Young's Co., Cavalry (Alleghany Troopers) 75 9th Battalion, Artillery A--G 76 H--O 77 P--Y 78 11th Battalion, Artillery (Sumter Artillery) A--Cl 79 Co--F 80 G--K 81 L--Ri 82 Ro--Y 83 12th Battalion, Light Artillery A--C 84 D--Ha 85 He--L 86 M--R 87 S--Z 88 14th (Montgomery's) Battalion, Light Artillery A--I 89 J--Y 90 22d Battalion, Heavy Artillery A--C 91 D--Hi 92 Ho--Me 93 Mi--R 94 S--Z 95 28th Battalion, Siege Artillery A--G 96 H--O 97 P--Z 98 Capt. Anderson's Battalion, Light Artillery Capt. Baker's Co., Artillery 99 Capt. Barnwell's Battery, Light Artillery Capt. Brooks' Co. (Terrell Light Artillery) A--M 100 N--Y Capt. Campbell's Independent Co., Siege Artillery 101 Capt. Carlton's Co. (Troup County Artillery) 102 Capt. Clinch's Battery, Light Artillery Capt. Croft's Battery, Light Artillery (Columbus Artillery) A--L 103 M--Y Capt. Daniell's Battery, Light Artillery 104 Capt. Ferrell's Battery, Light Artillery Capt. Fraser's Battery, Light Artillery 105 Capt. Guerard's Battery, Light Artillery Capt. Hamilton's Co., Light Artillery Capt. Hanleiter's Co., Light Artillery (Jo Thompson Artillery) A--L 106 M--Y Capt. Havis' Battery, Light Artillery 107 Capt. Howell's Co., Light Artillery Capt. Hudson's Co., Light Artillery (Arsenal Battery) 108 Capt. King's Battery, Light Artillery Capt. Lumpkin's Co., Artillery 109 Capt. Massenburg's Battery, Light Artillery (Jackson Artillery) Capt. Maxwell's Battalion, Regular Light Artillery 110 Capt. Maxwell's Regular Light Battery, Artillery 111 Capt. Milledge's Co., Light Artillery 112 Capt. Moore's Battery, Artillery Capt. Pritchard's Co., Light Artillery (Washington Artillery) Pruden's Battery, Artillery (State Troops) Capt. Ritter's Co., Light Artillery A--G 113 H--Z Capt. Scogin's Battery, Light Artillery (Griffin Light Artillery) Siege Train (Major Buist) Artillery 114 Capt. Slaten's Co., Artillery (Macon Light Artillery) 115 Capt. Tiller's Co. (Echols Light Artillery) Capt. Van Den Corput's Co., Light Artillery A--G 116 H--Y Capt. Wheaton's Co., Artillery (Chatham Artillery) A--H 117 J--Z 118 1st Infantry A--R 119 S--Z 1st Regulars A--Bo 120 Br--D 121 E--H 122 I--Mo 123 Mu--Sl 124 Sm--Y 125 1st Light Duty Men 1st (Consolidated) Infantry 1st Local Troops, Infantry A--C 126 D--J 127 K--Q 128 R--Z 129 1st Infantry (State Guards) A--M 130 N--Z 1st (Fannin's) Reserves A--Ch 131 Cl--L 132 M--Z 133 1st (Olmstead's) Infantry A--B 134 C 135 D--Fi 136 Fl--Ha 137 He--K 138 L--Mc 139 Me--O 140 P--Sc 141 Se--Ti 142 To--Z 143 1st (Ramsey's) Infantry A--F 144 G--M 145 N--Y 146 1st (Symons') Reserves A--K 147 L--Z 148 1st Confederate Battalion, Infantry 1st Militia 1st Battalion, Sharp Shooters A--C 149 D--Mc 150 Me--W 151 1st Battalion, Infantry (State Guards) 1st City Battalion, Infantry (Columbus) 1st Troops and Defences (Macon) 1st State Line 152 2d Infantry A--Cl 153 Co--G 154 H--Ma 155 Mc--R 156 S--Y 2d Militia 157 2d Reserves A--H 158 I--Y 159 2d Battalion, Infantry A--E 160 F--L 161 M--R 162 S--Y 163 2d Battalion, Sharp Shooters A--J 164 K--Z 165 2d Battalion, Infantry (State Guards) 2d Battalion Troops and Defences (Macon) 166 2d State Line, Including Stapleton's and Storey's 3d Infantry A--Bo 167 Br--D 168 E--He 169 Hi--L 170 M--Pe 171 Ph--Ta 172 Te--Z 173 3d Reserves A--J 174 K--Y 175 3d Battalion, Infantry A--G 176 H--N 177 O--Z 178 3d Battalion, Sharp Shooters A--R 179 S--Y 3d Battalion (State Guards) 180 4th Infantry A--B 181 C 182 D--F 183 G--He 184 Hi--La 185 Le--Me 186 Mi--Q 187 R--Sm 188 Sn--V 189 W--Z 190 4th Reserves A--H 191 I--Z 192 4th Battalion, Infantry (State Guards) 4th Battalion, Sharp Shooters A--C 193 D--Y 194 5th Infantry A--Ca 195 Ch--Gi 196 Gl--J 197 K--N 198 O--Sp 199 St--Z 200 5th Reserves A--G 201 H--O 202 P--Z 203 5th Infantry (State Guards) 5th Battalion, Infantry (State Guards) 204 6th Infantry A--Br 205 Bu--Da 206 De--G 207 H--I 208 J--Ma 209 Mc--O 210 P--R 211 S--Ta 212 Th--Y 213 6th Infantry (State Guards) A--M 214 N--S 6th Militia 6th Reserves 6th State Line 215 7th Infantry A--BI 216 Bo--Cl 217 Co--E 218 F--Ha 219 He--J 220 K--Mc 221 Me--Q 222 R--S 223 T--Wh 224 Wi--Y 7th Infantry (State Guards) A--H 225 I--Y 226 8th Infantry A--B 227 C--D 228 E--G 229 H--K 230 L--M 231 N--Sp 232 St--Z 233 8th Infantry (State Guards) A--R 234 S--Z 8th Battalion, Infantry A--B 235 C--I 236 J--O 237 P--Z 238 9th Infantry A--B 239 C--F 240 G--J 241 K--M 242 N--Sm 243 Sn--Y 244 9th Infantry (State Guards) A--Mc 245 Me--Z 9th Battalion, Infantry A--C 246 D--Y 247 10th Infantry A--Ca 248 Ch--E 249 F--Hi 250 Ho--L 251 M--O 252 P--Sp 253 St--Z 254 10th Militia 10th Battalion, Infantry A--B 255 C--F 256 G--J 257 K--R 258 S--Y 259 11th Infantry A--Bo 260 Br--C 261 D--Go 262 Gr--I 263 J--L 264 M--N 265 O--Se 266 Sh--Wa 267 We--Z 11th (State Troops) 11th Battalion, Infantry (State Guards) 268 12th Infantry A--Br 269 Bu--D 270 E--Ha 271 He--L 272 M--Pa 273 Pe--Si 274 Sk--Wh 275 Wi--Z 12th Militia 276 13th Infantry A--B 277 C--E 278 F--H 279 I--Ma 280 Mc--P 281 Q--Th 282 Ti--Y 13th Battalion, Infantry (State Guards) 283 14th Infantry A--C 284 D--G 285 H--K 286 L--O 287 P--Sl 288 Sm--Y 289 14th Battalion, Infantry (State Guards) 290 15th Infantry A--Br 291 Bu--C 292 D--G 293 H--K 294 L--Ni 295 No--Sm 296 Sn--Z 297 16th Infantry A--B 298 C--F 299 G--J 300 K--N 301 O--Sp 302 St--Z 303 17th Infantry A--C 304 D--I 305 J--M 306 N--S 307 T--Z 17th Battalion, Infantry (State Guards) 308 18th Infantry A--B 309 C--E 310 F--H 311 I--Mc 312 Me--Q 313 R--S 314 T--Y 315 18th Battalion, Infantry A--D 316 E--Ma 317 Mc--R 318 S--Y 319 18th Battalion, Infantry (State Guards) 19th Infantry A--B 320 C--F 321 G--J 322 K--M 323 N--Sl 324 Sm--Z 325 19th Battalion, Infantry (State Guards) 20th Infantry A--Ba 326 Be--C 327 D--G 328 H--K 329 L--M 330 N--R 331 S--Ti 332 To--Z 333 21st Infantry A--B 334 C--D 335 E--Ha 336 He--K 337 L--O 338 P--S 339 T--Z 340 22d Infantry A--B 341 C--D 342 E--Ha 343 He--K 344 L--M 345 N--R 346 S--Ti 347 To--Z 348 23d Infantry A--B 349 C--D 350 E--Ha 351 He--L 352 M--P 353 Q--Ta 354 Te--Y 23d Battalion, Infantry, Local Defense (Athens Battalion, Enfield Rifle Battalion) 355 24th Infantry A--Ch 356 Cl--F 357 G--J 358 K--N 359 O--Sm 360 Sn--Y 361 25th Infantry A--Bra 362 Bre--C 363 D--G 364 H--K 365 L--M 366 N--Sa 367 Sc--Th 368 Ti--Z 369 25th Battalion, Infantry (Provost Guard) A--I 370 J--Z 371 26th Infantry A--Cl 372 Co--F 373 G--I 374 J--Ma 375 Mc--Q 376 R--S 377 T--Z 26th Battalion, Infantry 378 27th Infantry A--B 379 C--D 380 E--He 381 Hi--Mc 382 Me--Se 383 Sh--Z 384 27th Battalion, Infantry A--N 385 O--Z 27th Battalion, Infantry (Non-Conscripts) 386 28th Infantry A--Co 387 Cr--He 388 Hi--Mc 389 Me--Sm 390 Sn--Y 391 29th Infantry A--Ce 392 Ch--G 393 H--K 394 L--M 395 N--Sl 396 Sm--Z 397 30th Infantry A--C 398 D--H 399 I--O 400 P--Z 401 31st Infantry A--Ch 402 Cl--Go 403 Gr--J 404 K--M 405 N--R 406 S--Th 407 Ti--Z 408 32d Infantry A--C 409 D--H 410 I--O 411 P--Z 412 34th Infantry A--F 413 G--M 414 N--Y 415 35th Infantry A--B 416 C--D 417 E--He 418 Hi--J 419 K--Mc 420 Me--Pe 421 Ph--Sh 422 Si--T 423 U--Z 424 36th (Broyles') Infantry A--D 425 E--K 426 L--Re 427 Ri--Y 428 36th (Villepigue's) Infantry A--I 429 J--Sn 430 Sp--Y 37th Infantry A--C 431 D--Mo 432 Mu--Z 433 38th Infantry A--Bo 434 Br--Cr 435 Cu--F 436 G--Hi 437 Ho--L 438 M 439 N--Q 440 R--T 441 V--Y 442 39th Infantry A--Co 443 Cr--He 444 Hi--Mc 445 Me--Sl 446 Sm--Y 447 40th Infantry A--C 448 D--K 449 L--Sl 450 Sm--Z 40th Battalion, Infantry 451 41st Infantry A--E 452 F--L 453 M--R 454 S--Z 455 42d Infantry A--Cl 456 Co--Ha 457 He--Mc 458 Me--Sl 459 Sm--Y 460 43d Infantry A--Cl 461 Co--G 462 H--L 463 M--R 464 S--Y 465 44th Infantry A--B 466 C--E 467 F--Je 468 Jo--Mo 469 Mu--Sm 470 Sn--Z 471 45th Infantry A--Cl 472 Co--G 473 H--K 474 L--O 475 P--Sm 476 Sn--Z 477 46th Infantry A--B 478 C--D 479 E--Hi 480 Ho--L 481 M--O 482 P--Sn 483 So--Z 484 47th Infantry A--C 485 D--H 486 I--N 487 O--Sm 488 So--Z 489 48th Infantry A--B 490 C--D 491 E--G 492 H--I 493 J--Mc 494 Me--Ph 495 Pi--Sa 496 Sc--Ti 497 To--Z 498 49th Infantry A--B 499 C--Fl 500 Fo--H 501 I--Mc 502 Me--Ri 503 Ro--T 504 U--Y 505 50th Infantry A--B 506 C--E 507 F--J 508 K--N 509 O--Sp 510 St--Z 511 51st Infantry A--C 512 D--H 513 I--Me 514 Mi--Se 515 Sh--Z 516 52d Infantry A--D 517 E--J 518 K--R 519 S--Y 520 53d Infantry A--Cl 521 Co--Gi 522 Gl--K 523 L--Pe 524 Ph--Wa 525 We--Y 54th Infantry A--Ca 526 Ch--K 527 L--Re 528 Rh--Z 529 55th Infantry A--C 530 D--Hi 531 Ho--Mi 532 Mo--Se 533 Sh--Y 534 56th Infantry A--F 535 G--O 536 P--Y 537 57th Infantry A--D 538 E--J 539 K--R 540 S--Z 541 59th Infantry A--B 542 C--F 543 G--I 544 J--M 545 N--Sp 546 St--Y 547 60th Infantry A--B 548 C--D 549 E--Ha 550 He--La 551 Le--M 552 N--P 553 R--S 554 T--Y 555 61st Infantry A--B 556 C--E 557 F--H 558 I--Ma 559 Mc--Pa 560 Pe--Sm 561 Sn--Y 562 63d Infantry A--B 563 C--E 564 F--H 565 I--Mc 566 Me--Se 567 Sh--Z 568 64th Infantry A--G 569 H--P 570 Q--Z 571 65th Infantry A--D 572 E--J 573 K--P 574 Q--Z 575 66th Infantry A--J 576 K--Z 577 Arsenal Battalion, Infantry (Columbus) Augusta Battalion, Infantry City Battalion, Infantry (Columbus) Coast Guard Battalion, Militia Cook's Battalion, Infantry (Reserves) Rowland's Battalion, Conscripts Youngblood's Battalion, Infantry Cobb's Guards, Infantry A--C 578 D--Y Cherokee Legion (State Guards) A--F 579 G--Y 580 Cobb's Legion A--Bl 581 Bo--Ca 582 Ch--D 583 E--Go 584 Gr--I 585 J--L 586 M--N 587 O--Rh 588 Ri--Sm 589 Sn--Wa 590 We--Z 591 Floyd Legion (State Guards) 592 Phillip's Legion A--Br 593 Bu--De 594 Di--G 595 H--I 596 J--L 597 M--N 598 O--R 599 S--Th 600 Ti--Z 601 Smith's Legion 602 Capt. Alexander's Co., Infantry Capt. Anderson's Co., Infantry (Anderson Guards) Athens Reserved Corps, Infantry Capt. Atwater's Co., Infantry Capt. Bard's Co., Infantry Capt. Barney's Co., Infantry (Richmond Factory Guards) Capt. Brook's Co., Infantry (Mitchell Home Guards) Capt. Caraker's Co., Infantry (Milledgeville Guards) Capt. Chapman's Co., Infantry (Defenders) Capt. Clemons' Co., Infantry Capt. Collier's Co., Infantry 603 Capt. Collier's Co., Infantry (Collier Guards) Conscripts, Georgia Capt. Dozier's Co., Infantry Capt. Ezzard's Co., Infantry Capt. Fuller's Co., Infantry 604 Capt. Garrison's Co., Infantry (Ogeechee Minute Men) Capt. Green's Co., Infantry (State Armory Guards) Capt. Grubb's Co., Infantry Capt. Hamlet's Co., Infantry Capt. Hansell's Co., Infantry (State Guards) Capt. Harris' Independent Co., Infantry (Brunswick Rifles) Capt. Hendry's Co., Mounted Infantry (Pierce Mounted Volunteers) Capt. Holmes' Co., Infantry (Wright Local Guards) Capt. Howard's Co., Infantry (Non-Conscripts) Capt. Hull's Co., Infantry 605 Capt. Jackson's Co., Infantry Capt. Jones' Co., Infantry (Jones Hussars) Capt. Kay's Co., Infantry (Franklin County Guards) Capt. Lane's Co., Infantry (Jasper and Butts County Guards) Capt. Matthews' Co., Infantry (East to West Point Guards) Capt. Medlin's Independent Co., Infantry (High Shoals Defenders) Capt. Milner's Co., Infantry (Madison County Home Guard) Capt. Moore's Co., Infantry (Baldwin Infantry) Capt. Moring's Co., Infantry (Emanuel Troops) Capt. Pool's Co., Infantry Capt. Porter's Co. (Georgia Railroad Guards) Capt. Preston's Co. (Railroad Guards) 606 Rigdon Guards Capt. Roberts' Co., Exempts Capt. Russell's Co. (Newton Factory Employees) Capt. Taylor's Co. Capt. Thornton's Co. (Muscogee Guards) Lt. Weem's Detachment, Camp Guard (Augusta) Capt. White's Co. Capt. Witt's Co. (Express Infantry) Capt. Wyly's Co. (Mell Scouts) Whiteside's Naval Battalion, Infantry (Local Defense) Miscellaneous, Georgia A--C 607 D--Y Compiled Service Records (cont.) Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers Who Served in Organizations From the State of Kentucky. M319. 136 rolls. 16mm. DP. The compiled service records reproduced in this microfilm publication are indexed on M377. Roll Description 1 1st (Butler's) Cavalry A--Ge 2 Gi--Pa 3 Pe--Y 4 1st (Helm's) Cavalry A--Sk 5 Sm--Y 1st Battalion, Cavalry 6 1st Mounted Rifles A--Ha 7 He--Y 8 2d Cavalry A--Mi 9 Mo--Y 2d (Duke's) Cavalry A 10 B--Cl 11 Co--Go 12 Gr--Ke 13 Ki--M 14 N--Sp 15 St--Wi 16 Wo--Y 2d (Woodward's) Cavalry A--Ed 17 El--Mc 18 Me--Y 19 2d (Capt. Dortch's) Battalion, Cavalry 20 2d Battalion, Mounted Rifles A--L 21 M--Y 3d Cavalry A--B 22 C--M 23 N--Z 3d & 7th (Consolidated) Cavalry 3d Battalion, Mounted Rifles A--Cl 24 Co--Mo 25 Mu--Y 4th Cavalry A--An 26 Ar--Ca 27 Ch--Eb 28 Ed--Hi 29 Ho--Mc 30 Me--Re 31 Rh--Te 32 Th--Y 5th Cavalry A 33 B--Ha 34 He--Ri 35 Ro--Y 36 6th Cavalry A--E 37 F--M 38 N--Y 39 7th Cavalry A--Co 40 Cr--Ho 41 Hu--Mi 42 Mo--St 43 Su--Z 8th Cavalry A--Bo 44 Br--G 45 H--Mi 46 Mo--Th 47 Ti--Y 9th Cavalry A--B 48 C--Gi 49 Gl--L 50 M--R 51 S--Wh 52 Wi--Y 10th Cavalry A--L 53 M--Y 10th (Diamond's) Cavalry A--Ch 54 Cl--I 55 J--Y 56 10th (Johnson's) Cavalry A--F 57 G--Ma 58 Mc--S 59 T--Y 11th Cavalry A--C 60 D--S 61 T--Y 12th Cavalry A--Cl 62 Co--I 63 J--Pa 64 Pe--Y 8th and 12th (Consolidated) Cavalry 65 13th Cavalry A--Cl 66 Co--Ha 67 He--Pa 68 Pe--Z 69 14th Cavalry 70 Capt. Corbin's Men Jessee's Battalion, Mounted Riflemen 71 Kirkpatrick's Battalion Morehead's Regiment (Partisan Rangers) Capt. Bolen's Independent Co., Cavalry Buckner Guards, Cavalry A--F 72 G--Y Capt. Dudley's Independent Cavalry Capt. Field's Co. (Partisan Rangers) Capt. Jenkins' Co., Cavalry 73 Morgan's Men Capt. Rowan's Co. (Partisan Rangers) 74 Capt. Thompson's Co., Cavalry Capt. Byrne's Co., Horse Artillery Capt. Cobb's Co., Light Artillery A--G 75 H--Y Capt. Corbett's Co., Artillery Green's Battery, Light Artillery Lt. McEnnis' Detachment, Artillery 76 1st Infantry A--D 77 E--K 78 L--Ri 79 Ro--Y 80 2d Mounted Infantry A--B 81 C--D 82 E--G 83 H--I 84 J--L 85 M--Mo 86 Mu--Re 87 Ri--Sp 88 St--Wa 89 We--Y 3d Mounted Infantry A--Be 90 Bi--Co 91 Cr--Gl 92 Go--Le 93 Li--Pe 94 Ph--Sm 95 Sn--Y 96 4th Mounted Infantry A--Bo 97 Br--Cr 98 Cu--F 99 G--Hi 100 Ho--Lo 101 Lu--N 102 O--Ro 103 Ru--Te 104 Th--Wh 105 Wi--Z 5th Mounted Infantry A 106 B 107 C 108 D--Gl 109 Go--H 110 I--Ma 111 Mc--Pi 112 Pl--Sm 113 Sn--V 114 W--Z 6th Mounted Infantry A--Bl 115 Bo--D 116 E--Je 117 Jo--N 118 O--Sm 119 Sn--Y 120 7th Mounted Infantry A--Cr 121 Cu--Hi 122 Ho--M 123 N--S 124 T--Z 8th Mounted Infantry A--Bo 125 Br--G 126 H--P 127 Q--Y 128 9th Mounted Infantry A--B 129 C--D 130 E--Ha 131 He--K 132 L--Mi 133 Mo--Re 134 Rh--Ta 135 Te--Z Ficklin's Battalion, Infantry 136 Miscellaneous, Kentucky Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers Who Served in Organizations From the State of Louisiana. M320. 414 rolls. 16mm. DP. The compiled service records reproduced in this microfilm publication are indexed on M378. Roll Description 1 1st Cavalry A--Cl 2 Co--Ga 3 Ge--J 4 K--Me 5 Mi--Ra 6 Re--Ta 7 Te--Z 1st Battalion, Cavalry (State Guards) 8 2d Cavalry A--Br 9 Bu--E 10 F--J 11 K--Mi 12 Mo--R 13 S--Z 2d Battalion, Cavalry (State Guards) 14 3d Cavalry 3d (Harrison's) Cavalry A--K 15 L--Z 16 3d (Wingfield's) Cavalry A--Di 17 Do--L 18 M--R 19 S--Y 20 4th Cavalry 21 5th Cavalry 22 6th Cavalry A--L 23 M--Z 24 7th Cavalry A--Re 25 Ri--Y 8th Cavalry A--N 26 O--Z 13th Battalion (Partisan Rangers) A--D 27 E--M 28 N--Y 18th Battalion, Cavalry 29 Ogden's Cavalry 30 Cavalry Squadron (Independent Rangers of Iberville), Militia Squadron Guides d'Orleans, Militia Mounted Rangers of Plaquemines, Militia Capt. Benjamin's Co., Cavalry 31 Capt. Bond's Co., Mounted Partisan Rangers Capt. Borge's Co. (Garnet Rangers), Militia Capt. Cagnolatti's Co., Cavalry (Chasseurs of Jefferson), Militia Capt. Cole's Co., Cavalry Capt. Delery's Co. (St. Bernard Horse Rifles), Militia Capt. Dreux's Cavalry, Co. A 32 Dubecq's Co., Cavalry Capt. Greenleaf's Co. (Orleans Light Horse), Cavalry 33 Capt. Lott's Co. (Carroll Dragoons), Cavalry Capt. Millaudon's Co. (Jefferson Mounted Guards) Capt. Miller's Independent Co., Mounted Rifles Capt. Norwood's Co. (Jeff Davis Rangers), Cavalry Capt. Nutt's Co. (Red River Rangers), Cavalry Capt. Webb's Co., Cavalry 34 1st Heavy Artillery A--Be 35 Bi--Br 36 Bu--Co 37 Cr--E 38 F--Go 39 Gr--I 40 J--La 41 Le--Me 42 Mi--Pe 43 Ph--Sa 44 Sc--Te 45 Th--Z 46 2d Battalion, Heavy Artillery 8th Battalion, Heavy Artillery A--K 47 L--Y 1st Field Battery, Artillery 48 2d Field Battery, Light Artillery 3d Battery (Benton's), Light Artillery 49 5th Field Battery (Pelican Light Artillery), Light Artillery 6th Field Battery (Grosse Tete Flying Artillery), Light Artillery Beauregard Battalion Battery, Artillery Bridge's Battery, Light Artillery Capt. Castellanos' Battery, Artillery 50 Capt. Fenner's Battery, Light Artillery 51 Capt. Green's Co. (Louisiana Guard Battery), Artillery A--R 52 S--W Capt. Guyol's Co. (Orleans Artillery), Artillery Capt. Holmes' Co., Light Artillery Capt. Hutton's Co. (Crescent Artillery, Co. A), Artillery A--H 53 I--Y Capt. Kean's Battery (Orleans Independent Artillery), Artillery 54 Capt. King's Battery, Artillery Lafayette Artillery, Militia Capt. Landry's Co. (Donaldsonville Artillery), Artillery A--K 55 L--W Capt. Le Gardeur, Jr.'s, Co. (Orleans Guard Battery), Light Artillery A--C 56 D--Z Capt. McPherson's Battery (Orleans Howitzers), Militia 57 Capt. Moody's Co. (Madison Light Artillery), Artillery A--K 58 L--Z Ordnance Detachment Pointe Coupee Artillery A--Bi 59 Bl--J 60 K--Y 61 Siege Train Battalion Watson's Battery, Artillery 62 Washington Battalion, Artillery A--Bo 63 Br--C 64 D--Fo 65 Fr--Hi 66 Ho--La 67 Le--Me 68 Mi--Pe 69 Pf--Sc 70 Se--U 71 V--Z 72 1st Infantry 1st (Nelligan's) Infantry A--Ba 73 Be--Ci 74 Cl--Do 75 Dr--Gl 76 Go--J 77 K--L 78 M 79 N--Ri 80 Ro--S 81 T--Z 82 1st (Strawbridge's) Infantry A--B 83 C--D 84 E--Ha 85 He--K 86 L--Mi 87 Mo--Re 88 Ri--S 89 T--Z 90 1st Reserves 1st Regiment, 2d Brigade, 1st Division, Militia 91 1st Regiment, 3d Brigade, 1st Division, Militia 1st Regiment, European Brigade, Militia 1st Regiment, French Brigade, Militia A--B 92 C--La 93 Le--Z 94 1st Native Guards, Militia A--G 95 H--Z 96 1st Chasseurs a pied, Militia 1st Battalion Infantry (State Guards) 97 1st (Rightor's) Special Battalion, Infantry A--F 98 G--M 99 N--Z 100 1st (Wheat's) Special Battalion, Infantry A--H 101 J--Y 102 2d Infantry A--Bo 103 Br--Co 104 Cr--Fo 105 Fr--G 106 H--Ji 107 Jo--L 108 M 109 N--Rh 110 Ri--Sn 111 So--Wh 112 Wi--Z 2d Regiment, 2d Brigade, 1st Division, Militia 113 2d Regiment, 3d Brigade, 1st Division, Militia 114 2d Reserve Corps 115 2d Regiment, French Brigade, Militia 116 3d Infantry A--B 117 C--D 118 E--Ha 119 He--K 120 L--Mo 121 Mu--R 122 S--T 123 U--Z 3d Regiment, European Brigade (Garde Francaise), Militia A--D 124 E--Z 125 3d Regiment, French Brigade, Militia A--O 126 P--Z 3d Regiment, 1st Brigade, 1st Division, Militia A--K 127 L--Z 128 3d Regiment, 2d Brigade, 1st Division, Militia 3d Regiment, 3d Brigade, 1st Division, Militia 129 4th Infantry A--B 130 C--De 131 Di--G 132 H--J 133 K--L 134 M--O 135 P--R 136 S--T 137 U--Z 138 4th Regiment, European Brigade, Militia A--L 139 M--Z 4th Regiment, French Brigade, Militia A--C 140 D--Z 141 4th Regiment, 1st Brigade, 1st Division, Militia A--Q 142 R--Z 4th Regiment, 2d Brigade, 1st Division, Militia 143 4th Regiment, 3d Brigade, 1st Division, Militia 4th Battalion, Infantry A--Bo 144 Br--F 145 G--L 146 M--R 147 S--Z 148 5th Infantry A--Br 149 Bu--Co 150 Cr--E 151 F--Go 152 Gr--Hi 153 Ho--Ko 154 Ku--L 155 M--Mo 156 Mu--Q 157 R--Sh 158 Si--T 159 V--Z 160 5th Regiment, European Brigade (Spanish Regiment), Militia A--F 161 G--Pa 162 Pe--Z 163 6th Infantry A--B 164 C 165 D--Fl 166 Fo--G 167 H--Ja 168 Je--Li 169 Lo--Me 170 Mi--O 171 P--R 172 S--Th 173 Ti--Z 174 6th Regiment, European Brigade (Italian Guards Battalion), Militia 175 7th Infantry A--Br 176 Bu--Cr 177 Cu--Fi 178 Fl--Ha 179 He--Ke 180 Ki--Ma 181 Mc--Mo 182 Mu--Re 183 Rh--Sp 184 St--V 185 W--Z 186 7th Battalion, Infantry 187 8th Infantry A--Bo 188 Br--Ce 189 Ch--Da 190 De--Em 191 En--Go 192 Gr--He 193 Hi--Ke 194 Ki--L 195 M--Mi 196 Mo--Og 197 Ol--Re 198 Rh--Sl 199 Sm--Th 200 Ti--Z 201 9th Infantry A--Bi 202 Bl--By 203 C--Co 204 Cr--E 205 F--G 206 H--Ho 207 Hu--K 208 L 209 M--Mi 210 Mo--Pe 211 Ph--R 212 S--Sp 213 St--Va 214 Vi--Z 215 9th Battalion, Infantry A--K 216 L--Z 217 10th Infantry A--Ca 218 Ch--E 219 F--H 220 I--L 221 M 222 N--R 223 S--V 224 W--Z 10th Battalion, Infantry A--C 225 D--Z 226 11th Infantry A--D 227 E--K 228 L--Q 229 R--Z 230 11th Battalion, Infantry A--E 231 F--La 232 Le--P 233 R--Z 234 12th Infantry A--Bo 235 Br--Co 236 Cr--Fo 237 Fr--Ha 238 He--J 239 K--L 240 M--Mo 241 Mu--Ra 242 Re--Si 243 Sk--U 244 V--Z 245 13th Infantry A--Ce 246 Ch--Fa 247 Fe--Ho 248 Hu--L 249 M--Mo 250 Mu--R 251 S--Tr 252 Tu--Z 13th and 20th Infantry 253 14th Infantry A--B 254 C--Cu 255 D--Fe 256 Fi--G 257 H--I 258 J--L 259 M--Me 260 Mi--N 261 O--Ri 262 Ro--Su 263 Sw--Z 264 14th (Austin's) Battalion, Sharp Shooters A--L 265 M--Y 266 15th Infantry A--Ch 267 Cl--Em 268 En--Ho 269 Hu--L 270 M--Ni 271 No--Sm 272 So--Z 15th (Weatherly's) Battalion, Sharp Shooters 273 16th Infantry A--Ca 274 Ch--D 275 E--Ha 276 He--Ke 277 Ki--Mi 278 Mo--Re 279 Rh--S 280 T--Z 281 16th Battalion, Infantry A--L 282 M--W 283 17th Infantry A--Ch 284 Cl--F 285 G--Je 286 Jo--Me 287 Mi--Ri 288 Ro--St 289 Su--Z 290 18th Infantry A--Bo 291 Br--C 292 D--F 293 G--I 294 J--L 295 M--Pi 296 Pl--Sh 297 Si--Z 298 Consolidated 18th Regiment and Yellow Jacket Battalion, Infantry A--C 299 D--L 300 M--Z 301 19th Infantry A--B 302 C--Fa 303 Fe--Ho 304 Hu--L 305 M--Pe 306 Ph--Sn 307 Sp--Z 308 20th Infantry A--B 309 C--D 310 E--Ha 311 He--La 312 Le--Mo 313 Mu--Ro 314 Ru--Te 315 Th--Z 316 21st (Kennedy's) Infantry A--R 317 S--Z 21st (Patton's) Infantry A--De 318 Di--Je 319 Jo--Mu 320 My--Sc 321 Se--Z 322 22d Infantry A--Co 323 Cr--He 324 Hi--Me 325 Mi--Se 326 Sh--Y 22d (Consolidated) Infantry A--B 327 C--J 328 K--Ra 329 Re--Z 330 25th Infantry A--Co 331 Cr--Ha 332 He--L 333 M--Q 334 R--Te 335 Th--Z 336 26th Infantry A--Ca 337 Ce--Gr 338 Gu--Me 339 Mh--Z 340 27th Infantry A--Ch 341 Cl--Fi 342 Fl--Ho 343 Hu--L 344 M--O 345 P--So 346 Sp--Z 347 28th (Gray's) Infantry A--Cl 348 Co--G 349 H--L 350 M--P 351 Q--V 352 W--Z 28th (Thomas') Infantry A--B 353 C--G 354 H--M 355 N--Y 356 30th Infantry A--B 357 C--Fa 358 Fe--J 359 K--M 360 N--Sa 361 Sc--Z 362 31st Infantry A--Co 363 Cr--G 364 H--L 365 M--P 366 R--Th 367 Ti--Y 368 Algiers Battalion, Militia Assumption Regiment, Militia Battalion British Fusileers, Militia Battalion French Volunteers, Militia Bonnabel Guards, Militia Beauregard Regiment, Militia Beauregard Battalion, Militia 369 Bragg's Battalion, Militia British Guard Battalion, Militia A--G 370 H--W Catahoula Battalion Cazadores Espanoles Regiment, Militia A--F 371 G--Z Chalmette Regiment, Militia A--B 372 C--L 373 M--Z 374 Claiborne Regiment, Militia Confederate Guards Regiment, Militia A--G 375 H--S 376 T--Y Consolidated Crescent Regiment, Infantry A--Ch 377 Ci--H 378 I--M 379 N--U 380 V--Z Continental Cadets, Militia Continental Regiment, Militia 381 Crescent Cadets, Militia Crescent Regiment, Infantry A--Ca 382 Ce--F 383 G--K 384 L--Q 385 R--S 386 T--Z 387 Fire Battalion, Militia A--R 388 S--Z Irish Regiment, Militia 389 Jackson Rifle Battalion, Militia Jeff Davis Regiment, Infantry La Fourche Regiment, Militia A--C 390 D--W 391 Leeds' Guards Battalion, Militia Lewis Regiment Lewis Guards, Militia 392 Louisiana and Government Employees Regiment Maddox's Regiment, Reserve Corps Mechanics Guard, Militia 393 Miles' Legion A--Di 394 Do--La 395 Le--Re 396 Rh--Z 397 Orleans Fire Regiment, Militia 398 Orleans Guards Regiment, Militia A--E 399 F--Me 400 Mi--Z 401 Pelican Regiment, Infantry Pointe Coupee Regiment, Militia Provisional Regiment, Louisiana Legion Red River Sharp Shooters Reserve Corps A--Me 402 Mi--Y Sabine Reserves St. James Regiment, Militia 403 St. John the Baptist Reserve Guards, Militia St. Martin's Regiment, Militia Terrebonne Regiment, Militia Vermillion Regiment, Militia Watkins' Battalion, Reserve Corps Weatherly's Battalion, Infantry 404 C. S. Zouave Battalion, Volunteers A--Da 405 De--G 406 H--L 407 M--R 408 S--Z 409 Capt. Barr's Independent Co. (Blakesley Guards), Militia Capt. Bickham's Co. (Caddo Militia) Capt. Brenan's Co. (Co. A, Shamrock Guards), Militia Conscripts, Louisiana A--O 410 P--Z French Co. of St. James, Militia Capt. Herrick's Co. (Orleans Blues) 411 Capt. Knap's Co. (Fausse River Guards), Militia Capt. Lartigue's Co. (Bienville Guards), Militia Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers Who Served in Organizations From the State of Maryland. M321. 22 rolls. 16mm. DP. The compiled service records reproduced in this microfilm publication are indexed on M379. Roll Description 1 1st Cavalry A--C 2 D--G 3 H--Ll 4 Lo--Q 5 R--St 6 Su--Z 7 2d Battalion, Cavalry A--La 8 Le--Z 9 1st Battery, Artillery A--O 10 P--Y 2d Battery, Artillery A--J 11 K--W 3d Battery, Artillery A--F 12 G--Z 13 4th Battery Artillery 14 1st Infantry A--D 15 E--L 16 M--R 17 S--Z 18 2d Battalion, Infantry A--D 19 E--Ka 20 Ke--Ph 21 Pi--Z 22 Weston's Battalion Capt. Walter's Co. (Zarvona Zouaves) Miscellaneous, Maryland Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers Who Served in Organizations From the State of Mississippi. M269. 427 rolls. 16mm. DP. The compiled service records reproduced in this microfilm publication are indexed on M232. Roll Description 1 1st Cavalry A--D 2 E--J 3 K--R 4 S--Z 5 1st Cavalry Reserves A--Q 6 R--Z 1st (McNair's) Battalion, Cavalry (State Troops) 7 1st (Miller's) Battalion, Cavalry 1st (Montgomery's) Battalion, Cavalry (State Troops) 1st Choctaw Battalion, Cavalry 8 2d Cavalry A--C 9 D--Hi 10 Ho--Mc 11 Me--S 12 T--Y 13 2d State Cavalry A--G 14 H--O 15 P--Y 16 2d Cavalry Reserves 2d Partisans 2d Partisan Rangers A--B 17 C--K 18 L--Sk 19 Sl--Y 2d (Harris') Battalion, State Cavalry A--M 20 N--W 2d Battalion Cavalry Reserves 3d Cavalry A--B 21 C--L 22 M--Z 3d Cavalry Reserves 23 3d Cavalry (State Troops) 24 3d (Ashcraft's) Battalion, Cavalry 3d (Cooper's) Battalion, State Cavalry 25 3d Battalion, Cavalry Reserves 4th Cavalry A--C 26 D--M 27 N--Y 4th Cavalry, Militia 28 4th Battalion, Cavalry 29 5th Cavalry A--J 30 K--Y 31 6th Cavalry A--K 32 L--Y 33 6th Battalion, Cavalry 7th Cavalry A--F 34 G--L 35 M--R 36 S--Y 37 8th Cavalry A--J 38 K--Y 39 9th Cavalry 40 10th Cavalry A--G 41 H--M 42 N--Y 43 11th (Perrin's) Cavalry A--K 44 L--Y 45 11th (Ashcraft's) Cavalry 11th (Consolidated) Cavalry 12th Cavalry A--E 46 F--O 47 P--Y 48 17th Battalion, Cavalry 49 18th Cavalry A--G 50 H--M 51 N--Y 24th Battalion, Cavalry A--B 52 C--Y 53 28th Cavalry A--B 54 C--E 55 F--He 56 Hi--K 57 L--Me 58 Mi--Q 59 R--Sl 60 Sm--V 61 W--Y 62 38th Cavalry A--C 63 D--H 64 I--P 65 R--Z 66 Jeff Davis Legion, Cavalry A--Cl 67 Co--F 68 G--K 69 L--M 70 N--Sp 71 St--Z 72 Davenport's Battalion, Cavalry (State Troops) Capt. Abbott's Co., Cavalry Capt. Armistead's Co., Partisan Rangers Capt. Bowen's Co. (Chulahoma Cavalry) Capt. Brown's Co. (Foster Creek Rangers), Cavalry Capt. Buck's Co., Cavalry Butler's Co., Cavalry Reserves 73 Capt. Drane's Co. (Choctaw County Reserves), Cavalry Capt. Duncan's Co. (Tishomingo Rangers), Cavalry Capt. Dunn's Co. (Mississippi Rangers), Cavalry Capt. Foote's Co., Mounted Men Capt. Gamblin's Co., Cavalry (State Troops) Garland's Battalion, Cavalry Capt. Garley's Co. (Yazoo Rangers), Cavalry Capt. Gibson's Co., Cavalry Capt. Grace's Co., Cavalry (State Troops) 74 Capt. Grave's Co. (Copiah Horse Guards) Capt. Hamer's Co. (Salem Cavalry) Ham's Regiment, Cavalry A--G 75 H--S 76 T--Y Hughes' Battalion, Cavalry 77 Capt. Knox's Co. (Stonewall Rangers), Cavalry Capt. Maxey's Co., Mounted Infantry (State Troops) Capt. Maxwell's Co. (State Troops) (Peach Creek Rangers) Mitchell's Co., Cavalry Reserves Capt. Montgomery's Independent Company (State Troops) (Herndon Rangers) Capt. Montgomery's Co. of Scouts Capt. Morphis' Independent Co. of Scouts Capt. Nash's Co. (Leake Rangers) Perrin's Battalion, State Cavalry A--K 78 L--Y Capt. Polk's Independent Co. (Polk Rangers), Cavalry Power's Regiment, Cavalry 79 Capt. Rhodes' Co., Partisan Rangers, Cavalry Capt. Russell's Co., Cavalry Capt. Semple's Co., Cavalry Capt. Shelby's Co. (Bolivar Greys), Cavalry Capt. Smyth's Co., Partisan Rangers Capt. Stewart's Co. (Yalobusha Rangers) Stockdale's Battalion, Cavalry 80 Street's Battalion, Cavalry Stabb's Battalion, State Cavalry Terrell's Unattached Co., Cavalry Capt. Vivion's Co., Cavalry William's Co., Cavalry Capt. Wilson's Independent Co., Mounted Men (Neshoba Rangers) Yerger's Regiment, Cavalry 81 1st Light Artillery A--Bl 82 Bo--Cl 83 Co--Do 84 Dr--Go 85 Gr--Hi 86 Ho--K 87 L--Mc 88 Me--Po 89 Pr--Si 90 Sk--Tw 91 Ty--Y 92 14th Battalion, Light Artillery A--P 93 R--Y Capt. Bradford's Co. (Confederate Guards Artillery) A--K 94 L--Y Byrne's Battery, Artillery Capt. Cook's Co., Horse Artillery Culbertson's Battery, Light Artillery Capt. Darden's Co., Light Artillery (Jefferson Artillery) A--L 95 M--W Capt. English's Co., Light Artillery Capt. Graves' Co., Light Artillery (Issaquena Artillery) Capt. Hoole's Co., Light Artillery (Hudson Battery) A--G 96 H--Y Capt. Hoskins' Battery, Light Artillery (Brookhaven Light Artillery) Capt. Kittrell's Co. (Wesson Artillery), Artillery 97 Capt. Lomax's Co., Light Artillery Capt. Merrin's Battery, Light Artillery Capt. Richards' Co., Light Artillery (Madison Light Artillery) A--M 98 N--Y Capt. Roberts' Co. (Seven Stars Artillery), Artillery Capt. Stanford's Co., Light Artillery A--C 99 D--W Capt. Swett's Co., Light Artillery (Warren Light Artillery) A--O 100 P--W Capt. Turner's Co., Light Artillery Capt. Yates' Battery, Light Artillery 101 1st (Foote's) Infantry (State Troops) 1st (Johnston's) Infantry A--Go 102 Gr--M 103 N--Y 104 1st (King's) Infantry (State Troops) A--K 105 L--Y 106 1st (Patton's) Infantry (Army of 10,000) 107 1st (Percy's) Infantry (Army of 10,000) 1st Battalion, Infantry (Army of 10,000) 108 1st State Troops, Infantry, 1864 1st Battalion, State Troops, Infantry, 12 months, 1862--63 A--O 109 P--Y 1st Battalion, State Troops, Infantry, 30 days, 1864 110 1st Battalion, Sharp Shooters A--O 111 P--Y 1st Infantry 2d Infantry A 112 Ba--Br 113 Bu--Con 114 Coo--E 115 F--G 116 Ha--Ho 117 Hu--La 118 Le--McG 119 McH--O 120 P--R 121 S--St 122 Su--We 123 Wh--Y 2d Mississippi Infantry (Army of 10,000) 124 2d Battalion, Infantry A--P 125 R--Z 2d (Davidson's) Infantry (Army of 10,000) A--O 126 P--Y 2d (Quinn's) Infantry (State Troops) A--Q 127 R--Z 2d Battalion, Infantry (State Troops) 128 2d State Troops, Infantry, 30 days, 1864 129 3d Infantry (State Troops) A--R 130 S--Y 3d Infantry A--B 131 C--F 132 G--K 133 L--O 134 P--Sp 135 St--Z 3d Infantry (Army of 10,000) 136 3d Battalion, Infantry A--E 137 F--K 138 L--Q 139 R--We 140 Wh--Y 3d Battalion, Infantry (State Troops) A--Ha 141 He--Y 142 3d Battalion, Reserves 4th Infantry A--Co 143 Cr--Hi 144 Ho--Mi 145 Mo--Sh 146 Sm--Y 147 4th Infantry (State Troops) 5th Infantry A--C 148 D--Hi 149 Ho--Mc 150 Me--R 151 S--Y 152 5th Battalion, Infantry 5th Infantry (State Troops) A--D 153 E--M 154 N--Y 155 6th Infantry A--E 156 F--Li 157 Lo--Ri 158 Ro--We 159 Wh--Y 7th Infantry A--B 160 C--E 161 F--I 162 J--Mi 163 Mo--Sa 164 Sc--Z 165 7th Battalion, Infantry A--Go 166 Gr--O 167 P--Y 168 8th Infantry A--Cl 169 Co--F 170 G--K 171 L--O 172 P--Sn 173 So--Y 8th Battalion, Infantry 174 9th Infantry A--Br 175 Bu--Do 176 Dr--Ha 177 He--K 178 L--Mc 179 Me--P 180 Q--Sp 181 Sr--We 182 Wh--Z 9th Battalion Sharp Shooters A--G 183 H--Y 184 10th Infantry A--B 185 C--D 186 E--G 187 H--Le 188 Li--O 189 P--Sti 190 Sto--Y 191 11th Infantry A--Br 192 Bu--D 193 E--G 194 H--I 195 J--L 196 M--Mi 197 Mo--Pe 198 Ph--R 199 S--Te 200 Th--Z 201 12th Infantry A--Bra 202 Bre--C 203 D--F 204 G--Ha 205 He--K 206 L--Mc 207 Me--Pe 208 Ph--Si 209 Sl--V 210 W--Z 13th Infantry A 211 B 212 C 213 D--F 214 G--He 215 Hi--K 216 L--Mc 217 Me--Pa 218 Pe--Se 219 Sh--T 220 U--Z 221 14th Infantry A--Ca 222 Ch--E 223 F--H 224 I--Ma 225 Mc--O 226 P--Sp 227 St--Wh 228 Wi--Z 14th (Consolidated) Infantry 229 15th Infantry A--B 230 C--D 231 E--Ha 232 He--L 233 M--O 234 P--Se 235 Sh--T 236 U--Z 15th (Consolidated) Infantry 237 15th Battalion, Sharp Shooters 16th Infantry A 238 B--Bo 239 Br--Con 240 Coo--D 241 E--Gl 242 Go--Hi 243 Ho--K 244 L--Ma 245 Mc--My 246 N--Ri 247 Ro--Sn 248 So--V 249 W--Z 250 17th Infantry A--Bl 251 Bo--Ch 252 Cl--De 253 Di--F 254 G--Ha 255 He--J 256 K--L 257 M--Mi 258 Mo--Pa 259 Pe--R 260 S--St 261 Su--Wa 262 We--Y 263 18th Infantry A--Bl 264 Bo--By 265 Ca--Coo 266 Cop--D 267 E--Gl 268 Go--Ha 269 He--J 270 K--L 271 M 272 N--Q 273 R--Sl 274 Sm--Ti 275 To--Z 276 19th Infantry A--Bo 277 Br--Co 278 Cr--F 279 G--He 280 Hi--J 281 K--Ma 282 Mc--N 283 O--Ri 284 Ro--Sp 285 St--V 286 W--Z 287 20th Infantry A--B 288 C--E 289 F--H 290 I--Mo 291 Mu--Sh 292 Si--Z 293 21st Infantry A--Bo 294 Br--C 295 D--Gl 296 Go--Je 297 Jo--Ma 298 Mc--O 299 P--Sh 300 Si--Th 301 Ti--Y 302 22d Infantry A--Cl 303 Co--Ge 304 Gi--H 305 I--Mc 306 Me--R 307 S--We 308 Wh--Z 23d Infantry A--C 309 D--I 310 J--M 311 N--Sh 312 Si--Y 313 24th Infantry A--Co 314 Cr--G 315 H--Li 316 Lo--O 317 P--Sp 318 St--Y 319 25th Infantry 320 26th Infantry A--Cl 321 Co--G 322 H--L 323 M--Pl 324 Po--Sn 325 So--Y 326 27th Infantry A--Ca 327 Ch--G 328 H--L 329 M--Pe 330 Ph--Sm 331 Sn--Y 332 29th Infantry A--C 333 D--I 334 J--M 335 N--Sm 336 So--Y 337 30th Infantry A--D 338 E--Le 339 Li--Q 340 R--Y 341 31st Infantry A--Ch 342 Co--Ge 343 Gi--K 344 L--N 345 O--Sl 346 Sm--Y 347 32d Infantry A--D 348 E--K 349 L--Ri 350 Ro--Y 351 33d Infantry A--D 352 E--J 353 K--M 354 N--Sl 355 Sm--Y 356 34th Infantry A--Cl 357 Co--He 358 Hi--Mi 359 Mo--Sh 360 Si--Y 361 35th Infantry A--Cl 362 Co--Go 363 Gr--Ke 364 Ki--N 365 O--Sl 366 Sm--Y 367 36th Infantry A--C 368 D--Ho 369 Hu--M 370 N--Sm 371 So--Z 372 37th Infantry A--Ch 373 Cl--G 374 H--La 375 Le--N 376 O--Sn 377 Sp--Y 378 39th Infantry A--G 379 H--M 380 N--U 381 V--Y 40th Infantry A--Ch 382 Cl--Ha 383 He--Ma 384 Mc--Sa 385 Sc--Y 386 41st Infantry A--Ca 387 Ch--Go 388 Gr--J 389 K--M 390 N--Se 391 Sh--Z 392 42d Infantry A--Ca 393 Ch--E 394 F--H 395 I--Mc 396 Me--P 397 Q--S 398 T--Y 399 43d Infantry A--Ch 400 Cl--F 401 G--H 402 I--Mc 403 Me--Ra 404 Re--S 405 T--Y 406 44th Infantry A--Cl 407 Co--Ha 408 He--McI 409 McK--Sh 410 Si--Y 411 46th Infantry A--De 412 Di--K 413 L--R 414 S--Z 415 48th Infantry A--B 416 C--D 417 E--He 418 Hi--L 419 M 420 N--R 421 S 422 T--Z 423 Capt. Adair's Co. (Lodi Co.) Capt. Adam's Co. (Holmes County Independent) Capt. Applewhite's Co. (Vaiden Guards) Capt. Barnes' Co. of Home Guards Capt. Barr's Co. Capt. Berry's Co., Infantry (Reserves) Blythe's Battalion (State Troops) Capt. Burt's Independent Co. (Dixie Guards) Camp Guard (Camp of Instruction for Conscripts) 424 Capt. Clayton's Co. (Jasper Defenders) Capt. Comfort's Co., Infantry Conscripts, Mississippi Capt. Condrey's Co. (Bull Mountain Invincibles) Capt. Cooper's Co., Infantry Capt. Drane's Co. (Choctaw Silver Greys) Capt. Fant's Co. Capt. Gage's Co. Capt. Gage's Co. (Wigfall Guards) Gillenland's Battalion (State Troops) Capt. Gordon's Co. (Local Guard of Wilkinson County) 425 Capt. Grace's Co. (State Troops) Capt. Griffin's Co. (Madison Guards) Capt. Hall's Co. Capt. Henley's Co. (Henley's Invincibles) Capt. Hightower's Co. Hinds County Militia Capt. Hudson's Co. (Noxubee Guards) Capt. Lewis' Co., Infantry Capt. McCord's Co. (Slate Springs Co.) Capt. McLelland's Co. (Noxubee Home Guards) Capt. T. P. Montgomery's Co. Capt. Moore's Co. (Palo Alto Guards) 426 Capt. Morgan's Co. (Morgan Riflemen) Moseley's Regiment Capt. Packer's Co. (Pope Guards) Capt. Page's Co. (Lexington Guards) Capt. Patton's Co. (State Troops) Capt. D. J. Red's Co., Infantry (Red Rebels) Capt. S. W. Red's Co. (State Troops) Capt. Roach's Co. (Tippah Scouts) Capt. Roger's Co. Capt. Shield's Co. Capt. Standefer's Co. Lt. Stricklin's Co. (State Troops) Capt. Taylor's Co. (Boomerangs) Capt. Terry's Co. 427 Capt. Walsh's Co. (Muckalusha Guards) Wilkinson County Minute Men Capt. Kershaw Williams' Co. (Gray Port Greys) Capt. Thomas William's Co. Capt. Wilson's Co. (Ponticola Guards) Capt. Withers' Co., Reserve Corps Capt. Yerger's Co. (State Troops) Miscellaneous, Mississippi Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers Who Served in Organizations From the State of Missouri. M322. 193 rolls. 16mm. DP. The compiled service records reproduced in this microfilm publication are indexed on M380. Roll Description 1 1st Cavalry A--Bo 2 Br--C 3 D--Go 4 Gr--I 5 J--L 6 M--N 7 O--Sm 8 Sn--U 9 V--Y 10 1st Northeast Cavalry A--B 11 C--F 12 G--K 13 L--N 14 O--S 15 T--Y 16 1st and 3d (Consolidated) Cavalry 17 2d Cavalry A--C 18 D--H 19 I--Me 20 Mi--S 21 T--Z 2d Northeast Cavalry (Franklin's Regiment) 22 3d Cavalry A--C 23 D--Ha 24 He--Me 25 Mi--Sp 26 St--Y 27 3d Battalion, Cavalry A--D 28 E--I 29 J--N 30 O--Sn 31 So--Z 32 4th Cavalry A--C 33 D--H 34 I--O 35 P--S 36 T--Z 37 5th Cavalry A--C 38 D--H 39 I--Q 40 R--Y 41 6th Cavalry A--C 42 D--I 43 J--P 44 Q--Y 45 7th Cavalry A--D 46 E--K 47 L--R 48 S--Y 49 8th Cavalry A--C 50 D--Hi 51 Ho--Mi 52 Mo--Sn 53 So--Y 54 9th (Elliott's) Cavalry A--J 55 K--Z 56 10th Cavalry A--G 57 H--Pi 58 Po--Z 59 12th Cavalry A--F 60 G--M 61 N--Y 62 15th Cavalry A--L 63 M--Y 64 Boone's Regiment, Mounted Infantry Clardy's Battalion, Cavalry Coffee's Regiment, Cavalry A--F 65 G--Y Coleman's Regiment, Cavalry A--L 66 M--Y Davies' Battalion, Cavalry Ford's Battalion, Cavalry A--L 67 M--W Freeman's Regiment, Cavalry A--C 68 D--M 69 N--Y 70 Fristoe's Regiment, Cavalry A--M 71 N--Z Hunter's Regiment, Cavalry Jackman's Regiment, Cavalry Lawther's Partisan Rangers 72 Lawther's Temporary Regiment, Dismounted Cavalry Poindexter's Regiment, Cavalry A--P 73 Q--Y Preston's Battalion, Cavalry 74 Schnabel's Battalion, Cavalry Shaw's Battalion, Cavalry 75 Slayback's Regiment, Cavalry 76 Snider's Battalion, Cavalry 77 Williams' Regiment, Cavalry 78 Wood's Regiment, Cavalry A--L 79 M--Y 80 Capt. Beck's Co., Cavalry Capt. Hick's Co., Cavalry Capt. Hobbs' Co., Cavalry Capt. Stallard's Co., Cavalry Capt. Woodson's Co., Cavalry 81 1st Battery, Light Artillery 82 3d Battery, Light Artillery 83 13th Battery, Light Artillery 1st Field Battery, Light Artillery 2d Field Battery, Light Artillery 84 3d Field Battery, Light Artillery 4th (Harris') Field Battery, Light Artillery 85 Capt. Barret's Co., Light Artillery 86 Capt. H. M. Bledsoe's Co., Light Artillery Capt. Joseph Bledsoe's Co., Artillery 87 Capt. Farris' Battery, Light Artillery (Clark Artillery) 88 Lt. Hamilton's (Prairie Gun) Battery, Light Artillery Capt. Landis' Co., Light Artillery A--H 89 J--Y Capt. Lowe's Co., Artillery (Jackson Battery) 90 Capt. McDonald's Co., Light Artillery Capt. Parson's Co., Light Artillery Capt. von Phul's Co., Light Artillery 91 Capt. Walsh's Co., Light Artillery 92 1st Infantry A--C 93 D--G 94 H--L 95 M--Q 96 R--V 97 W--Z 1st Battalion, Infantry 98 1st and 4th (Consolidated) Infantry A--B 99 C--E 100 F--I 101 J--M 102 N--R 103 S--Z 104 2d Infantry A--B 105 C 106 D--F 107 G--Ho 108 Hu--L 109 M--N 110 O--Se 111 Sh--T 112 U--Z 113 2d and 6th (Consolidated) Infantry 3d Infantry A--Bi 114 Bl--Co 115 Cr--Fu 116 G--I 117 J--Me 118 Mi--Rh 119 Ri--Ta 120 Te--Z 121 3d Battalion, Infantry A--O 122 P--Y 3d and 5th (Consolidated) Infantry 123 4th Infantry A--C 124 D--H 125 I--N 126 O--Y 127 5th Infantry A--Ca 128 Ch--Go 129 Gr--J 130 K--M 131 N--Sl 132 Sm--Y 133 6th Infantry A--Ca 134 Ce--F 135 Ga--J 136 K--M 137 N--R 138 S--Z 139 7th Infantry 8th Infantry A--Ch 140 Cl--G 141 H--Me 142 Mi--Si 143 Sk--Z 144 8th Battalion, Infantry A--J 145 K--Z 146 9th Infantry A--F 147 G--M 148 N--Z 149 9th Battalion, Sharp Shooters 150 10th Infantry A--B 151 C--F 152 G--J 153 K--Mi 154 Mo--Sn 155 So--Y 156 11th Infantry A--Cl 157 Co--Gi 158 Gl--K 159 L--O 160 P--Sm 161 Sn--Z 162 12th Infantry A--Di 163 Do--K 164 L--Po 165 Pr--Z 166 16th Infantry A--Cl 167 Co--F 168 G--I 169 J--M 170 N--Sn 171 So--Y 172 Clark's Regiment, Infantry A--G 173 H--R 174 S--Y Dorsey's Regiment Douglas' Regiment Parsons' Regiment 175 Perkins' Battalion, Infantry 176 Phelan's Regiment Searcy's Battalion, Sharp Shooters A--P 177 R--Z Thompson's Command Winston's Regiment, Infantry 178 State Guard A--Bi 179 Bl--By 180 C--Cr 181 Cu--E 182 F--G 183 H--Hi 184 Ho--J 185 K--L 186 M--Mi 187 Mo--Pe 188 Ph--Ri 189 Ro--Sm 190 Sn--Th 191 Ti--Wa 192 We--Z 193 Quantrill's Co. Miscellaneous, Missouri Compiled Service Records (cont.) Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers Who Served in Organizations From the State of North Carolina. M270. 580 rolls. 16mm. DP. The compiled service records reproduced in this microfilm publication are indexed on M230. Roll Description 1 1st Cavalry (9th State Troops) A--Ba Be--Ch 3 Cl--D 4 E--Go 5 Gr--I 6 J--Ma 7 Mc--Pa 8 Pe--Se 9 Sh--T 10 U--Y 11 2d Cavalry (19th State Troops) A--Bo 12 Br--C 13 D--G 14 H--K 15 L--O 16 P--Rog 17 Ros--Th 18 Ti--Z 19 3d Cavalry (41st State Troops) A--B 20 C--F 21 G--H 22 I--Mi 23 Mo--Q 24 R--Ste 25 Sti--Y 26 4th Cavalry (59th State Troops) A--Br 27 Bu--Fe 28 Fi--H 29 I--M 30 N--Sl 31 Sm--Y 32 5th Cavalry (63d State Troops) A--Ch 33 Cl--F 34 G--H 35 I--Mc 36 Me--Q 37 R--S 38 T--Z 39 5th Battalion, Cavalry 40 6th Cavalry (65th State Troops) A--F 41 G--M 42 N--Z 43 7th Battalion, Cavalry 44 8th Battalion, Partisan Rangers A--S 45 T--Y 12th Battalion, Cavalry 14th Battalion, Cavalry 46 15th Battalion, Cavalry, State Service 16th Battalion, Cavalry Capt. Howard's Co. (Local Defense), Cavalry McRae's Battalion, Cavalry Capt. Swindell's Co., Partisan Rangers 47 1st Battalion, Heavy Artillery A--K 48 L--S 49 T--W 1st Artillery (10th State Troops) A--Ba 50 Be--By 51 C 52 D--F 53 G--He 54 Hi--J 55 K--Ma 56 Mc--N 57 O--Q 58 R--Se 59 Sh--Th 60 Ti--Z 61 2d Artillery (36th State Troops) A--Br 62 Bu--D 63 E--Ha 64 He--L 65 M--O 66 P--R 67 S 68 T--Z 69 3d Artillery (40th State Troops) A--Br 70 Bu--C 71 D--Ga 72 Ge--H 73 I--Le 74 Li--Mi 75 Mo--P 76 Q--So 77 Sp--Wai 78 Wal--Z 79 3d Battalion, Light Artillery A--G 80 H--N 81 O--W 82 10th Battalion, Heavy Artillery A--F 83 G--L 84 M--U 85 V--Y 13th Battalion, Light Artillery A--B 86 C--G 87 H--O 88 P--V 89 W--Y Capt. Moseley's Co. (Sampson Artillery) 90 1st Infantry A--Bo 91 Br--Cl 92 Co--E 93 F--Ha 94 He--J 95 K--Ma 96 Mc--Pa 97 Pe--Se 98 Sh--U 99 V--Z 100 1st Infantry, 6 months, 1861 A--G 101 H--O 102 P--Z 103 1st Junior Reserves A--J 104 K--V 105 W--Y 1st Detailed Men 1st Battalion, Junior Reserves 1st Regiment, Militia 106 2d Infantry A--Bre 107 Bri--Co 108 Cr--F 109 G--Hi 110 Ho--K 111 L--M 112 N--R 113 S--Te 114 Th-Y 115 2d Battalion, Infantry A--C 116 D--I 117 J--O 118 P--T 119 U--Z 2d Detailed Men 2d Junior Reserves A--E 120 F--S 121 T--Y 2d Conscripts 2d Battalion, Local Defense Troops A--G 122 H--W 123 3d Infantry A--Bl 124 Bo--Ce 125 Ch--D 126 E--G 127 H--I 128 J--L 129 M 130 N--P 131 Q--Sh 132 Si--Ti 133 To--Y 134 3d Junior Reserves A--M 135 N--Y 3d Battalion, Senior Reserves 136 4th Infantry A--Br 137 Bu--E 138 F--H 139 I--Ma 140 Mc--P 141 R--S 142 T--Y 143 4th Senior Reserves A--S 144 T--Y 4th Battalion, Junior Reserves 145 5th Infantry A--Be 146 Bh--Ch 147 Cl--D 148 E--Gl 149 Go--Hi 150 Ho--J 151 K--Ma 152 Mc--O 153 P--Rh 154 Ri--Sl 155 Sm--T 156 U--Y 157 5th Senior Reserves A--R 158 S--Y 6th Infantry A--Ba 159 Be--Ca 160 Ch--D 161 E--He 162 Hi--K 163 L--Mc 164 Me--Pa 165 Pe--R 166 S 167 T--Wa 168 We--Z 169 6th Senior Reserves 170 7th Infantry A--Bl 171 Bo--Co 172 Cr--Fl 173 Fo--He 174 Hi--K 175 L--Mc 176 Me--Pe 177 Ph--Sk 178 Sm--U 179 V--Y 180 7th Senior Reserves 181 7th Battalion, Junior Reserves 8th Infantry A--Ba 182 Be--C 183 D--G 184 H--J 185 K--M 186 N--Sl 187 Sm--Z 188 8th Senior Reserves 189 8th Battalion, Junior Reserves 9th (1st) Battalion, Sharp Shooters A--G 190 H--W 191 11th (Bethel Regiment) Infantry A--Bo 192 Br--Cl 193 Co--E 194 F--Har 195 Has--Ke 196 Ki--McL 197 McM--Pi 198 Po--Sl 199 Sm--V 200 W--Y 201 12th Infantry A--Bo 202 Br--Co 203 Cr--E 204 F--Ha 205 He--K 206 L--M 207 N--Q 208 R--Sm 209 Sn--Wa 210 We--Y 211 13th Infantry A--Bo 212 Br--C 213 D--F 214 G--Hi 215 Ho--K 216 L--Me 217 Mi--P 218 R--Sm 219 Sn--V 220 W--Y 221 13th Battalion, Infantry A--R 222 S--Y 14th Infantry A--Bi 223 Bl--D 224 E--G 225 H--I 226 J--L 227 M--O 228 P--Sh 229 Si--V 230 W--Z 231 15th Infantry A--Bo 232 Br--C 233 D--Go 234 Gr--Hi 235 Ho--La 236 Le--Mi 237 Mo--Ph 238 Pi--Sm 239 So--V 240 W--Z 241 16th Infantry A--B 242 C--D 243 E--Ha 244 He--K 245 L--Mi 246 Mo--Ro 247 Ru--Te 248 Th--Y 249 17th Infantry (1st Organization) A--H 250 J--Y 251 17th Infantry (2d Organization) A--B 252 C--E 253 F--Har 254 Has--K 255 L--M 256 N--Ri 257 Ro--Ta 258 Te--Y 259 18th Infantry A--Bo 260 Br--Cl 261 Co--F 262 G--Ho 263 Hu--L 264 Ma--Mi 265 Mo--P 266 Q--Sh 267 Sm--T 268 U--Y 269 20th Infantry A--Bo 270 Br--Co 271 Cr--F 272 G--Hi 273 Ho--Le 274 Li--O 275 P--Si 276 Sk--V 277 W--Y 278 21st Infantry A--Bo 279 Br--E 280 F--H 281 I--Mc 282 Me--P 283 R--St 284 Su--Z 285 22d Infantry A--B 286 C 287 D--G 288 H--K 289 L--M 290 N--R 291 S--Te 292 Th--Z 293 23d Infantry A--B 294 C 295 D--F 296 G--Hi 297 Ho--K 298 L--Mi 299 Mo--Q 300 R--Se 301 Sh--T 302 U--Y 303 24th Infantry A--Be 304 Bi--Cl 305 Co--El 306 Em--G 307 H--I 308 J--L 309 M--Mo 310 Mu--Ri 311 Ro--T 312 V--Z 313 25th Infantry A--Br 314 Bu--C 315 D--F 316 G--Hi 317 Ho--Li 318 Lo--Mi 319 Mo--Pl 320 Po--Se 321 Sh--V 322 W--Z 323 26th Infantry A--Bo 324 Br--Cl 325 Co--E 326 F--Hi 327 Ho--K 328 L--Mc 329 Me--P 330 R--Sm 331 Sn--T 332 U--Z 333 27th Infantry A--B 334 C--E 335 F--He 336 Hi--K 337 L--M 338 N--Q 339 R--Sp 340 St--Wa 341 We--Y 342 28th Infantry A--Bo 343 Br--Co 344 Cr--F 345 G--Hi 346 Ho--K 347 L--Ma 348 Mc--O 349 P--R 350 S 351 T--Y 352 29th Infantry A--G 353 H--Pa 354 Pe--Z 355 30th Infantry A--Bo 356 Br--C 357 D--Go 358 Gr--J 359 K--Mi 360 Mo--P 361 R--S 362 T--Y 363 31st Infantry A--E 364 F--Le 365 Li--P 366 R--Wh 367 Wi--Y 32d Infantry A--Bi 368 Bl--Cl 369 Co--D 370 E--G 371 H--Je 372 Jo--L 373 M--O 374 P--R 375 S 376 T--Z 377 33d Infantry A--Bo 378 Br--Co 379 Cr--F 380 G--He 381 Hi--Le 382 Li--M 383 N--Ri 384 Ro--S 385 T--Z 33d Militia 386 34th Infantry A--Ce 387 Ch--F 388 G--I 389 J--Mc 390 Me--Rh 391 Ri--Ti 392 To--Z 393 35th Infantry A--Ca 394 Ch--F 395 G--I 396 J--Mc 397 Me--Sh 398 Si--Z 399 37th Infantry A--Bl 400 Bo--Co 401 Cr--F 402 G--Hi 403 Ho--L 404 M--O 405 P--R 406 S--Te 407 Th--Y 408 38th Infantry A--B 409 C--D 410 E--Hi 411 Ho--L 412 M 413 N--Se 414 Sh--We 415 Wh--Y 39th Infantry A--Ca 416 Ce--Hi 417 Ho--P 418 Q--Z 419 42d Infantry A--B 420 C--D 421 E--G 422 H--J 423 K--Me 424 Mi--Ri 425 Ro--S 426 T--Y 427 43d Infantry A--Bo 428 Br--C 429 D--G 430 H--J 431 K--Mc 432 Me--Ri 433 Ro--Th 434 Ti--Y 435 44th Infantry A--Ch 436 Cl--F 437 G--J 438 K--M 439 N--R 440 S 441 T--Y 442 45th Infantry A--B 443 C--D 444 E--Ha 445 He--J 446 K--Ma 447 Mc--Pe 448 Ph--Sl 449 Sm--Wal 450 Wam--Y 451 46th Infantry A--B 452 C--F 453 G--Ho 454 Hu--L 455 M 456 N--R 457 S--Te 458 Th--Y 459 47th Infantry A--B 460 C--E 461 F--Hi 462 Ho--L 463 M--Pe 464 Ph--Tha 465 Tho--Y 466 48th Infantry A--B 467 C--E 468 F--He 469 Hi--La 470 Le--M 471 N--Se 472 Sh--Wa 473 We--Y 49th Infantry A--Bi 474 Bl--C 475 D--F 476 G--I 477 J--McF 478 McG--P 479 Q--S 480 T--Y 481 50th Infantry A--B 482 C--G 483 H--L 484 M--Sp 485 St--Y 486 51st Infantry A--Br 487 Bu--E 488 F--Hi 489 Ho--L 490 Ma--Me 491 Mi--Q 492 R--Sp 493 St--Wa 494 We--Z 51st Militia 52d Infantry A--Bi 495 Bl--C 496 D--G 497 H--K 498 L--O 499 P--Si 500 Sm--Z 501 53d Infantry A--B 502 C--E 503 F--Hi 504 Ho--Le 505 Li--M 506 N--R 507 S--T 508 V--Z 54th Infantry A--B 509 C--F 510 G--K 511 L--O 512 P--Sh 513 Si--Y 514 55th Infantry A--Cl 515 Co--G 516 H--M 517 N--S 518 T--Y 519 56th Infantry A--B 520 C--Fa 521 Fe--Hi 522 Ho--L 523 M--Pi 524 Po--S 525 T--Y 526 57th Infantry A--B 527 C--D 528 E--G 529 H--Ke 530 Ki--Mi 531 Mo--P 532 R--Sr 533 St--Z 534 58th Infantry A--Co 535 Cr--Ha 536 He--Mi 537 Mo--Sl 538 Sm--Y 539 60th Infantry A--D 540 E--K 541 L--Q 542 R--V 543 W--Y 61st Infantry A--Bi 544 Bl--C 545 D--Ha 546 He--La 547 Le--N 548 O--Si 549 Sk--Y 550 62d Infantry A--C 551 D--H 552 I--N 553 O--S 554 T--Z 64th Infantry (11th Battalion, Allen's Regiment) A--B 555 C--G 556 H--Mc 557 Me--R 558 S--Y 559 66th Infantry (8th Battalion, Partisan Rangers; 13th Battalion A--C 560 D--I 561 J--O 562 P--S 563 T--Y Capt. J. W. Whitman's Co., 66th Battalion, Militia 564 67th Infantry 565 68th Infantry Clark's Special Battalion, Militia 566 Cumberland County Battalion, Detailed Men Hill's Battalion, Reserves Mallett's Battalion (Camp Guard) A--P 567 Q--Y McCorkle's Battalion, Senior Reserves McLean's Battalion, Light Duty Men Thomas' Legion A--Bl 568 Bo--C 569 D--Ha 570 He--L 571 M--O 572 P--Se 573 Sh--Ti 574 To--Z 575 Capt. Allen's Co. (Local Defense) Capt. Bank's Co. (Currituck Guard) Capt. Bass' Co. Capt. Brown's Co. Conscripts, Unassigned 576 Capt. Cox's Co., Local Defense (Provost Guard, Kingston) Capt. Croom's Co., Local Defense (Kingston Guards, Kingston Provost Guard) Capt. Doughton's Co. (Alleghany Grays) Capt. Galloway's Co., Coast Guards Capt. Gibb's Co. (Local Defense) Capt. Giddins Co. (Detailed and Petitioned Men) 577 Capt. Griswold's Co., Local Defense (Provost Guard, Goldsboro) Home Guards Capt. Hoskins' Co. (Local Defense) Capt. Howard's Co., Prison Guards 578 Capt. Jones' Co. (Supporting Force) Capt. Lawrence's Co., Volunteers (Wilson Partisan Rangers) Capt. Lee's Co., Local Defense (Silver Greys) Capt. Mallett's Co. Capt. McDugald's Co. A--M 579 N--Y Capt. McMillan's Co. Capt. Nelson's Co. (Local Defense) Capt. Snead's Co. (Local Defense) 580 Capt. Townsend's Co. (State Troops) Capt. Wallace's Co. (Wilmington Railroad Guard) Miscellaneous Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers Who Served in Organizations From the State of South Carolina. M267. 392 rolls. 16mm. DP. The compiled service records reproduced in this microfilm publication are indexed on M381. Roll Description 1 1st Cavalry A--B 2 C--E 3 F--Hi 4 Ho--L 5 M--N 6 O--Se 7 Sh--V 8 W--Z 1st Mounted Militia A--C 9 D--Y 10 2d Cavalry A--C 11 D--H 12 I--M 13 N--S 14 T--Y 2d Battalion, Cavalry Reserves 15 3d Cavalry A--B 16 C--Di 17 Do--G 18 H--I 19 J--K 20 L--M 21 N--R 22 S--To 23 Tr--Z 24 4th Cavalry A--B 25 C--D 26 E--G 27 H--L 28 M--O 29 P--Sm 30 Sn--Z 31 4th Battalion, Cavalry 4th Regiment, Cavalry Militia 32 5th Cavalry A--Ca 33 Ch--E 34 F--He 35 Hi--Mc 36 Me--R 37 S--To 38 Tu--Z 39 6th Cavalry A--B 40 C--F 41 G--H 42 I--Mc 43 Me--Se 44 Sh--Y 45 7th Cavalry A--D 46 E--L 47 M--Sl 48 Sm--Y 49 10th Battalion, Cavalry 50 12th Battalion, Cavalry (4th Squadron Cavalry) 51 14th Battalion, Cavalry 52 17th (6th) Battalion, Cavalry 53 19th Battalion, Cavalry A--L 54 M--Z Capt. A. W. Cordes' Co., Cavalry (North Santee Mounted Rifles) Capt. Theodore Cordes' Co., Cavalry Militia (German Hussars) De Saussure's Squadron of Cavalry Capt. A. C. Earle's Cavalry Capt. Kirk's Co., Partisan Rangers A--G 55 H--Y Capt. Rodgers' Co., Cavalry (State Troops) Capt. Rutledge's Co., Cavalry Militia (Charleston Light Dragoons) Capt. Simon's Co., Volunteers (Etiwan Rangers) Capt. Trenholm's Co., Militia (Rutledge Mounted Riflemen) Capt. Trenholm's Co., Rutledge Mounted Riflemen and Horse Artillery A--S 56 T--Y Capt. Tucker's Co., Cavalry Capt. Walpole's Co., Cavalry (Stono Scouts) 57 1st Artillery A--Br 58 Bu--Da 59 De--Ga 60 Ge--Ho 61 Hu--K 62 L--Me 63 Mi--P 64 Q--Sq 65 St--Y 66 1st Regiment Artillery, Militia 67 2d Artillery A--Bo 68 Br--C 69 D--G 70 H--J 71 K--Me 72 Mi--P 73 R--Se 74 Sh--T 75 U--Z 76 3d (Palmetto) Battalion, Light Artillery A--B 77 C--Di 78 Do--G 79 H--Je 80 Jo--L 81 M--Pl 82 Po--S 83 T--Y 84 Manigault's Battalion, Artillery A--C 85 D--H 86 I--Me 87 Mi--Si 88 Sk--Z 89 15th (Lucas') Battalion, Heavy Artillery A--G 90 H--M 91 N--Y 92 Capt. Bachman's Co., Artillery (German Light Artillery) Capt. Beauregard's Co., Light Artillery (Ferguson's Co., Light Artillery) A--F 93 G--Y Capt. Child's Co., Artillery 94 Capt. Fickling's Co., Artillery (Brooks Light Artillery) 95 Capt. Gaillard's Co., Light Artillery (Santee Light Artillery) 96 Capt. Garden's Co., Light Artillery (Palmetto Light Battery) 97 Capt. Gilchrist's Co., Heavy Artillery (Gist Guard) 98 Capt. Gregg's Co., Artillery (McQueen Light Artillery) Capt. Hart's Co., Horse Artillery, Volunteers (Washington Artillery) 99 Capt. Jeter's Co., Light Artillery (Macbeth Light Artillery) 100 Capt. J. T. Kanapaux's Co., Light Artillery (Lafayette Artillery) 101 Capt. Kelly's Co., Light Artillery (Chesterfield Artillery) 102 Capt. Lee's Co., Artillery Capt. Mathewes' Co., Heavy Artillery 103 Capt. Melchers' Co., Artillery (Co. B, German Artillery) Capt. Parker's Co., Light Artillery (Marion Artillery) A--F 104 G--W 105 Capt. Stuart's Co., Artillery (Beaufort Volunteer Artillery) 106 Capt. Wagener's Co., Light Artillery (Co. A, German Artillery) Capt. Walter's Co., Light Artillery (Washington Artillery) A--B 107 C--W 108 Capt. Mayham Ward's Co., Artillery (Waccamaw Light Artillery) A--T 109 V--Y Capt. Zimmerman's Co., Artillery (Pee Dee Artillery) 110 1st (Butler's) Infantry A--Bo 111 Br--Co 112 Cr--F 113 G--Hi 114 Ho--K 115 L--Mi 116 Mo--Ri 117 Ro--Te 118 Th--Y 119 1st (Hagood's) Infantry A--Br 120 Bu--E 121 F--Hi 122 Ho--L 123 M--O 124 P--Sp 125 St--Z 126 1st (McCreary's) Infantry (1st Provisional Army) A--Br 127 Bu--C 128 D--Go 129 Gr--I 130 J--Ma 131 Mc--N 132 O--R 133 S--Th 134 Ti--Z 135 1st (Orr's) Rifles A--Bo 136 Br--Cl 137 Co--Fo 138 Fr--Ha 139 He--Ke 140 Ki--Ma 141 Mc--My 142 N--Ri 143 Ro--S 144 T--Z 145 1st Infantry, 6 months, 1861 A--P 146 R--Z 1st Regiment, Militia (Charleston Reserves) 147 1st Regiment Charleston Guard 1st State Troops, 6 months, 1863--64 A--D 148 E--Y 149 1st (Charleston) Battalion, Infantry (Gaillard's Battalion) A--G 150 H--O 151 P--Z 152 1st Battalion, Sharp Shooters 153 1st Regiment Rifles, Militia (Branch's Rifle Regiment) 2d Infantry (2d Palmetto Regiment) A--B 154 C--Dr 155 Du--G 156 H--K 157 L--Mi 158 Mo--P 159 R--S 160 T--Z 161 2d Rifles A--B 162 C--De 163 Do--G 164 H--J 165 K--Mc 166 Me--R 167 S--Te 168 Th--Y 169 2d State Troops 6 months, 1863--64 A--J 170 K--Z 171 2d Reserves, 90 days, 1862--63 2d Battalion, Sharpshooters 172 3d Infantry A--Cl 173 Co--F 174 G--J 175 K--Mi 176 Mo--R 177 S--Th 178 Ti--Z 179 3d (Lawren's and James') Battalion, Infantry A--F 180 G--M 181 N--Y 182 3d Reserves, 90 days, 1862--63 183 3d Battalion Reserves 3d State Troops, 6 months, 1863--64 A--G 184 H--Y 4th Infantry A--D 185 E--Mc 186 Me--Y 187 4th State Troops, 6 months, 1863--64 A--H 188 I--S 189 T--Z 4th Battalion, Reserves 190 5th Infantry A--B 191 C 192 D--F 193 G--He 194 Hi--L 195 M 196 N--R 197 S--T 198 V--Z 199 5th State Troops, 6 months, 1863--64 A--I 200 J--Z 201 5th Reserves, 90 days, 1862--63 A--S 202 T--Y 5th (Brown's) Battalion, Reserves 5th Militia 203 6th Infantry A--Bo 204 Br--Cl 205 Co--D 206 E--G 207 H--J 208 K--Ma 209 Mc--Mi 210 Mo--Ri 211 Ro--S 212 T--Z 213 6th Reserves, 90 days, 1862--63 6th (Byrd's) Battalion, Infantry 6th (Merriwether's) Battalion, Reserves 214 7th Infantry A--Bo 215 Br--Cl 216 Co--D 217 E--G 218 H--K 219 L--M 220 N--R 221 S--Ti 222 To--Z 223 7th Reserves 90 days, 1862--63 224 7th (Ward's) Battalion, State Reserves 7th (Nelson's) Battalion, Infantry (Enfield Rifles) A--C 225 D--Hi 226 Ho--Me 227 Mi--R 228 S--Y 229 8th Infantry A--C 230 D--Ha 231 He--L 232 M--O 233 P--T 234 W--Z 8th Reserves 8th (Stalling's) Battalion, Reserves 235 9th Infantry A--F 236 G--O 237 P--Z 9th Reserves, 90 days, 1862--63 A--B 238 C--Y 239 9th Battalion, Infantry (Pee Dee Legion) 240 10th Infantry A--Cl 241 Co--G 242 H--K 243 L--M 244 N--Sl 245 Sm--Y 246 11th Infantry (9th Volunteers) A--B 247 C--D 248 E--G 249 H--K 250 L--N 251 O--Si 252 Sk--Wh 253 Wi--Z 11th Reserves 90 days, 1862--63 254 12th Infantry A--B 255 C--D 256 E--He 257 Hi--L 258 M--N 259 O--R 260 S--Te 261 Th--Z 262 13th Infantry A--B 263 C--De 264 Di--Ha 265 He--K 266 L--O 267 P--Sl 268 Sm--Wh 269 Wi--Z 13th Battalion, Infantry (4th and Mattison's) 270 14th Infantry A--Bo 271 Br--C 272 D--G 273 H--K 274 L--N 275 O--R 276 S--T 277 U--Z 278 15th Infantry A--B 279 C--E 280 F--H 281 I--L 282 M--P 283 R--S 284 T--Z 285 16th Infantry (Greenville Regiment) A--B 286 C--F 287 G--H 288 I--O 289 P--T 290 V--Y 16th Regiment, Militia 291 17th Infantry A--Ch 292 Cl--F 293 G--L 294 M--O 295 P--S 296 T--Z 17th Regiment, Militia 297 18th Infantry A--B 298 C--F 299 G--I 300 J--Ma 301 Mc--P 302 Q--T 303 V--Z 18th Regiment, Militia 304 19th Infantry A--Cl 305 Co--G 306 H--Ma 307 Mc--R 308 S--Z 309 20th Infantry A--B 310 C--D 311 E--G 312 H--I 313 J--L 314 M--O 315 P--R 316 S 317 T--Z 318 21st Infantry A--B 319 C--E 320 F--Hi 321 Ho--Ma 322 Mc--Pi 323 Pl--S 324 T--Z 325 22d Infantry A--B 326 C--E 327 F--H 328 I--O 329 P--Sp 330 St--Y 331 23d Infantry (Hatch's Regiment, Coast Rangers) A--Cl 332 Co--F 333 G--J 334 K--M 335 N--Sl 336 Sm--Y 337 24th Infantry A--Cl 338 Co--G 339 H--K 340 L--Pa 341 Pe--S 342 T--Z 24th Militia 16th and 24th (Consolidated) Infantry 343 25th Infantry (Eutaw Regiment) A--B 344 C--E 345 F--H 346 I--Ma 347 Mc--O 348 P--Si 349 Sm--Z 25th Militia 350 26th Infantry A--C 351 D--G 352 H--K 353 L--O 354 P--Sp 355 St--Y 356 27th Infantry (Gaillard's Regiment) A--Ca 357 Ce--G 358 H--L 359 M--R 360 S--Z 361 Battalion State Cadets, Local Defense Troops Charleston Capt. Charbonnier's Co., Militia (Pickens Rifles) Charleston Arsenal Battalion Conscripts, South Carolina Capt. Estill's Co., Infantry, Local Defense (Arsenal Guard, Charleston) Capt. Hamilton's Co., Provost Guard 362 Hampton Legion A--Be 363 Bi--Ch 364 Cl--D 365 E--G 366 H--I 367 J--L 368 M--N 369 O--R 370 S--Th 371 Ti--Z 372 Holcombe Legion A--Bo 373 Br--Co 374 Cr--F 375 G--I 376 J--Ma 377 Mc--Pa 378 Pe--Sh 379 Si--V 380 W--Z 381 Manigault's Battalion, Volunteers 382 Ordnance Guards (Capt. Dotterer) Palmetto (1st Palmetto) Sharp Shooters (Jenkins Regiment) A--Bo 383 Br--C 384 D--Ge 385 Go--H 386 I--L 387 M 388 N--Sa 389 Sc--T 390 V--Z 391 Capt. Rhett's Co. (Brooks Home Guards) Capt. Senn's Co., Post Guard Capt. Shiver's Co. Capt. Simon's Co. South Carolina (Walker's) Battalion, Infantry Capt. Symons' Co., Sea Fencibles 392 Miscellaneous, South Carolina Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers Who Served in Organizations From the State of Tennessee. M268. 359 rolls. 16mm. DP. The compiled service records reproduced in this microfilm publication are indexed on M231. Roll Description 1 1st Cavalry 2 1st (Carter's) Cavalry A--J 3 K--T 4 U--W 1st (McNairy's) Battalion, Cavalry 5 2d Cavalry 2d (Ashby's) Cavalry A--B 6 C--G 7 H--L 8 M--R 9 S--Y 10 2d (Smith's) Cavalry 2d (Biffle's) Battalion, Cavalry 11 3d (Forrest's) Cavalry A--D 12 E--K 13 L--R 14 S--Y 15 4th Cavalry 16 4th (McLemore's) Cavalry A--D 17 E--M 18 N--Y 19 4th (Murray's) Cavalry 20 4th (Branner's) Battalion, Cavalry A--L 21 M--Y 5th Cavalry 22 5th (McKenzie's) Cavalry A--Cl 23 Co--G 24 H--Ma 25 Mc--Si 26 Sl--Z 27 5th (McClellan's) Battalion, Cavalry 28 6th (Wheeler's) Cavalry A--G 29 H--R 30 S--Y 7th Cavalry 31 7th (Duckworth's) Cavalry A--D 32 E--K 33 L--P 34 R--Z 35 7th (Bennett's) Battalion, Cavalry 8th Cavalry 36 8th (Smith's) Cavalry A--F 37 G--M 38 N--Z 39 9th Cavalry 9th (Ward's) Cavalry A--B 40 C--L 41 M--Y 42 9th (Gantt's) Battalion, Cavalry A--J 43 K--Z 10th Cavalry 44 10th (De Moss') Cavalry A--H 45 I--Y 10th and 11th (Consolidated) Cavalry A--M 46 N--Y 11th Cavalry 11th (Gordon's) Battalion, Cavalry 47 11th (Holman's) Cavalry A--G 48 H--P 49 Q--Z 12th Cavalry 50 12th (Green's) Cavalry A--I 51 J--Z 52 12th (Day's) Battalion, Cavalry A--G 53 H--M 54 N--Y 13th Cavalry 55 13th (Gore's) Cavalry A--H 56 I--Y 57 14th Cavalry 14th (Neely's) Cavalry A--H 58 I--Y 59 15th Cavalry 15th (Consolidated) Cavalry A--Q 60 R--Y 15th (Stewart's) Cavalry 61 16th Cavalry 16th (Logwood's) Cavalry 62 16th (Neal's) Battalion, Cavalry A--K 63 L--Y 64 17th Cavalry 17th (Sander's) Battalion, Cavalry 65 18th (Newsom's) Cavalry A--P 66 R--Y 19th (Biffle's) Cavalry A--C 67 D--L 68 M--Y 69 19th and 20th (Consolidated) Cavalry A--Mc 70 Me--Y 20th Cavalry 71 20th (Russell's) Cavalry A--P 72 R--Z 21st Cavalry 21st (Carter's) Cavalry 73 21st (Wilson's) Cavalry A--L 74 M--Z 75 21st and 22d (Consolidated) Cavalry 76 22d Cavalry 22d (Barteau's) Cavalry A--C 77 D--K 78 L--R 79 S--Z 22d (Nixon's) Cavalry 28th Cavalry 80 Allison's Squadron, Cavalry Capt. Clark's Independent Co., Cavalry Cooper's Regiment, Cavalry 81 Cox's Battalion Douglass' Battalion, Partisan Rangers Greer's Regiment, Partisan Rangers Holman's Battalion, Partisan Rangers 82 Capt. Jackson's Co., Cavalry Napier's Battalion, Cavalry 83 Newsom's Regiment, Cavalry 84 Nixon's Regiment, Cavalry Capt. J. J. Parton's Co., Cavalry Shaw's Battalion, Cavalry (Hamilton's Battalion) A--I 85 J--Y Capt. Jeremiah Co. Stone's Co. A, Lyons Cavalry Welcker's Battalion, Cavalry Capt. William's Co., Cavalry Wilson's Regiment, Cavalry Capt. Woodward's Co., Cavalry 86 1st Heavy Artillery (Jackson's Regiment) A--G 87 H--M 88 N--Z 89 Capt. Barry's Co., Light Artillery (Lookout Artillery) 90 Capt. Baxter's Co., Light Artillery Capt. Bibb's Co., Artillery (Washington Artillery) 91 Capt. Browne's Co., Light Artillery Capt. Burrough's Co., Light Artillery (Rhett Artillery) Caruther's Battery, Heavy Artillery Capt. Fisher's Co., Artillery (Nelson Artillery) 92 Capt. Huggins' Co., Light Artillery Capt. Johnston's Co., Heavy Artillery, 12 months, 1861--62 (Southern Guards Artillery) Capt. Kain's Co., Light Artillery (Mabry Light Artillery) A--K 93 L--Y Capt. Lynch's Co., Light Artillery 94 Capt. Marshall's Co., Artillery (Steuben Artillery) 95 McClung's Co., Light Artillery Capt. Morton's Co., Light Artillery 96 Capt. Palmer's Co., Light Artillery (Reneau Battery) Capt. Phillips' Co., Light Artillery (Johnson Light Artillery) Capt. Polk's Battery, Light Artillery Capt. Ramsey's Battery, Artillery 97 Capt. Rice's Battery, Light Artillery Capt. Scott's Co., Light Artillery A--M 98 N--W Capt. Sparkman's Co., Light Artillery (Maury Artillery) Capt. Sterling's Co., Heavy Artillery Capt. Stewart's Co., Artillery Capt. Tobin's Co., Light Artillery (Memphis Light Battery) A--G 99 H--Y Capt. Weller's Co., Light Artillery Capt. Winson's Co., Light Artillery (Belmont Battery) A--C 100 D--Y 1st Zouaves 1st Light Artillery (1st Battalion, Light Artillery) Artillery (McCown's) Corps 101 1st (Feild's) Infantry A--C 102 D--H 103 I--M 104 N--Sm 105 Sn--Z 106 1st (Turney's) Infantry A--B 107 C--E 108 F--H 109 I--M 110 N--Sm 111 Sn--Z 112 1st (Feild's) and 27th (Consolidated) Infantry 1st Consolidated Regiment, Infantry 1st (Colms') Battalion, Infantry A--F 113 G--Y 114 2d (Robison's) Infantry (Walker Legion) A--C 115 D--Hi 116 Ho--Mi 117 Mo--R 118 S--Z 119 2d (Walker's) Infantry A--L 120 M--Y 2d Consolidated Regiment, Infantry 121 3d (Clack's) Infantry A--D 122 E--J 123 K--Re 124 Rh--Y 125 3d (Lillard's) Mounted Infantry A--E 126 F--L 127 M--R 128 S--Y 3d Consolidated Regiment, Infantry 129 3d (Memphis) Battalion, Infantry 4th Infantry A--B 130 C--G 131 H--M 132 N--Sl 133 Sm--Z 134 4th Consolidated Regiment, Infantry 5th Infantry A--B 135 C--G 136 H--Mc 137 Me--Sh 138 Si--Y 139 6th Infantry A--D 140 E--K 141 L--R 142 S--Y 143 7th Infantry A--B 144 C--Fl 145 Fo--He 146 Hi--L 147 M--P 148 Q--S 149 T--Y 150 8th Infantry A--D 151 E--Mi 152 Mo--Y 153 9th Infantry A--F 154 G--Mc 155 Me--Y 156 10th Infantry A--F 157 G--Mc 158 Me--Z 159 11th Infantry A--C 160 D--H 161 I--M 162 N--S 163 T--Z 164 12th Infantry A--H 165 I--Y 166 12th (Consolidated) Infantry A--F 167 G--N 168 O--Y 169 13th Infantry A--D 170 E--L 171 M--R 172 S--Z 173 14th Infantry A--B 174 C--G 175 H--Ma 176 Mc--R 177 S--Y 178 15th Infantry A--F 179 G--M 180 N--Z 181 16th Infantry A--C 182 D--I 183 J--M 184 N--S 185 T--Y 186 17th Infantry A--Co 187 Cr--G 188 H--L 189 M--Ri 190 Ro--Y 191 18th Infantry A--C 192 D--Ha 193 He--Mc 194 Me--R 195 S--Y 196 19th Infantry A--D 197 E--I 198 J--Rh 199 Ri--Z 200 20th Infantry A--C 201 D--He 202 Hi--Mi 203 Mo--Sh 204 Si--Y 205 21st Infantry 206 22d Infantry (Freeman's Regiment) A--L 207 M--Y 22d Battalion, Infantry A--C 208 D--Y 209 23d Infantry (Martin's Regiment) A--C 210 D--H 211 I--Mi 212 Mo--R 213 S--Z 214 23d (Newman's) Battalion, Infantry A--N 215 O--Y 24th Infantry A 216 B--D 217 E--H 218 I--N 219 O--S 220 T--Y 221 24th (Maney's) Battalion, Sharp Shooters 222 25th Infantry A--C 223 D--H 224 I--N 225 O--So 226 Sp--Y 227 26th Infantry (3d East Tennessee Volunteers) A--C 228 D--Hi 229 Ho--O 230 P--Z 231 27th Infantry A--F 232 G--O 233 P--Y 234 28th Infantry (2d Mountain Regiment, Volunteers) A--H 235 J--Y 236 28th (Consolidated) Infantry A--I 237 K--Y 238 29th Infantry A--D 239 E--J 240 K--Q 241 R--Z 242 30th Infantry A--F 243 G--M 244 N--Y 245 31st Infantry (Col. A. H. Bradford) A--G 246 H--P 247 R--Y 248 32d Infantry A--B 249 C--F 250 G--J 251 K--O 252 P--S 253 T--Y 254 33d Infantry A--G 255 H--O 256 P--Y 257 34th Infantry (4th Confederate Regiment, Infantry) A--C 258 D--H 259 I--Q 260 R--Y 261 35th Infantry (5th Regiment Provisional Army, Mountain Rifle Regiment) A--D 262 E--I 263 J--M 264 N--Sm 265 Sn--Y 266 36th Infantry 267 37th Infantry (7th Regiment Provisional Army, 1st East Tennessee Rifle Regiment) A--C 268 D--K 269 L--P 270 Q--Y 271 38th Infantry (8th Infantry, Looney's Regiment) A--D 272 E--L 273 M--R 274 S--Y 275 39th Mounted Infantry (Col. W. M. Bradford's Regiment, Volunteers, 31st Infantry) A--D 276 E--K 277 L--Re 278 Ri--Z 279 40th Infantry (5th Confederate Infantry, Walker's Regiment, Volunteers) A--I 280 J--Y 281 41st Infantry A--C 282 D--H 283 I--M 284 N--Sn 285 So--Y 286 42d Infantry A--D 287 E--K 288 L--Q 289 R--Y 290 43d Infantry (5th East Tennessee Volunteers, Gillespie's Regiment) A--Cl 291 Co--G 292 H--Mc 293 Me--Sl 294 Sm--Z 295 44th Infantry 296 44th (Consolidated) Infantry A--Cl 297 Co--Gl 298 Go--K 299 L--O 300 P--Sm 301 Sn--Y 302 45th Infantry A--Co 303 Cr--H 304 I--M 305 N--Sl 306 Sm--Y 307 46th Infantry A--O 308 P--Y 47th Infantry A--B 309 C--H 310 I--Re 311 Rh--Y 312 48th (Nixon's) Infantry A--F 313 G--M 314 N--Y 315 48th (Voorheis') Infantry A--J 316 K--Y 317 49th Infantry A--K 318 L--Y 319 50th Infantry A--E 320 F--K 321 L--R 322 S--Y 323 50th (Consolidated) Infantry 51st Infantry A--G 324 H--Y 325 51st (Consolidated) Infantry A--K 326 L--Y 327 52d Infantry 53d Infantry A--H 328 I--Y 329 54th Infantry 330 55th (Brown's) Infantry A--I 331 J--Y 332 55th (McKoin's) Infantry 333 59th Mounted Infantry (Cooke's Regiment, 1st (Eakin's) Battalion, Infantry) A--D 334 E--K 335 L--R 336 S--Y 337 60th Mounted Infantry (Crawford's Regiment, 79th Infantry) A--C 338 D--L 339 M--Z 340 61st Mounted Infantry (Pitts' Regiment, 81st Infantry) A--F 341 G--M 342 N--Z 343 62d Mounted Infantry (Rowan's Regiment, 80th Infantry) A--K 344 L--Y 345 63d Infantry (Fain's Regiment, 74th Infantry) A--B 346 C--E 347 F--Ho 348 Hu--Me 349 Mi--Sa 350 Sc--Y 351 84th Infantry 121st Regiment, Militia 154th Senior Regiment, Infantry (1st Volunteers) A--Ba 352 Be--D 353 E--K 354 L--Q 355 R--Y 356 Lt. Blair's Co. (Local Defense Troops) Conscripts, Tennessee 357 Crew's Battalion, Infantry Detailed Conscripts, Tennessee (Local Defense and Special Service Troops, Nitre and Mining Bureau) Engineers Corps, Tennessee Harman's Regiment, Infantry Capt. McLin's Co., Volunteers (Local Defense Troops) Capt. Miller's Co., (Local Defense Troops) Nashville (Hawkins') Battalion, Infantry 358 Capt. Park's Co. (Local Defense Troops) Capt. Sowell's Detachment, Infantry Capt. Spencer's Co., Infantry Sullivan County Reserves (Local Defense Troops) Capt. Tackitt's Co., Infantry 359 Miscellaneous, Tennessee Compiled Service Records (cont.) Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers Who Served in Organizations From the State of Texas. M323. 445 rolls. 16mm. DP. The compiled service records reproduced in this microfilm publication are indexed on M227. Roll Description 1 1st Cavalry, State Troops, 6 months, 1863-64 2 1st (McCulloch's) Cavalry (1st Mounted Riflemen) A--F 3 G--O 4 P--Z 5 1st (Yager's) Cavalry (1st Mounted Rifles) A--G 6 H--N 7 O--Z 8 1st Battalion, Cavalry, State Troops, 6 months, 1863-64 2d Cavalry (2d Mounted Rifles) A--Bl 9 Bo--C 10 D--G 11 H--J 12 K--Me 13 Mi--Ri 14 Ro--Th 15 Ti--Z 16 2d Cavalry, State Troops, 6 months, 1863-64 A--M 17 N--Z 2d Battalion, Cavalry, State Troops, 6 months, 1863-64 18 3d Cavalry (South Kansas--Texas Mounted Volunteers) A--Cl 19 Co--G 20 H--L 21 M--P 22 R--Te 23 Th--Z 3d Cavalry, State Troops, 6 months, 1863-64 A--H 24 I--Z 3d Battalion, Cavalry, State Troops, 6 months, 1863-64 3d (Yager's) Battalion, Cavalry (3d Battalion, Mounted Rifles; Yager's Battalion, Mounted Volunteers) A--D 25 E--R 26 S--Z 4th Cavalry (4th Mounted Volunteers, 1st Regiment, Sibley's Brigade) A--B 27 C--G 28 H--L 29 M--Ri 30 Ro--Wh 31 Wi--Z 4th Cavalry, State Troops, 6 months, 1863--64 32 5th Cavalry (5th Mounted Volunteers, 2d Regiment, Sibley's Brigade) A--D 33 E--J 34 K--O 35 P--Sq 36 St--Z 37 6th Cavalry (Stone's Regiment, 2d Cavalry) A--Cl 38 Co--G 39 H--L 40 M--P 41 R--St 42 Su--Y 43 6th Battalion, Cavalry (Gould's Battalion; 3d Battalion, Cavalry) A--M 44 N--Y 45 7th Cavalry (7th Mounted Volunteers; 3d Regiment, Sibley's Brigade) A--E 46 F--K 47 L--Ri 48 Ro--Z 49 8th Cavalry (Terry's Regiment, 1st Rangers, 8th Rangers) A--Co 50 Cr--Hn 51 Ho--Me 52 Mi--R 53 S--Z 54 8th (Taylor's) Battalion, Cavalry (Taylor's Battalion, Mounted Rifles) A--L 55 M--Z 56 9th Cavalry (Sims' Regiment, 4th Cavalry) A--C 57 D--He 58 Hi--Me 59 Mi--Sh 60 Si--Y 61 10th Cavalry (Locke's Regiment) A--Co 62 Cr--G 63 H--L 64 M--Q 65 R--Sp 66 St--Z 67 11th Cavalry (Young's Regiment, 3d Cavalry) A--Di 68 Do--Jo 69 Ju--Ro 70 Ru--Z 71 12th Cavalry (Parson's Mounted Volunteers, 4th Dragoons) A--E 72 F--L 73 M--R 74 S--Z 75 13th Cavalry (Burnett's Regiment, 13th Mounted Volunteers) A--Ca 76 Ce--Ga 77 Ge--J 78 K--O 79 P--Sta 80 Ste--Z 81 14th Cavalry (Johnson's Mounted Volunteers, 1st Regiment, Johnson's Brigade) A--F 82 G--K 83 L--Ro 84 Ru--Y 85 15th Cavalry (2d Regiment, Johnson's Brigade) A--C 86 D--Ha 87 He--Me 88 Mi--Si 89 Sl--Y 90 16th Cavalry (Fitzhugh's Regiment; 3d Regiment, Johnson's Brigade) A--G 91 H--P 92 Q--Z 93 17th Cavalry (Moore's Regiment) A--C 94 D--J 95 K--P 96 R--Y 97 17th (Consolidated) Dismounted Cavalry A--K 98 L--Y 99 18th Cavalry (Darnell's Regiment) A--Ch 100 Cl--F 101 G--L 102 M--Q 103 R--Y 104 19th Cavalry (Burford's Regiment) A--Gi 105 Gl--O 106 P--Y 107 20th Cavalry (Bass' Regiment) A--F 108 G--N 109 O--Y 110 21st Cavalry (1st Lancers; 1st Regiment, Carter's Brigade) A--G 111 H--O 112 P--Z 113 22d Cavalry A--E 114 F--M 115 N--Y 116 23d Cavalry (Gould's Regiment, 27th Cavalry) A--G 117 H--Q 118 R--Y 119 24th Cavalry (Wilkes' Regiment; 2d Lancers; 2d Regiment, Carter's Brigade) A--C 120 D--Hi 121 Ho--Me 122 Mi--R 123 S--Z 124 24th and 25th (Consolidated) Cavalry A--L 125 M--Z 126 25th Cavalry (Gillespie's Regiment; 3d Lancers; 3d Regiment, Carter's Brigade) A--Da 127 De--Ha 128 He--Me 129 Mi--Sh 130 Si--Z 131 26th Cavalry (Debray's Regiment, Davis' Mounted Battalion) A--Ch 132 Ci--G 133 H--La 134 Le--O 135 P--So 136 Sp--Z 137 27th Cavalry (Whitfield's Legion; 1st Legion) A--Ca 138 Ch--Ge 139 Gi--J 140 K--N 141 O--So 142 Sp--Z 143 28th Cavalry (Randal's Regiment, 1st Lancers) A--E 144 F--K 145 L--R 146 S--Y 147 29th Cavalry (De Morse's Regiment) A--E 148 F--M 149 N--Y 150 30th Cavalry (Gurley's Regiment, 1st Partisans) A--G 151 H--N 152 O--Y 153 31st Cavalry (Hawpe's Regiment) A--F 154 G--M 155 N--Y 156 32d Cavalry (15th Cavalry, Crump's Battalion, Mounted Volunteers) A--C 157 D--G 158 H--L 159 M--She 160 Shi--Y 161 33d Cavalry (Duff's Partisan Rangers, 14th Battalion, Cavalry) A--C 162 D--J 163 K--R 164 S--Z 165 34th Cavalry (Alexander's Regiment, 2d Partisan Rangers) A--H 166 I--Z 167 35th Cavalry (Brown's Regiment) A--Da 168 De--H 169 I--O 170 P--To 171 Tr--Z 35th Cavalry (Likens' Regiment) 172 36th Cavalry (Woods' Regiment, 32d Cavalry) A--C 173 D--Hi 174 Ho--Me 175 Mi--Se 176 Sh--Z 177 37th Cavalry (Terrell's Regiment, 34th Cavalry) A--G 178 H--O 179 P--Z 180 Baird's Cavalry (4th Regiment, Arizona Brigade; Showalter's Regiment) A--L 181 M--Y 182 Baylor's Cavalry (2d Regiment, Arizona Brigade) A--L 183 M--Y 184 Benavides' Cavalry A--J 185 K--Z 186 Border's Cavalry (Anderson's Regiment) A--G 187 H--R 188 S--Y Border's Battalion, Cavalry 189 Bourland's Cavalry (Bourlands "Border" Regiment) A--L 190 M--Y 191 Chisum's Cavalry (Dismounted), (2d Partisan Rangers; Stone's Regiment) 192 Crump's Cavalry (Lane's Cavalry, 1st Partisan Rangers) Frontier Battalion, Cavalry Gano's Squadron, Cavalry 193 Gidding's Battalion, Cavalry A--R 194 S--Z Good's Battalion, Cavalry 195 Granbury's Consolidated Brigade (1st Consolidated Regiment) Hardeman's Cavalry (1st Regiment, Arizona Brigade; 31st Cavalry) A--K 196 L--Z 197 Madison's Cavalry (3d Regiment, Arizona Brigade; Phillips' Regiment) A--K 198 L--Z 199 Mann's Cavalry (Bradford's Regiment) A--I 200 J--S 201 T--Z Mann's Battalion, Cavalry 202 Martin's Cavalry (5th Partisan Rangers) A--K 203 L--Z 204 McCord's Frontier Cavalry A--G 205 H--Pe 206 Ph--Z 207 Morgan's Cavalry A--E 208 F--N 209 O--Y 210 Ragsdale's Battalion, Cavalry A--G 211 H--Re 212 Rh--Z 213 Saufley's Scouting Battalion, Cavalry Steele's Command, Cavalry Terry's Cavalry A--F 214 G--Y 215 Waller's Cavalry A--G 216 H--Q 217 R--Z 218 Wells' Cavalry A--O 219 P--Z Wells' Battalion, Cavalry 220 Capt. Bone's Co., Cavalry Capt. Coopwood's Spy Co., Cavalry Capt. Doughty's Co., Cavalry, State Troops ("Refugio Spies") Capt. Durant's Co., Cavalry (Local Defense) Lavaca County Minutemen Capt. Lilley's Co., Cavalry (Pardoned Deserters) 221 Capt. McDowell's Co., Cavalry (Lockhart Volunteers) Capt. Nolan's Mounted Co. (Local Defense) Capt. Pearson's Co., Partisan Rangers (Local Defense) Capt. Ragsdale's Co., Cavalry (Red River Dragoons) Capt. W. H. Randolph's Co., Cavalry Capt. Sutton's Co., Cavalry (Graham Rangers) Capt. Terry's Mounted Co. (State Troops) Capt. Thomas' Co., Partisan Rangers, 4 months, 1862-63 Capt. L. Trevenio's Co., Cavalry Capt. Trevenio's Squad, Partisan Mounted Volunteers Capt. Upton's Co., Cavalry (Local Defense) 222 1st Heavy Artillery A--Br 223 Bu--De 224 Di--Go 225 Gr--Kel 226 Kem--McLa 227 McLe--O 228 P--Sa 229 Sc--U 230 V--Z 231 1st Field Battery (Edgar's Co., Light Artillery) 232 2d Field Battery 4th Field Battery (Van Dorn Light Artillery) A--Kra 233 Kri--Z 234 4th (Shea's) Battalion, Artillery 235 5th Field Battery 236 6th Field Battery 237 7th Field Battery (Moseley's Co., Light Artillery) 238 8th Field Battery 239 9th Field Battery (Lamar Artillery) 240 10th Field Battery 11th Field Battery (Capt. Howell's Co., Light Artillery) 12th Field Battery 241 14th Field Battery 15th Field Battery 242 16th Field Battery 17th Field Battery Dege's Battalion, Light Artillery 243 Capt. Douglas' Co., Artillery Capt. Good's Co., State Troops, Artillery (Dallas Light Artillery) Capt. Greer's Rocket Battery 244 Capt. Hughes' Co., Light Artillery Capt. Jones' Co., Light Artillery A--K 245 L--Y Lt. H. van Buren's Co., Light Artillery 246 1st Infantry (2d Infantry) A--Bl 247 Bo--Ch 248 Cl--D 249 E--G 250 H--Ja 251 Je--L 252 M--Mi 253 Mo--Pe 254 Ph--R 255 S--Sp 256 St--V 257 W--Z 258 1st State Troops 1st State Troops, Infantry, 6 months, 1863-64 A--G 259 H--S 260 T--Z 1st (Burnett's) Battalion, Sharp Shooters A--H 261 I--Y 262 1st Battalion, State Troops, Infantry 263 2d Infantry (1st Infantry, Moore's Regiment; Galveston Regiment; Van Dorn Regiment) A--Br 264 Bu--Da 265 De--Gh 266 Gi--Ho 267 Hu--Ll 268 Lo--M 269 N--Ri 270 Ro--Sp 271 St--Z 272 2d State Troops, Infantry, 6 months, 1863-64 273 3d Infantry (1st Infantry, Luckett's Regiment) A--B 274 C--F 275 G--I 276 J--L 277 M--O 278 P--Sa 279 Sc--T 280 U--Z 281 3d State Troops, Infantry, 6 months, 1863-64 3d (Kirby's) Battalion, Infantry and Cavalry, 6 months, 1861-62 A--E 282 F--Y 283 4th Infantry A--Bl 284 Bo--Cl 285 Co--D 286 E--G 287 H--Je 288 Jo--L 289 M--Mi 290 Mo--Ra 291 Re--Sm 292 Sn--Wa 293 We--Y 4th Infantry, State Troops, 6 months, 1863-64 A--Ha 294 He--Z 4th (Oswald's) Battalion, Infantry (German Battalion), 6 months, 1861-62 295 5th Infantry A--Be 296 Bi--Ca 297 Ch--Da 298 De--Fi 299 Fl--Han 300 Har--Hu 301 I--L 302 M--Mo 303 Mu--Q 304 R--Se 305 Sh--St 306 Su--V 307 W--Z 5th Infantry, State Troops, 6 months, 1863-64 308 6th Infantry (3d Infantry) A--Ce 309 Ch--Fi 310 Fl--H 311 I--Me 312 Mi--Ri 313 Ro--St 314 Su--Z 6th and 15th (Consolidated) Volunteers, Cavalry and Infantry 315 7th (Gregg's) Infantry A--Ca 316 Ch--Go 317 Gr--Li 318 Lo--Pl 319 Po--S 320 T--Z 321 8th (Hobby's) Infantry A--B 322 C--E 323 F--Gri 324 Gro--L 325 M--Pa 326 Pe--Sk 327 Sm--Z 328 9th (Nichols') Infantry (5th Infantry), 6 months, 1861-62 A--F 329 G--Me 330 Mi--Sc 331 Se--Z 332 9th (Young's) Infantry (8th Infantry, Maxey's Regiment) A--C 333 D--Ho 334 Hu--M 335 N--Sl 336 Sm--Y 337 10th (Nelson's) Infantry A--B 338 C--E 339 F--I 340 J--L 341 M--Po 342 Pr--S 343 T--Z 344 11th Infantry (Roberts' Regiment) A--B 345 C--E 346 F--I 347 J--Me 348 Mi--Ri 349 Ro--Ta 350 Tb--Z 351 11th (Spaight's) Battalion (Cavalry, Artillery, and Infantry) A--E 352 F--J 353 K--O 354 P--Sp 355 St--Z 356 12th Infantry (8th Infantry, Young's Regiment) A--Co 357 Cr--G 358 H--L 359 M--Pa 360 Pe--St 361 Su--Z 362 13th Volunteers (Cavalry, Artillery, and Infantry) A--Bo 363 Br--Co 364 Cr--F 365 G--He 366 Hi--K 367 L--Mi 368 Mo--P 369 Q--Sl 370 Sm--V 371 W--Z 372 14th (Clark's) Infantry A--D 373 E--K 374 L--R 375 S--Y 376 15th Infantry A--D 377 E--J 378 K--O 379 P--Sm 380 Sn--Z 381 16th Infantry (7th Infantry; Flournoy's Infantry) A--C 382 D--Ha 383 He--Me 384 Mi--Sl 385 Sm--Z 386 17th Infantry (Allen's Regiment) A--Cl 387 Co--G 388 H--Me 389 Mi--R 390 S--Y 391 18th (Ochiltree's) Infantry A--E 392 F--L 393 M--Ro 394 Ru--Y 395 19th Infantry A--C 396 D--H 397 I--M 398 N--Sh 399 Si--Z 400 20th Infantry (Elmore's Regiment) A--Br 401 Bu--De 402 Di--Ge 403 Gi--Ja 404 Jo--L 405 M--Mi 406 Mo--Ra 407 Re--St 408 Su--Wa 409 We--Z 20th Battalion, State Troops 410 21st Infantry (Spaight's Regiment) A--G 411 H--O 412 P--Y 413 22d (Hubbard's) Infantry A--D 414 E--K 415 L--Ri 416 Ro--Y 417 24th Battalion, Infantry, State Troops Bean's Battalion, Reserve Corps Chambers' Battalion, Reserve Corps, Infantry 418 Griffin's Battalion, Infantry (Griffin's Regiment, Infantry; 21st Regiment or Battalion, Infantry) A--E 419 F--L 420 M--Sp 421 St--Z Houston Battalion, Infantry (Detailed Men) 422 Timmons' Infantry A--Ha 423 He--O 424 P--Z 425 Waul's Legion (Infantry, Cavalry, and Artillery) A--Bl 426 Bo--Cl 427 Co--E 428 F--G 429 H--I 430 J--Ll 431 Lo--Me 432 Mi--Pa 433 Pe--Sa 434 Sc--Sr 435 St--V 436 W--Z 437 Capt. Arnold's Co., Infantry Riflemen, Militia Capt. Atkins' Co., State Troops (The Galveston Coast Guards) Capt. Benton's Co., Volunteers Brazoria County Minutemen Capt. Watts Cameron's Co., Infantry Carter's Co., Infantry (Austin City Light Infantry) 438 Capt. Cotton's Co., Infantry (Sabine Volunteers) Capt. Cunningham's Co., Infantry (The Mustang Grays) Capt. Currie's Co., Infantry Capt. Duke's Co., Volunteers (Jefferson Guards) 439 Capt. Edgar's Co., State Troops (Alamo City Guards) Capt. Gould's Co., State Troops (Clarksville Light Infantry) Capt. Graham's Co., Mounted Coast Guards, State Troops Capt. Hampton's Co., State Troops (Victoria Blues) Capt. Killough's Co., Home Guards (Wheelock Home Guards) 440 Capt. Maxey's Co., Light Infantry and Riflemen (Lamar Rifles, State Service) Capt. McMinn's Co. Capt. McNeel's Co., Local Defense Troops (McNeel Coast Guards) Capt. Merriman's Co., Local Defense Troops (Orange County Coast Guards) Capt. Perry's Co., Local Defense Troops (Fort Bend Scouts) Capt. Rainey's Co., Volunteers (Anderson County Invincibles) Capt. Rutherford's Co., Infantry (Unattached) Capt. Simms' Co., Home Guards 441 Capt. Teague's Co., Volunteers (Southern Rights Guards) Capt. Teel's Co., State Troops, 6 months, 1861 Capt. Townsend's Co., Infantry (Robertson Five Shooters) Capt. Whaley's Co., Infantry Capt. Yarbrough's Co., Infantry (Smith County Light Infantry) 442 Miscellaneous, Texas A--K 443 L--Z 444 Conscripts, Texas A--H 445 I--Z Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers Who Served in Organizations From the State of Virginia. M324. 1,075 rolls. 16mm. DP. The compiled service records reproduced in this microfilm publication are indexed on M382. Roll Description 1 1st Cavalry A--Bl 2 Bo--Ch 3 Ci--Do 4 Dr--Fo 5 Fr--G 6 H 7 I--Ke 8 Ki--L 9 M--Me 10 Mi--O 11 P--Ri 12 Ro--Sl 13 Sm--Tr 14 Tu--Z 15 1st Battalion, Cavalry 2d Cavalry A--Bi 16 Bl--Ch 17 Cl--D 18 E--G 19 H--I 20 J--Ma 21 Mc--Pa 22 Pe--Sp 23 St--Wa 24 We--Z 25 3d Cavalry (2d Virginia Cavalry) A--Bi 26 Bl--Ce 27 Ch--Cu 28 D--Fi 29 Fl--G 30 H 31 I--J 32 K--Mi 33 Mo--Po 34 Pr--Sl 35 Sm--To 36 Tr--Wa 37 We--Y 38 4th Cavalry A--Br 39 Bu--C 40 D--E 41 F--G 42 H--I 43 J--L 44 M 45 N--Q 46 R--Sp 47 St--V 48 W--Z 49 5th Cavalry A--Bo 50 Br--C 51 D--Fl 52 Fo--Hi 53 Ho--Le 54 Li--N 55 O--R 56 S--T 57 U--Z 58 5th Cavalry 12 months, 1861-62, (4th Virginia Cavalry, Mullins' Regiment) A--De 59 Di--H 60 I--R 61 S--Y 5th (Consolidated) Cavalry 62 6th Cavalry A--Be 63 Bi--Ca 64 Ce--D 65 E--Go 66 Gr--Hi 67 Ho--K 68 L--Mi 69 Mo--Pe 70 Ph--R 71 S--Th 72 Ti--Z 73 7th (Ashby's) Cavalry A--Br 74 Bu--Do 75 Dr--Ha 76 He--Ko 77 Kr--Mi 78 Mo--P 79 R--Sn 80 So--Z 81 8th Cavalry A--B 82 C--F 83 G--K 84 L--P 85 Q--S 86 T--Y 87 9th Cavalry (Johnson's Regiment) A--Ba 88 Be--Br 89 Bu--Cl 90 Co--Di 91 Do--F 92 G--Has 93 Hat--Je 94 Jo--Le 95 Li--M 96 N--Po 97 Pr--Sh 98 Si--Sy 99 T--V 100 W--Wo 101 Wr--Y 10th Cavalry A--Bo 102 Br--Cl 103 Co--D 104 E--G 105 H--J 106 K--Me 107 Mi--Ri 108 Ro--S 109 T--Z 110 11th Cavalry A--C 111 D--Hi 112 Ho--Mi 113 Mo--Se 114 Sh--Z 115 12th Cavalry (10th Virginia Cavalry) A--B 116 C--E 117 F--Hi 118 Ho--L 119 M--O 120 P--Si 121 Sl--Z 122 13th Cavalry (16th Battalion, Cavalry; 5th Cavalry) 12 months, 1861-62 A--Bo 123 Br--Co 124 Cr--F 125 G--Ha 126 He--L 127 M--Pa 128 Pe--Sa 129 Sc--V 130 W 131 14th Cavalry A--Ch 132 Cl--F 133 G--I 134 J--Ma 135 Mc--Pa 136 Pe--Sp 137 St--Z 138 14th Battalion, Cavalry (Burroughs' Battalion) 15th Cavalry A--Ba 139 Be--Co 140 Cr--F 141 G--J 142 K--O 143 P--Sk 144 Sl--Y 145 15th Battalion, Cavalry (Northern Neck Rangers; Critcher's Battalion, Virginia Cavalry) 146 16th Cavalry A--F 147 G--Mc 148 Me--Sp 149 Sr--Y 17th Cavalry A 150 B--Co 151 Cr--Go 152 Gr--Mc 153 Me--Sh 154 Si--Y 155 18th Cavalry A--E 156 F--L 157 M--R 158 S--Z 159 19th Cavalry A--E 160 F--L 161 M--Si 162 Sl--Z 163 20th Cavalry A--F 164 G--N 165 O--Y 166 21st Cavalry (Peters' Regiment) A--E 167 F--L 168 M--Sl 169 Sm--Y 22d Cavalry (Bowen's Regiment, Virginia Mounted Riflemen) A--Ba 170 Be--I 171 J--Y 172 23d Cavalry A--H 173 I--V 174 W--Z 24th Cavalry A--Bo 175 Br--D 176 E--Hi 177 Ho--Me 178 Mi--Sh 179 Si--Y 180 24th Battalion, Partisan Rangers (Scott's Battalion) 25th Cavalry A--B 181 C--E 182 F--I 183 J--Mi 184 Mo--Sm 185 Sn--Z 186 26th Cavalry 32d Battalion, Cavalry A--F 187 G--Y 188 34th Battalion, Cavalry (1st Battalion, Virginia Mounted Rifles; Witcher's Battalion, Virginia Mounted Rifles) A--Hi 189 Ho--Y 190 35th Battalion, Cavalry A--E 191 F--M 192 N--Z 193 36th Battalion, Cavalry A--K 194 L--T 195 V--Z 37th Battalion, Cavalry (Dunn's Battalion, Partisan Rangers) A--F 196 G--S 197 T--Y 39th Battalion, Cavalry (Richardson's Battalion of Scouts; Guides and Couriers; 13th Battalion, Cavalry) A--C 198 D--Mc 199 Me--Z 200 40th Battalion, Cavalry A--E 201 F--N 202 O--Y 203 41st (White's) Battalion, Cavalry 204 46th Battalion, Cavalry 205 47th Battalion, Cavalry Caldwell's Battalion, Cavalry 206 Ferguson's (Guyandotte) Battalion, Cavalry Hounshell's Battalion, Cavalry (Partisan Rangers) A--L 207 M--Y Mosby's Regiment, Cavalry (Partisan Rangers) A--D 208 E--M 209 N--Y 210 O'Ferrall's Battalion, Cavalry Swann's Battalion, Cavalry (Carpenter's Battalion) Capt. Balfour's Co. (Mounted Riflemen) Capt. Jourdan's Co. (Rockbridge Rangers) Capt. McFarlane's Co., Cavalry 211 Capt. McNeill's Co., Cavalry (Partisan Rangers) Capt. Moorman's Co., Cavalry (Greenbrier Cavalry) Mounted Guard, 4th Congressional District, Virginia Patrol Guard, 11th Congressional District (Mounted) Capt. St. Martin's Co., Mounted Riflemen Capt. Sale's Co., Mounted Reserves, Rappahannock District, Virginia 212 Capt. Thurmond's Co., Cavalry (Partisan Rangers) Capt. Young's Co., Cavalry (Howitzers, Marine Artillery) 213 1st Artillery (2d Virginia Artillery) A--Bo 214 Br--Cl 215 Co--D 216 E--G 217 H--I 218 J--Ma 219 Mc--O 220 P--Ri 221 Ro--Sn 222 So--V 223 W--Z 224 1st Light Artillery (Pendleton's Regiment) 1st Battalion, Light Artillery (Hardaway's Battalion; Moseley's Battalion) 225 2d Artillery A--S 226 T--Y 3d Light Artillery (Local Defense) 227 10th (Allen's) Battalion, Heavy Artillery A--B 228 C--F 229 G--J 230 K--Sl 231 Sm--Y 232 12th Battalion, Light Artillery A--L 233 M--Z 234 13th Battalion, Light Artillery A--D 235 E--Mc 236 Me--S 237 T--Z 18th Battalion, Heavy Artillery A--Ba 238 Be--E 239 F--H 240 J--M 241 N--Sn 242 So--Y 243 19th (Atkinson's) Battalion, Heavy Artillery A--Ca 244 Ch--D 245 E--I 246 J--M 247 N--S 248 T--Z 249 20th Battalion, Heavy Artillery A--C 250 D--Ha 251 He--N 252 O--Si 253 Sl--Z 254 38th (Read's) Battalion, Light Artillery A--Cl 255 Co--G 256 H--Ma 257 Mc--Se 258 Sh--Y 259 Capt. Allen's Co., Heavy Artillery (Lunenburg Artillery) A--P 260 R--W Capt. E. J. Anderson's Co., Light Artillery 261 Capt. R. M. Anderson's Co., Light Artillery (1st Co., Richmond Howitzers) A--L 262 M--Y 263 Capt. Ancell's Co., Light Artillery Capt. Armistead's Co., Light Artillery (Matthew's Light Artillery) A--B 264 C--W 265 Capt. Barr's Co., Light Artillery Capt. Binford's Co., Volunteers (4th Co., Richmond Howitzers) Capt. Bowyer's Co., Heavy Artillery (Botetourt Artillery) Capt. Brander's Co., Light Artillery (Letcher Artillery) A--F 266 G--Y 267 Capt. G. W. Brown's Co., Horse Artillery Capt. J. S. Brown's Co., Light Artillery (Wise Artillery) 268 Capt. Bryan's Co., Artillery (Bryan Artillery; Monroe Artillery) 269 Capt. Carpenter's Co., Light Artillery (Alleghany Rough Artillery) A--L 270 M--Y 271 Capt. Carrington's Co., Light Artillery (Charlottesville Artillery) A--G 272 H--Y 273 Capt. J. W. Carter's Co., Horse Artillery 274 Capt. W. P. Carter's Co., Light Artillery A--K 275 L--W 276 Capt. Cayce's Co., Light Artillery (Purcell Artillery) A--E 277 F--Mc 278 Me--Z 279 Capt. G. B. Chapman's Co., Light Artillery (Monroe Battery) Capt. W. H. Chapman's Co., Light Artillery (Capt. J. K. Booton's Co., Dixie Artillery) 280 Capt. Clutter's Co., Light Artillery A--O 281 P--Z Capt. Coffin's Co., Heavy Artillery 282 Capt. Coleman's Co., Heavy Artillery Capt. Cooper's Co., Light Artillery A--Ch 283 Co--Y Courtney Artillery (Henrico Artillery) A--Cl 284 Co--L 285 M--Y 286 Capt. Curtis' Co., Artillery (Fredericksburg Artillery) Capt. Cutshaw's Co., Light Artillery (Jackson Artillery) Capt. Dance's Co., Artillery (Powhatan Artillery) A--D 287 E--W 288 Capt. Donald's Co., Light Artillery 289 Capt. Douthat's Co., Light Artillery (Botetourt Artillery) A--N 290 O--Z Capt. J. W. Drewry's Co., Artillery (South Side Artillery) 291 Capt. Ellett's Co., Light Artillery (Crenshaw Battery) A--H 292 J--Y 293 Capt. Epes' Co., Heavy Artillery (Johnston Artillery) 294 Capt. Fleet's Co., Artillery (Middlesex Artillery) Capt. Forrest's Co., Artillery (Chesapeake Artillery) Capt. French's Co., Light Artillery (McComas Battery, Light Artillery; Giles Light Artillery) 295 Capt. Fry's Co., Light Artillery (Orange Artillery) A--H 296 J--W 297 Capt. Garber's Co., Light Artillery (Staunton Artillery) A--H 298 I--W 299 Goochland Light Artillery A--K 300 L--W 301 Capt. Archibald Graham's Co., Light Artillery (Rockbridge Artillery) A--F 302 G--N 303 O--Y 304 Capt. Edward Graham's Co., Horse Artillery (Petersburg Artillery) 305 Capt. Grandy's Co., Light Artillery (Norfolk Light Artillery Blues) A--K 306 Capt. Griffin's Co., Light Artillery (Salem Flying Artillery) A--B 307 C--Z 308 Capt. Hankins' Co., Light Artillery (Surry Light Artillery) 309 Capt. Hardwicke's Co., Light Artillery (Lee Battery) 310 Capt. Huckstep's Co., Light Artillery (Fluvanna Artillery) Capt. Jackson's Co., Horse Artillery (2d Organization 1863-65) Capt. Jeffress' Co., Light Artillery (Nottoway Light Artillery) A--E 311 F--Y 312 Capt. J. R. Johnson's Co., Light Artillery Capt. C. F. Johnston's Co., Artillery (Albemarle Artillery; Everett Artillery) A--O 313 P--W Capt. A. J. Jones' Co., Heavy Artillery (Pamunkey Artillery) A--H 314 J--W 315 Capt. L. F. Jones' Co., Artillery (2d Co., Richmond Howitzers) Capt. King's Co., Light Artillery (Saltville Artillery) Capt. Kevill's Co., Artillery (United Artillery) 316 Capt. Kirkpatrick's Co., Light Artillery (Amherst Artillery) A--L 317 M--W Capt. Kyle's Co., Heavy Artillery 318 Capt. Lamkin's Co., Light Artillery Capt. Lowry's Co., Light Artillery (Centreville Rifles) A--G 319 H--Y Capt. Lanier's Co., Artillery Capt. Leake's Co., Light Artillery (Turner Artillery) Capt. Lurty's Co., Horse Artillery Capt. McClanahan's Co., Horse Artillery 320 Capt. Montgomery's Co., Light Artillery A--L 321 M--Y 322 Capt. Moore's Co., Light Artillery A--J 323 K--W 324 Capt. Motley's Co., Light Artillery (Pittsylvania Artillery) Capt. Nelson's Co., Light Artillery Capt. Otey's Co., Light Artillery (Local Defense) Capt. Page's Co., Light Artillery (Magruder Light Artillery) 325 Capt. Paris' Co., Artillery (Staunton Hill Artillery) Capt. Parker's Co., Light Artillery A--F 32 G--W Capt. Patteson's Co., Heavy Artillery (Campbell Battery) 327 Capt. Pegram's Co., Light Artillery (Branch Field Artillery) A--P 328 Q--Y Capt. Penick's Co., Light Artillery A--E 329 F--Y 330 Capt. Pollock's Co., Light Artillery (Fredericksburg Artillery) A--H 331 J--Y 332 Capt. B. F. Price's Co., Light Artillery (Danville Artillery) A--N 333 O--Z Capt. W. H. Rice's Co., Light Artillery (8th Star Artillery; New Market Artillery) 334 Capt. Richardson's Co., Artillery (James City Artillery) Capt. Rives' Co., Light Artillery (Nelson Light Artillery) A--G 335 H--W 336 Capt. Rogers' Co., Light Artillery (Loudoun Artillery) Capt. Daniel Shank's Co., Horse Artillery A--L 337 M--Z Capt. Shoemaker's Co., Horse Artillery (Beauregard Rifles, Lynchburg Beauregards) A--H 338 I--Y 339 Capt. B. H. Smith's Co., Artillery (3d Co., Richmond Howitzers) Capt. J. D. Smith's Co., Light Artillery (Bedford Light Artillery) A--G 340 H--W 341 Capt. Snead's Co., Light Artillery (Fluvanna Artillery) 342 Capt. Sturdivant's Co., Light Artillery Capt. Taylor's Co., Light Artillery A--E 343 F--Y 344 Capt. Thompson's Co., Light Artillery (Portsmouth Light Artillery) Capt. Thornton's Co., Light Artillery (Caroline Light Artillery) A--B 345 C--R 346 S--Y 347 Capt. Turner's Co., Light Artillery Capt. Utterback's Co., Light Artillery A--N 348 O--Y Capt. Waters' Co., Light Artillery Capt. Weisiger's Co., Light Artillery Capt. Wilkinson's Co., Heavy Artillery (Co. A, Marion Artillery; Co. A, Richmond Local Guards) 349 Wise Legion, Artillery Capt. Wimbish's Co., Light Artillery (Long Island Light Artillery) Capt. Woolfolk's Co., Light Artillery (Ashland Light Artillery) A--G 350 H--Z 351 Capt. Wright's Co., Heavy Artillery (Halifax Artillery) Capt. Young's Co., Artillery (Halifax Light Artillery) 352 1st Infantry (Williams Rifles) A--Bl 353 Bo--Cl 354 Co--E 355 F--Hi 356 Ho--K 357 L--Ma 358 Mc--N 359 O--R 360 S--Th 361 Ti--Z 362 1st (Farinholt's) Reserves A--O 363 P--Z 1st Battalion, Reserves 364 1st State Reserves (2d Class Militia) A--L 365 M--Z 1st Reserves 366 1st Battalion, Infantry (1st Battalion, Virginia Regulars; Irish Battalion) A--Co 367 Cr--G 368 H--L 369 M--Q 370 R--Y 371 1st Battalion, Infantry, Local Defense (Ordnance Battalion, Armory Battalion) 372 2d Infantry A--Bi 373 Bl--Co 374 Cr--F 375 G--Hi 376 Ho--Le 377 Li--M 378 N--Ri 379 Ro--Sm 380 Sn--T 381 U--Z 2d Infantry, Local Defense A--C 382 D--Z 383 2d State Reserves A--J 384 K--Z 385 2d Battalion, Infantry, Local Defense (Waller's Battalion, Quartermaster Battalion) 386 2d Battalion Reserves 3d Infantry A--Ba 387 Be--Cl 388 Co--Ed 389 El--Go 390 Gr--I 391 J--L 392 M--O 393 P--Sn 394 So--V 395 W--Y 396 3d Kanawha Regiment, Infantry 3d Infantry, Local Defense A--E 397 F--M 398 N--Y 399 3d Reserves (Booker's Regiment, Reserves) A--R 400 S--Z 3d (Archer's) Battalion, Reserves 401 3d (Christman's) Battalion, Reserves 3d Battalion, Valley Reserves (Augusta County Reserves) 402 4th Infantry A--Bl 403 Bo--Ca 404 Ce--Da 405 De--F 406 G--Ha 407 He--J 408 K--L 409 M--N 410 O--P 411 R--Si 412 Sl--Ti 413 To--Wh 414 Wi--Z 415 4th Reserves (Preston's Regiment; 5th Regiment, Reserves) A--R 416 S--Z 4th Battalion, Reserves 4th Battalion, Infantry, Local Defense (Naval Battalion; Navy Department Battalion) A--G 417 H--Z 418 5th Infantry A--Ba 419 Be--Br 420 Bu--Co 421 Cr--E 422 F--Go 423 Gr--He 424 Hi--J 425 K--L 426 M--N 427 O--Ri 428 Ro--Sp 429 St--V 430 W--Z 431 5th Battalion, Infantry (Wilson's Battalion; Archer's Battalion) A--H 432 J--S 433 T--Y 5th Battalion, Infantry, Local Defense (Arsenal Battalion) 5th Battalion, Reserves (Henry's Reserves) 434 6th Infantry A--Ba 435 Be--Br 436 Bu--Coo 437 Cor--D 438 E--Fo 439 Fr--G 440 H 441 I--La 442 Le--Ma 443 Mc--N 444 O--Ri 445 Ro--Sk 446 Sl--Sy 447 T--V 448 W--Wh 449 Wi 450 Wo--Z 6th Battalion, Reserves (13th Battalion, Reserves; Smith's Battalion, Reserves) A--F 451 G--Y 452 6th (Tredegar) Battalion, Infantry, Local Defense 7th Infantry A 453 B--Br 454 Bu--Co 455 Cr--E 456 F--G 457 H 458 I--L 459 M--N 460 O--R 461 S 462 T--Wa 463 We--Y 464 7th (1st Nitre) Battalion, Infantry, Local Defense 7th Battalion, Reserves (5th Battalion, Valley Reserves) 465 8th Infantry A--Ba 466 Be--Bo 467 Br--C 468 D--F 469 G--Ho 470 Hu--Li 471 Lo--O 472 P--Sl 473 Sm--V 474 W--Y 8th Battalion, Reserves (1st Battalion, Valley Reserves) 475 9th Infantry A--Bi 476 Bl--By 477 Ca--Co 478 Cr--D 479 E--Go 480 Gr--Ha 481 He--J 482 K--Mi 483 Mo--Ph 484 Pi--R 485 S--To 486 Tr--Wa 487 We--Z 488 9th Battalion, Reserves (2d Battalion, Valley Reserves) 9th (Hansbrough's) Battalion, Infantry 9th Militia 489 10th Infantry A--Bo 490 Br--Co 491 Cr--F 492 G--H 493 I--L 494 M--N 495 O--R 496 S 497 T--Y 498 10th Battalion, Reserves (4th Battalion, Valley Reserves) 11th Infantry A 499 B 500 C 501 D--E 502 F--Go 503 Gr--Hi 504 Ho--Ja 505 Je--K 506 L--Ma 507 Mc--My 508 N--P 509 Q--Sc 510 Se--Sw 511 T--Wa 512 We--Z 513 11th Battalion, Reserves (4th Battalion, Reserves; Wallace's Battalion, Reserves) 514 12th Infantry A--Bal 515 Ban--Bl 516 Bo--Br 517 Bu--Ch 518 Cl--Cr 519 Cu--D 520 E--F 521 G 522 H--Hi 523 Ho--J 524 K--Le 525 Li--Ma 526 Mc--My 527 N--Pa 528 Pe--Q 529 R--Sc 530 Se--Sp 531 St--Tr 532 Tu--Wa 533 We--Wi 534 Wo--Z 13th Infantry A--Bi 535 Bl--By 536 C 537 D--G 538 H--I 539 J--Ma 540 Mc--Pa 541 Pe--R 542 S--Te 543 Th--Y 544 14th Infantry A--Bi 545 Bl--Ch 546 Cl--Cu 547 D--E 548 F--G 549 H--J 550 K--Mc 551 Me--O 552 P--Q 553 R--Se 554 Sh--Sy 555 T--Wa 556 We--Wi 557 Wo--Y 14th Militia 558 15th Infantry A--Ba 559 Be--Bu 560 By--C 561 D--F 562 G 563 H--Ho 564 Hu--La 565 Le--Mi 566 Mo--P 567 R--Sp 568 St--T 569 V--Y 570 16th Infantry (Colston's Regiment, Infantry; 26th Regiment, Infantry) A--Bi 571 Bl--Bu 572 C 573 D--E 574 F--G 575 H--Hu 576 I--Li 577 Lo--N 578 O--Ri 579 Ro--S 580 T--We 581 Wh--Z 582 17th Infantry A--Ba 583 Be--Bu 584 C 585 D--E 586 F--Go 587 Gr--Ha 588 He--I 589 J--K 590 L--Ma 591 Mc--N 592 O--Q 593 R--Sh 594 Si--St 595 Su--V 596 W--Z 597 18th Infantry A--Ba 598 Be--By 599 C--Cl 600 Co--Da 601 De--E 602 F 603 G--Gl 604 Go--Ha 605 He--I 606 J--K 607 L--Ma 608 Mc--Mo 609 Mu--Pa 610 Pe--R 611 S--So 612 Sp--T 613 V--Wa 614 We--Wir 615 Wit--Z 616 19th Infantry A--Bl 617 Bo--By 618 C--Cr 619 Cu--E 620 F--Gi 621 Go--Ha 622 He--I 623 J--La 624 Le--Ma 625 Mc--My 626 N--Po 627 Pr--Sa 628 Sc--Ta 629 Te--We 630 Wh--Z 631 20th Infantry A--D 632 E--N 633 O--Y 634 21st Infantry A--Ba 635 Be--Cl 636 Co--Di 637 Do--F 638 G--Ha 639 He--K 640 L--M 641 N--P 642 R--Sh 643 Si--T 644 V--Y 645 21st Militia 21st Battalion, Infantry (Pound Gap Battalion, Thompson's Battalion, Special Service Battalion) A--B 646 C--Z 647 22d Infantry (1st Kanawha Regiment) A--Bo 648 Br--C 649 D--F 650 G--I 651 J--L 652 M--O 653 P--R 654 S--T 655 U--Z 22d Battalion, Infantry (2d Battalion Infantry) A 656 B--E 657 F--J 658 K--P 659 Q--To 660 Tr--Y 661 23d Infantry A--B 662 C 663 D--F 664 G--Ha 665 He--J 666 K--Mo 667 Mu--Rh 668 Ri--Se 669 Sh--Ta 670 Te--Wal 671 Wan--Y 672 23d Battalion, Infantry (1st Battalion, Infantry; Hounshell's Battalion, Infantry; Derrick's Battalion, Infantry) A--B 673 C--F 674 G--L 675 M--R 676 S--Y 677 24th Infantry A--Ba 678 Be--By 679 C 680 D--E 681 F--G 682 H--Hi 683 Ho--Ke 684 Ki--Ma 685 Mc--O 686 P--R 687 S--So 688 Sp--T 689 U--We 690 Wh--Z 691 25th Infantry (Heck's Regiment) A--B 692 C--F 693 G--H 694 I--Ma 695 Mc--P 696 Q--S 697 T--Y 698 25th Battalion, Infantry (Richmond Battalion, Infantry; City Battalion, Infantry) A--Bi 699 Bl--By 700 C--E 701 F--G 702 H--J 703 K--Mi 704 Mo--P 705 Q--S 706 T--Z 707 25th Militia 26th Infantry A--Bi 708 Bl--By 709 C--Co 710 Cr--D 711 E--F 712 G 713 H--Ho 714 Hu--K 715 L--Me 716 Mi--O 717 P 718 R 719 S--Sp 720 St--To 721 Tr--We 722 Wh--Y 723 26th (Edgar's) Battalion, Infantry A--E 724 F--L 725 M--R 726 S--Z 27th Infantry (6th Infantry) A 727 B--Ch 728 Cl--E 729 F--Ha 730 He--Li 731 Lo--N 732 O--R 733 S 734 T--Z 735 28th Infantry A--Be 736 Bi--By 737 C--Co 738 Cr--Di 739 Do--Fi 740 Fl--G 741 H--Ho 742 Hu--Ke 743 Ki--Ma 744 Mc--Mi 745 Mo--O 746 P--Rh 747 Ri--Se 748 Sh--Sw 749 T--Wa 750 We--Wi 751 Wo--Z 28th (Tabb's) Battalion, Infantry 752 29th Infantry A--B 753 C--D 754 E--G 755 H--J 756 K--Mc 757 Me--Pl 758 Po--S 759 T--W 760 30th Infantry A--Bi 761 Bl--Ca 762 Ch--Do 763 Du--G 764 Ha--I 765 J--L 766 M--Pi 767 Po--Sa 768 Sc--Ta 769 Te--Y 770 30th Battalion, Sharp Shooters (1st Battalion, Sharp Shooters; Clarke's Battalion, Sharp Shooters) A--C 771 D--K 772 L--R 773 S--Z 774 31st Infantry A--C 775 D--Ja 776 Jo--P 777 Q--T 778 V--Y 31st Militia A--C 779 D--Z 780 32d Infantry A--B 781 C 782 D--G 783 H--Joh 784 Jon--Ma 785 Mc--O 786 P--R 787 S 788 T--Wh 789 Wi--Y 790 33d Infantry A--By 791 C--D 792 E--Ha 793 He--J 794 K--L 795 M--N 796 O--R 797 S 798 T--Z 799 34th Infantry A--Bag 800 Bai--Bo 801 Br--By 802 Ca--Co 803 Cr--D 804 E--F 805 G 806 H--Hi 807 Ho--Je 808 Jo--K 809 L 810 M--Me 811 Mi--My 812 N--Pa 813 Pe--Po 814 Pr--Ro 815 Ru--Si 816 Sl--Sy 817 T--V 818 W--Wh 819 Wi--Wo 820 Wr--Z 34th Militia 821 36th Infantry (2d Kanawha Infantry) A--B 822 C 823 D--Fi 824 Fl--Ha 825 He-J 826 K--Ma 827 Mc--N 828 O--R 829 S--Sp 830 St--U 831 V--Y 832 37th Infantry A--B 833 C--D 834 E--G 835 H--K 836 L--N 837 O--R 838 S--V 839 W--Y 37th Militia 840 38th Infantry (Pittsylvania Regiment) A--Bo 841 Br--Cl 842 Co--E 843 F--G 844 H 845 I--Ma 846 Mc--O 847 P--R 848 S--To 849 Tr--Y 850 39th Infantry A--K 851 L--Z 39th Militia 852 40th Infantry A--Bo 853 Br--Co 854 Cr--F 855 G--H 856 I--Mc 857 Me--Ri 858 Ro--Sy 859 T--Y 860 41st Infantry A--Bl 861 Bo--Cl 862 Co--D 863 E--G 864 H 865 I--L 866 M--N 867 O--Ri 878 Ro--St 879 Su--We 880 Wh--Y 41st Militia 871 42d Infantry A--Ch 872 Cl--F 873 G--I 874 J--N 875 O--Sh 876 Si--Y 43d Militia 877 44th Infantry A--B 878 C--F 879 G--I 880 J--Mc 881 Me--R 882 S--We 883 Wh--Y 44th Battalion, Infantry (Petersburg City Battalion) 884 45th Infantry A--B 885 C--D 886 E--Ha 887 He--L 888 M--P 889 Q--Te 890 Th--Z 891 45th Battalion, Infantry 892 46th Infantry (1st Regiment, Infantry, Wise Legion; 2d Regiment, Wise Brigade) A--Bo 893 Br--C 894 D 895 E--Gi 896 Gl--Ha 897 He--I 898 J--Li 899 Lo--Mi 900 Mo--Pi 901 Pl--R 902 S 903 T--Tr 904 Tu--Wh 905 Wi--Z 46th Militia 906 47th Infantry A--Bu 907 C--E 908 F--J 909 K--P 910 Q--Te 911 Th--Y 47th Militia 912 48th Infantry A--D 913 E--H 914 I--P 915 Q--W 916 49th Infantry A--Cl 917 Co--F 918 G--J 919 K--N 920 O--Sm 921 Sn--Y 922 50th Infantry A--C 923 D--J 924 K--R 925 S--Z 926 51st Infantry A--B 927 C--F 928 G--I 929 J--N 930 O--Se 931 Sh--T 932 U--Y 933 51st Militia 934 52d Infantry A--B 935 C--D 936 E--Ha 937 He--La 938 Le--O 939 P--Sh 940 Si--T 941 V--Z 942 52d Militia 943 53d Infantry A--Bi 944 Bl--Co 945 Cr--E 946 F--Gr 947 Gu--H 948 I--L 949 M 950 N--Re 951 Ri--S 952 T--Wa 953 We--Y 53d Militia 954 54th Infantry A--C 955 D--Ho 956 Hu--O 957 P--S 958 T--Z 959 54th Battalion, Infantry 54th Militia 960 55th Infantry A--Bl 961 Bo--Bw 962 C 963 D 964 E--Ga 965 Ge--Ha 966 He--K 967 L--M 968 N--Ri 969 Ro--Sl 970 Sm--V 971 W--Z 972 56th Infantry A--B 973 C--D 974 E--G 975 H--K 976 L--M 977 N--R 978 S--Ta 979 Te--Y 980 57th Infantry A--Bl 981 Bo--By 982 C--D 983 E--G 984 H--Ho 985 Hu--L 986 M--Mi 987 Mo--P 988 Q--Se 989 Sh--Sw 990 T--V 991 W--Z 992 58th Infantry A--B 993 C--E 994 F--H 995 I--Mi 996 Mo--Q 997 R--S 998 T--Z 999 58th Militia 1000 59th Infantry (2d Regiment, Infantry, Wise Legion) A--Bi 1001 Bl--Ch 1002 Cl--D 1003 E--G 1004 H--I 1005 J--Ma 1006 Mc--N 1007 O--R 1008 S--Te 1009 Th--We 1010 Wh--Y 59th Militia 1011 60th Infantry (3d Regiment, Infantry, Wise Legion) A--Bo 1012 Br--Co 1013 Cr--Fi 1014 Fl--Ha 1015 He--J 1016 K--Ma 1017 Mc--O 1018 P--R 1019 S--Te 1020 Th--Z 1021 61st Infantry (Wilson's Regiment, Infantry; 7th [Wilson's] Battalion, Infantry) A--Br 1022 Bu--C 1023 D--E 1024 F--G 1025 H--Hi 1026 Ho--J 1027 K--Mi 1028 Mo--O 1029 P--Sh 1030 Si--V 1031 W--Y 61st Militia (Matthew's Battalion) A--C 1032 D--W 1033 62d Mounted Infantry (1st Partisan Rangers, 62d Partisan Rangers, 62d Infantry, 62d Cavalry, Imboden's Partisan Rangers) A--D 1034 E--J 1035 K--P 1036 Q--Z 1037 63d Infantry (McMahon's Regiment) A--C 1038 D--Hi 1039 Ho--Ma 1040 Mc--R 1041 S--Y 1042 64th Mounted Infantry (64th Infantry; 64th Cavalry; Slemp's Regiment, Infantry) A--C 1043 D--G 1044 H--L 1045 M--P 1046 Q--S 1047 T--Z 64th Militia 1048 67th Militia 72d Militia (Russell County Militia) 1049 74th Militia 77th Militia 79th Militia 1050 82d Militia 86th Militia 87th Militia 1051 88th Militia 89th Militia 92d Militia 94th Militia 1052 97th Militia (Col. Mann Spitler's Militia; 2d Regiment; 7th Brigade, Militia) 1053 108th Militia 109th Militia 110th Militia 1054 111th Militia 114th Militia 1055 115th Militia 122d Militia 1056 129th Militia 1057 135th Militia 1058 136th Militia (3d Regiment, 7th Brigade, Militia) 1059 146th Militia (1st Regiment, 7th Brigade, Militia) 1060 151st Militia 157th Militia 162d Militia 1061 166th Militia 188th Militia 189th Militia 190th Militia 198th Militia 1062 Averett's Battalion, Reserves Burks' Regiment, Local Defense Carroll County Militia 1063 Cohoon's Battalion, Infantry (6th Battalion, North Carolina Infantry) French's Battalion, Infantry Grayson County Militia 1064 Montague's Battalion, Infantry Rockbridge County Reserves 1065 Scott County Militia Tomlin's Battalion, Infantry Tuttle's Battalion, Local Defense 1066 Virginia State Line 1067 Wade's Regiment, Local Defense Washington County Militia Wythe County Militia 1068 Capt. Avis' Co., Provost Guard Lt. Bosher's Co., Local Defense 1069 Capt. Chappell's Co., Local Defense (Pickett Guard) Capt. Clark's Co., Reserve Forces Capt. Cooper's Co., Local Defense Capt. Dulany's Co., Local Defense (Home Guards) Capt. Durrett's Co., Local Defense Capt. Earhart's Co., Local Defense (Blacklick Home Guards) Capt. Ezell's Co., Local Defense Capt. French's Co., Local Defense Capt. Gregory's Co., Infantry (High Hill Greys) Guards and Scouts, Rockingham County, Virginia Capt. Hamilton's Co., Local Defense Capt. Henderson's Co., Local Defense Capt. Hobson's Co., 2d Class Militia 1070 Hood's Battalion, Reserves Capt. Hutter's Co., Infantry (The Southern Guard) Capt. Jordan's Co., Local Defense Capt. Keyser's Co., Reserves Capt. Lyneman's Co., Infantry 1071 Capt. Mallory's Co., Local Defense (Provost Guard) Capt. Mileham's Co., Infantry Lt. Morehead's Co., Local Defense Capt. Murphy's Co. Capt. Neff's Co., Local Defense (Mount Airy Home Guard) Capt. Patterson's Co., Local Defense (Home Guard, 1st District, Bland County) Capt. Scott's Co., Local Defense (Co. A, Greensville County Home Guard) 1072 Capt. Stowers' Co., Militia Capt. Sutherland's Co., Local Defense Capt. Tayloe's Co., Local Defense Capt. Taylor's Co., Volunteers (Young Guards) Capt. Thurston's Co., Reserve Forces Westmoreland County, Reserves Wise's Battalion, Volunteers Capt. Wolff's Co., 2d Class Militia Capt. Wood's Co., Local Defense Virginia Military Institute 1073 Miscellaneous, Virginia A--R 1074 S--Z Conscripts, Camp Lee, Virginia A--E 1075 F--Y Compiled Service Records (cont.) Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers Who Served in Organizations Raised Directly by the Confederate Government. M258. 123 rolls. 16mm. DP. This microfilm publication reproduces the compiled service records of Confederate soldiers who served in military organizations raised directly or otherwise formed by the Confederate government and therefore not identified with any one state. Two or three of these organizations seem to have been originally considered units of the Confederate Regular Army. Several others were raised among residents of Indian Territory; one was made up of foreigners recruited among Union prisoners of war. Preceding the jacket-envelopes for the individual soldiers in each organizational unit, there are usually empty envelopes on which the officers of the unit are listed. Jacket-envelopes contain cards showing the exact captions of muster-in and muster-out rolls that were copied and the certifications of the mustering officers verifying the accuracy of the rolls. Record-of-events cards indicate the activities in which any part of the unit had been engaged. Because of the irregular way in which most of these units were organized, there are relatively few caption cards. Record-of-events cards are more numerous, but they sometimes do not contain any account of happenings because no such notation was made in the original records. The compiled service records reproduced in this microfilmed publication are indexed on M818. Roll Description 1 1st Confederate Cavalry A--C 2 D--H 3 I--N 4 O--T 5 U--Y 1st Confederate Regular Cavalry 6 1st Battalion, Trans-Mississippi Confederate Cavalry (1st Battalion, Arkansas and Louisiana Cavalry) 7 3d Confederate Cavalry A--C 8 D--H 9 I--N 10 O--S 11 T--Y 6th Battalion, Confederate Cavalry 12 7th Confederate Cavalry (Claiborne's Regiment, Partisan Rangers; 7th Regiment, Confederate Partisan Rangers): A--B 13 C--F 14 G--K 15 L--Pa 16 Pe--S 17 T--Z 7th Battalion, Confederate Cavalry (Prentice's Battalion, Confederate Cavalry) 18 8th (Dearing's) Confederate Cavalry 19 8th (Wade's) Confederate Cavalry (2d Regiment, Mississippi and Alabama Cavalry) A--D 20 E--K 21 L--R 22 S--Z 23 10th Confederate Cavalry A--E 24 F--K 25 L--P 26 R--Z 27 14th Confederate Cavalry A--K 28 L--Z 29 15th Confederate Cavalry (1st Regiment, Alabama and Florida Cavalry) A--C 30 D--Ha 31 He--Mi 32 Mo--R 33 S--Z 34 20th Confederate Cavalry (Lay's Regiment, Confederate Cavalry) A--M 35 N--Y Baxter's Battalion, Confederate Cavalry 36 Bell's Battalion, C.S.A. Blake's Scouts, C.S.A. Burrough's Battalion, Partisan Rangers (Princess Anne Partisan Rangers) Clarkson's Battalion, Confederate Cavalry, Independent Rangers A--K 37 L--Y Fort's Scouts, C.S.A. Lyon's Escort, Forrest's Cavalry, C.S.A. Martin's Escort, C.S.A. 38 Mead's Confederate Cavalry (Mead's Regiment of Partisan Rangers) 39 Murchison's Battalion, Cavalry Powers' Regiment, Confederate Cavalry Capt. Raum's Co., Confederate Cavalry (Warren Dragoons) Wheeler's Scouts, C.S.A. (Hawkins' Scouts, C.S.A.; Carter's Scouts, C.S.A.; 1st Tennessee Mounted Scouts) 40 Wood's Regiment, Confederate Cavalry A--Ca 41 Ce--E 42 F--He 43 Hi--L 44 M--O 45 P--Sl 46 Sm--Z 47 1st Regular Battery, Confederate Light Artillery (Semmes' Battery; Barnes' Battery) Braxton's Battalion, Confederate Artillery (Battalion C, 2d Corps, Army of Northern Virginia) Courtney's Battalion, Confederate Artillery Cunningham's Battalion, Confederate Artillery Cutshaw's Battalion, Confederate Artillery Capt. Davis' Co., Confederate Light Artillery De Gournay's Battalion, Heavy Artillery (12th Battalion, Louisiana Heavy Artillery) 48 Capt. Dent's Battery, Light Artillery, C.S.A. Haskell's Battalion, Confederate Artillery Huger's Battalion, Confederate Artillery Lewis' Battalion, Confederate Artillery Capt. Lillard's Co., Independent Scouts and Rangers (Nelson Rangers and Scouts) Capt. Madison's Co., Mounted Spies and Guides (Phillips' Mtd. Spies and Guides) 49 Capt. Marshall's Co., Confederate Artillery (Brown Horse Artillery) Martin's Battalion, Confederate Reserve Artillery McIntosh's Battalion, Confederate Artillery (Battalion C, Reserve Corps Artillery, Army of Northern Virginia) McLaughlin's Battalion, Confederate Artillery Montague's Battalion, Confederate Heavy Artillery (4th Battalion, Confederate Heavy Artillery) Nelson's Battalion, Confederate Artillery (31st Battalion, Virginia Light Artillery; 3d Battalion Reserve, Light Artillery) Lt. W. B. Ochiltree's Detachment of Recruits (Detachment of Regulars) Maj. R. C. M. Page's Battalion, Confederate Artillery (Carter's Battalion of Artillery; Braxton's Battalion of Artillery) Palmer's Battalion, Confederate Artillery (Robertson's Battalion of Artillery) Poague's Battalion, Artillery Richardson's Battalion, Confederate Light Artillery (Battalion A. 1st Corps Artillery, Army of Northern Virginia) 50 Maj. F. W. Smith's Battalion, Confederate Heavy Artillery Stark's Battalion, Confederate Light Artillery (Battalion B. 1st Corps Artillery, Army of Northern Virginia) 51 Stuart's Horse Artillery Capt. White's Battery, Horse Artillery 52 1st Confederate Infantry (1st Confederate Regiment, Georgia Volunteers) A--B 53 C--E 54 F--Ha 55 He--K 56 L--M 57 N--Ri 58 Ro--S 59 T--Y 60 1st Battalion, Confederate Infantry (Forney's Regiment, Confederate Infantry) A--K 61 L--W 62 2d Confederate Infantry 3d Confederate Infantry A--D 63 E--W 64 4th Confederate Infantry (1st Regiment, Alabama, Tennessee, and Mississippi Infantry) A--F 65 G--N 66 O--Y 67 8th Battalion, Confederate Infantry (2d Foreign Battalion, Infantry; 2d Foreign Legion, Infantry) 68 9th Confederate Infantry (5th Confederate Infantry; 5th Confederate Regiment, Tennessee Infantry) A--F 69 G--Mi 70 Mo--Y 71 Bailey's Consolidated Regiment of Infantry Bradford's Corps, Scouts and Guards (Bradford's Battalion) 72 Brooks' Battalion, Confederate Regular Infantry Brush Battalion, C.S.A. A--O 73 P--W Lt. Cunningham's Ordnance Detachment (Capt. Cuyler's Ordnance Detachment) Capt. Davis' Co. of Guides, C.S.A. Exchanged Battalion, C.S.A. (Trans-Mississippi Battalion; Western Battalion) A--N 74 O--Z Forrest's Scouts, C.S.A. 75 Gillum's Regiment (Henry Gillum's Regiment; Gillum's Regiment, Mounted Infantry; Gillum's Regiment, Mounted Riflemen) Lt. Haskell's Co., Infantry Jackson's Co., C.S.A. Capt. McDaniel's Co., Secret Service Stirman's Regiment, Sharp Shooters Tucker's Regiment, Confederate Infantry A--D 76 E--Z Lt. Young's (5th) Co., Retributors 77 1st Cherokee Mounted Rifles (1st Arkansas Cherokee Mounted Rifles) A--L 78 M--Y 79 1st Cherokee Mounted Volunteers (Watie's Regiment, Cherokee Mounted Volunteers; 2d Regiment, Cherokee Mounted Rifles, Arkansas; 1st Regiment, Cherokee Mounted Rifles or Riflemen) A--K L--Y 1st Squadron, Cherokee Mounted Volunteers (Holt's Squadron, Cherokee Mounted Volunteers) 81 1st Chickasaw Infantry (Hunter's Regiment, Indian Volunteers) 82 1st Choctaw Mounted Rifles 83 1st Choctaw and Chickasaw Mounted Rifles A--G 84 H--N 85 O--Y 86 1st Creek Mounted Volunteers (1st Regiment, Creek Mounted Rifles or Riflemen; Creek Regiment, Mounted Indian Volunteers; 2d Regiment, Arkansas Creeks) A--H 87 I--S 88 T--Z 1st Osage Battalion, C.S.A. 1st Seminole Mounted Volunteers A--C 89 D--Y 90 2d Cherokee Mounted Volunteers (2d Regiment Cherokee Mounted Rifles or Riflemen) 91 2d Creek Mounted Volunteers Cherokee Regiment (Special Service) Deneale's Regiment, Choctaw Warriors (Deneale's Confederate Volunteers) Shecoe's Chickasaw Battalion, Mounted Volunteers Washington's Squadron of Indians, C.S.A. (Reserve Squadron of Cavalry) Capt. Wilkins' Co., Choctaw Infantry Miscellaneous Indian Records 92 1st Confederate Engineer Troops A--C 93 D--F 94 G--L 95 M--R 96 S--Z 97 2d Confederate Engineer Troops A--J 98 K--Z 99 3d Confederate Engineer Troops A--F 100 G--O 101 P--Z 102 4th Confederate Engineer Troops A--R 103 S--Z Engineers, C.S.A. A--B 104 C--Di 105 Do--F 106 G--Hi 107 Ho--L 108 M--Ri 109 Ro--S 110 T--Y 111 Nitre and Mining Bureau, War Department, C.S.A., A--H 112 I--N 113 P--W 114 Sappers and Miners A--K 115 L--Y 116 Signal Corps, C.S.A. A--B 117 C--F 118 G--L 119 M--N 120 O--S 121 T--Z 122 Bands, C.S.A. Lt. Click's Co., Ordnance Scouts and Guards, C.S.A. Infantry School of Practice 123 Invalid Corps Officers Surnamed Morgan, C.S.A. President's Guard, C.S.A. Miscellaneous Records Compiled Service Records of Confederate General and Staff Officers, and Non-Regimental Enlisted Men. M331. 275 rolls. 16mm. DP. This microfilm publication reproduces the compiled service records of Confederate officers and enlisted men who did not belong to any particular regiment, separate company or comparable unit, or special corps. This class of military personnel included general officers; officers and enlisted men of the so-called staff departments; members of army corps, division, and brigade staffs; and various appointees with special status such as aides-de-camp, military judges, chaplains, agents, and drillmasters. The so-called staff departments were those of the Adjutant and Inspector General, the Quartermaster General, the Commissary General, the Medical Department, and the Ordnance Department. The compiled service records reproduced in this microfilm publication are indexed on M818. Roll Description 1 A--Adams, J. 2 Adams, L.--Ak 3 Al--Alg 4 All--Alle 5 Alli--Am 6 An--Anderson, P. 7 Anderson, R.--Andr 8 Ang--Ap 9 Ar--Arm 10 Arn--As 11 At--Ay 12 B--Bai 13 Bak--Bald 14 Bale--Bap 15 Bar--Bark 16 Barl--Barn 17 Barr--Baru 18 Bas--Bay 19 Bea 20 Bec--Beld 21 Bell--Belv 22 Bem--Ben 23 Ber--Bi 24 Bl--Blai 25 Blak--Bly 26 Bo--Bom 27 Bon--Bor 28 Bos--Box 29 Boy--Boz 30 Br--Bram 31 Bran--Braz 32 Bre 33 Bri 34 Bro--Brok 35 Bron--Brown, H. 36 Brown, I.--Brown, P. 37 Brown, R.--Bru 38 Bry 39 Bu--Buc 40 Bud--Bun 41 Bur--Burs 42 Burt--Bus 43 But--Bux 44 By--Cak 45 Cal--Calv 46 Cam--Camr 47 Can--Carl 48 Carm--Carre 49 Carri 50 Carro--Cart 51 Caru--Chai 52 Chal--Cham 53 Chan--Che 54 Chi--Cho 55 Chr--Clai 56 Clam--Clark, R. 57 Clark, S.--Clo 58 Clu--Cog 59 Coh--Cole 60 Colg--Conn 61 Cono--Coon 62 Coop--Cor 63 Cos--Cow 64 Cox--Coxw 65 Coy--Cri 66 Cro 67 Cru--Cummings 68 Cummins--Cup 69 Cur--Cy 70 D--Dan 71 DaP--Dave 72 Davi--Davis, R. 73 Davis, S.--Day 74 De--Den 75 DeP--Dic 76 Dig--Dix 77 D'L--^DOU 78 Dov--Doz 79 Dr 80 DuB--Dul 81 Dum--Dun 82 Dup--Dy 83 E--Edn 84 Edw--Ek 85 El--Ellio 86 Ellis--Eo 87 Ep--Eu 88 Eva 89 Eve--Ez 90 F--Far 91 Fau--Fen 92 Fer--Fil 93 Fin--Fis 94 Fit--Fitz 95 Fl--Fol 96 Fon--For 97 Fos--Foy 98 Fr--Fre 99 Fri--Fy 100 G--Gai 101 Gal--Gan 102 Gar--Garl 103 Garm--Gary 104 Gas--Gea 105 Ged--Gibb 106 Gibs--Gin 107 Gir--Gl 108 Go--Goo 109 Gor--Goz 110 Gra 111 Gre 112 Gri--Gry 113 Gu--Gy 114 H--Hall 115 Halla--Ham 116 Han--Hap 117 Har--Hardm 118 Hardw--Harrin 119 Harris 120 Harrison--Hart 121 Harv--Hav 122 Haw--Hays 123 Hayw--Hemp 124 Hen--Hep 125 Her--Hey 126 Hi--Hill, G. 127 Hill, H.--Hilt 128 Hin--Hit 129 Ho--Holi 130 Holl--Holm 131 Holr--Hop 132 Hor--Hou 133 How--Hoy 134 Hu--Hul 135 Hum--Humr 136 Hun--Hup 137 Hur--Hy 138 I 139 Ja 140 Je--Johns 141 Johnson 142 Johnston 143 Jol--Jones, H. 144 Jones, I.--Jones, W. 145 Joo--Kea 146 Kee--Kemp 147 Ken--Keo 148 Ker--Key 149 Ki--King 150 Kinl--Kn 151 Ko--Lam 152 Lan--LaR 153 Las--Lawr 154 Laws--Lea 155 LeB--Lee 156 Lef--Lev 157 Lew--Lin 158 Lip--Loc 159 Lod--Lov 160 Low--Ly 161 M--Mac 162 Mad--Mal 163 Man--Mars 164 Mart--Mary 165 Mas--Mast 166 Mat--Max 167 May--Maz 168 McA--McCa 169 McCh--McCl 170 McCo--McCu 171 McD--McG 172 McH--McK 173 McL--McMa 174 McMe--McW 175 Me--Mel 176 Mem--Mh 177 Mi--Mili 178 Mill--Milt 179 Mim--Miz 180 Mo--Mon 181 Moo--Moot 182 Mor--Morg 183 Mori--Mort 184 Mos--Murp 185 Murr--My 186 N--Ne 187 Ni--Nol 188 Nor--Ny 189 O--O'K 190 Ol--O'N 191 Oo--Oz 192 P--Pai 193 Pal--Pas 194 Pat--Pay 195 Pe--Pem 196 Pen--Pet 197 Pey--Pic 198 Pie--Pit 199 Pl--Pon 200 Poo--Pos 201 Pot--Pra 202 Pre--Pric 203 Prit--Priv 204 Pro--Q 205 R--Ram 206 Ran--Rank 207 Rann--Ray 208 Re--Ree 209 Rei--Rey 210 Rh--Rice 211 Rich--Rico 212 Rid--Rip 213 Rit--Roberts 214 Robertson 215 Robi--Rop 216 Ros--Roy 217 Ru--Ry 218 S--San 219 Sap--Sca 220 Sch--Sco 221 Scr--Seld 222 Sell--Ser 223 Ses--Sha 224 She--Shi 225 Sho--Simo 226 Simp--Slau 227 Slay--Smith, A. 228 Smith, B.--Smith, F. 229 Smith, G.--Smith, J. 230 Smith, L.--Smith, O. 231 Smith, P.--Smith, T. 232 Smith, W.--Smy 233 Sn--So 234 Sp--Sq 235 Sta 236 Ste--Sth 237 Sti--Sto 238 Str--Sty 239 Su--Sw 240 Sy--Talc 241 Tali--Tan 242 Tap--Taylor, I. 243 Taylor, J.--Taylor, W. 244 Te--Tev 245 Th--Thomas, L. 246 Thomas, M.--Thompson, G. 247 Thompson, H.--Thon 248 Thor--Thw 249 Tic--Toy 250 Tr--Tro 251 Tru--Tup 252 Tur--Tw 253 Ty--Van 254 Var--Ve 255 Vi--Wad 256 Wag--Walke 257 Walker--Walku 258 Wall--Walw 259 Wam--Warn 260 Warr--Was 261 Wat--Way 262 We--Wei 263 Wel--Wey 264 Wh--Whitc 265 White 266 Whited--Whitw 267 Who--Wilk 268 Will--Williams, S. 269 Williams, T.--Wilm 270 Wils--Wim 271 Win--Wir 272 Wis--Wom 273 Woo--Wor 274 Wr 275 Wu--Z Unfiled Papers and Slips Belonging in Confederate Compiled Service Records. M347. 442 rolls. 16mm. DP. This microfilm publication reproduces an extensive series of papers that the War Department accumulated to interfile with the regular series of compiled service records of Confederate soldiers, but never interfiled. The records are arranged alphabetically by surname and there are cross-references for names that appear in the records under more than one spelling. Often names that sound alike are grouped together. It may be necessary, therefore, to search for a name under the various ways in which it could have been entered. Roll Description 1 A--Ac 2 Ad 3 Ae--Ale 4 Alf--Allen, R. 5 Allen, S.--Am 6 An--Ander 7 Andes--Aq 8 Ar--Arn 9 Aro--As 10 At--Au 11 Av--Bah 12 Bai 13 Baj--Bak 14 Bal 15 Bam--Barb 16 Barc--Barm 17 Barn--Barne 18 Barnh--Barz 19 Bas--Bat 20 Bau--Beak 21 Beal--Beasd 22 Bease--Bed 23 Bee--Benl 24 Benm--Beq 25 Ber--Bet 26 Beu--Bin 27 Bio--Biz 28 Bl--Blad 29 Blae--Blaz 30 Ble--Bn 31 Bo--Bol 32 Bom--Boo 33 Bop--Bov 34 Bow 35 Boy--Boz 36 Br--Brad 37 Brae--Bran 38 Brap--Bret 39 Breu--Brid 40 Brie--Briz 41 Bro--Bron 42 Broo--Brov 43 Brow--Brown, I. 44 Brown, J.--Brown, P. 45 Brown, R.--Browv 46 Brox--Bru 47 Bry--Brz 48 Bu--Buf 49 Bug--Bun 50 Buo--Buri 51 Burk--Burm 52 Burn 53 Buro--Burz 54 Bus--Butl 55 Butn--Cah 56 Cai--Calk 57 Call--Caly 58 Cam--Campbell, I. 59 Campbell, J.--Camy 60 Can--Cap 61 Car--Carn 62 Caro--Carr 63 Carra--Carten 64 Carter 65 Carterl--Casp 66 Cass--Cau 67 Cav--Chal 68 Cham--Chapa 69 Chape--Chat 70 Che--Child 71 Chile--Chr 72 Chu--Clark, C. 73 Clark, D.--Clark, S. 74 Clark, T.--Clay 75 Cle--Cli 76 Clo--Cob 77 Coc--Cof 78 Cog--Cold 79 Cole--Colk 80 Coll--Colli 81 Collm--Conl 82 Conm--Coog 83 Cook--Cooks 84 Cool--Cop 85 Cor 86 Cos--Cov 87 Cow--Coz 88 Cra--Crav 89 Craw--Cre 90 Cri--Cror 91 Cros--Croz 92 Cru--Cul 93 Cum--Cup 94 Cur--Cy 95 D--Dam 96 Dan--Daq 97 Dar--Dau 98 Dav--Davis, A. 99 Davis, B.--Davis, I. 100 Davis, J.--Davis, N. 101 Davis, O.--Davy 102 Daw--Daz 103 De--Def 104 Deg--Dem 105 Den--Der 106 Des--Dh 107 Di--Dic 108 Did--Dl 109 Do--Dom 110 Don--Dor 111 Dos--Dow 112 Dox--Dr 113 Du--Dug 114 Duh--Dunc 115 Dund--Dup 116 DuQ--Dz 117 Ea 118 Eb--Edn 119 Edo--Ef 120 Eg--Elle 121 Elli--Elly 122 Elm--Eq 123 Er--Et 124 Eu--Ev 125 Ew--Faq 126 Far 127 Fas--Feq 128 Fer--Fie 129 Fif--Fis 130 Fit--Fles 131 Flet--Fly 132 Fo--Fordh 133 Fordr--Fo 134 Fot--Foz 135 Fra 136 Fre--Fri 137 Frl--Ful 138 Fum--Gai 139 Gal--Gaq 140 Gar--Garp 141 Garr--Gas 142 Gat--Gel 143 Gem--Gh 144 Gi--Gib 145 Gic--Gillf 146 Gillh--Giz 147 Gl 148 Gn--Gon 149 Goo--Goods 150 Goodu--Gor 151 Gore--Goz 152 Gra--Gram 153 Gran--Graw 154 Gray--Green, I. 155 Green, J.--Green, L. 156 Green, M.--Gret 157 Greg--Grie 158 Grif--Grig 159 Gril--Groz 160 Gru--Gul 161 Gun--Gy 162 H--Hald 163 Hale--Hall, J. 164 Hall, K.--Halz 165 Ham--Hami 166 Haml--Hamy 167 Han--Hann 168 Hano--Hard 169 Hare--Haro 170 Harp--Harrio 171 Harris--Harris, J. 172 Harris, K.--Harris, Z. 173 Harriso--Hars 174 Hart--Harv 175 Harw--Hav 176 Haw--Hax 177 Hay--Haym 178 Hayn--Hd 179 He--Hef 180 Heg--Hende 181 Hendi--Henr 182 Hens--Her 183 Hes--Hic 184 Hid--Hilk 185 Hill 186 Hilla--His 187 Hit--Hod 188 Hoe--Hok 189 Hol--Holl 190 Holm--Hols 191 Holt--Hopc 192 Hope--Hor 193 Hos--Hov 194 How--Howe 195 Howi--Hud 196 Hue--Hug 197 Huh--Huns 198 Hunt--Hurs 199 Hurt--Hy 200 I 201 J--Jackson, L. 202 Jackson, M.--Jal 203 Jam--Jaq 204 Jar--Jem 205 Jen--Jn 206 Jo--Johnson, G. 207 Johnson, H.--Johnson, K. 208 Johnson, L.--Johnson, Z. 209 Johnv--Jones, G. 210 Jones, H.--Jones, J. 211 Jones, K.--Jones, V. 212 Jones, W.--Jordan, I. 213 Jordan, J.--Jy 214 K--Kee 215 Kef--Kelly, J. 216 Kelly, K.--Kenl 217 Kenm--Kep 218 Ker--Kh 219 Ki--Kine 220 King--Kingw 221 Kini--Kir 222 Kis--Kni 223 Kno--Ky 224 L--Lal 225 Lam 226 Lan--Lane 227 Lanf--Laq 228 Lar--Lau 229 Lav--Laz 230 Le--Led 231 Lee 232 Leec--Len 233 Leo--Lev 234 Lew--Lewis, R. 235 Lewis, S.--Lil 236 Lim--Lio 237 Lip--Liz 238 Ll--Lof 239 Log--Lone 240 Long--Lor 241 Los--Lov 242 Low--Luc 243 Lud--Lw 244 Ly 245 M--Maf 246 Mag--Mak 247 Mal--Manl 248 Manm--Marks 249 Markw--Mars 250 Mart--Martin, L. 251 Martin, M.--Marz 252 Mas--Mass 253 Mast--Matth 254 Matti--Max 255 May--Maz 256 McA--McCal 257 McCam--McCi 258 McCl--McCon 259 McCoo--McCoy 260 McCr--McCy 261 McD--McDon 262 McDow--McF 263 McG--McGo 264 McGr--McH 265 McI--McKe 266 McKi--McKu 267 McL 268 McM 269 McN--McQ 270 McR--Mea 271 Meb--Men 272 Meo--Mh 273 Mi--Miller, B. 274 Miller, C.--Miller, L. 275 Miller, M.--Millr 276 Mills--Mis 277 Mit 278 Miu--Mom 279 Mon 280 Moo--Moore, G. 281 Moore, H.--Moore, O. 282 Moore, P.--Mop 283 Mor--Morgan, R. 284 Morgan, S.--Morris, L. 285 Morris, M.--Morry 286 Mors--Mos 287 Mot--Mul 288 Mum--Murp 289 Murr--Muz 290 My 291 N--NcC 292 Ne--Nei 293 Nel--Nev 294 New--Nez 295 Nia--Nl 296 No--Nors 297 Nort--Ny 298 O--O'D 299 Oe--Ol 300 Om--O'R 301 Os--Ov 302 Ow--Oz 303 P--Pak 304 Pal--Pari 305 Park--Parker, T. 306 Parker, V.--Pas 307 Pat 308 Pau--Paz 309 Pe--Pee 310 Pef--Pen 311 Peo--Perq 312 Perr--Pes 313 Pet--Pf 314 Ph--Philips, V. 315 Philips, W.--Pie 316 Pif--Pit 317 Piv--Pok 318 Pol--Poo 319 Pop--Por 320 Pos--Powell 321 Powen--Pre 322 Pria--Priv 323 Pro--Pug 324 Puh--Py 325 Q 326 R--Ral 327 Ram--Ras 328 Rat--Raz 329 Re--Red 330 Ree--Reer 331 Rees--Rem 332 Ren--Rez 333 Rh--Rich 334 Richa--Rict 335 Rid--Ril 336 Rim--Roa 337 Rob--Roberts 338 Robertson--Robertson, K. 339 Robertson, L.--Robey 340 Robi--Rode 341 Rodg--Rody 342 Roe--Ror 343 Ros--Rot 344 Rou--Rs 345 Ru--Rul 346 Rum--Rus 347 Rut--Ry 348 S--Sam 349 San--Sanders 350 Sanderson--Sau 351 Sav--Sce 352 Sch 353 Sci--Sco 354 Scr--Sea 355 Seb--Set 356 Seu--Shan 357 Shap--Shay 358 She--Shep 359 Sher--Shn 360 Sho--Shy 361 Si--Sil 362 Sim--Simr 363 Sims--Siz 364 Sk--Sli 365 Slo--Smis 366 Smith, A.--Smith, E. 367 Smith, F.--Smith, J. 368 Smith, J. B.--Smith, J. X. 369 Smith, K.--Smith, R. 370 Smith, S.--Smith, W. 371 Smith, W. F.--Smythey 372 Sn 373 So--Spa 374 Spe--Sph 375 Spi--Sr 376 St--Stap 377 Star--Stef 378 Steg--Steph 379 Stepl--St. M 380 Sto--Stot 381 Stou--Stri 382 Stro--Stua 383 Stub--Sul 384 Sum--Sv 385 Sw--Sz 386 T--Tar 387 Tas--Taylor, I. 388 Taylor, J.--Taylor, T. 389 Taylor, U.--Teq 390 Ter--Thl 391 Tho--Thomi 392 Thoml--Thomson, J. 393 Thomson, K.--Thow 394 Thr--Til 395 Tim--Toi 396 Tol--Toz 397 Tr--Tro 398 Tru--Tup 399 Tur--Turn 400 Turp--Tz 401 U--Val 402 Vam--Vat 403 Vau--Ve 404 Vi--Vy 405 W--Wak 406 Wal--Walker, S. 407 Walker, T.--Wall 408 Walm--Wap 409 War--Warl 410 Warm--Was 411 Wat--Watr 412 Wats--Way 413 We--Wed 414 Wee--Weli 415 Welk--Wer 416 Wes--Wey 417 Wh--Whis 418 Whit--White, J. 419 White, K.--Whitew 420 Whitf--Why 421 Wi--Wile 422 Wilf--Williams, A. 423 Williams, B.--Williams, I. 424 Williams, J.--Williams, N. 425 Williams, O.--Willias 426 Willib--Wilr 427 Wils--Wilson, I. 428 Wilson, J.--Wilson, R. 429 Wilson, S.--Wim 430 Win--Winl 431 Winm--Wir 432 Wis--Wl 433 Wo--Wood, I. 434 Wood, J.--Wood, Z. 435 Wooda--Woody 436 Woof--Woy 437 Wr--Wright, I. 438 Wright, J.--Wright, V. 439 Wright, W.--Wz 440 Y--Yn 441 Yo--Young, O. 442 Young, P.--Z and Miscellaneous Records of Confederate Movements and Activities (Record Group 109) Beginning in 1903, the War Department compiled abstract histories of the movements and activities of Confederate military units. Original muster rolls and returns were the principal sources of information on the caption cards and the envelopes that list officers. Rosters, payrolls, hospital registers, casualty lists, Union prison registers and rolls, parole rolls, and inspection reports were also abstracted. Compiled Records Showing Service of Military Units in Confederate Organizations. M861. 74 rolls. DP. This microfilm publication reproduces the compiled records of Confederate military units. Because many Confederate Army records were lost or destroyed by the end of the war, the compiled military histories of most units are incomplete. Most of the records are arranged alphabetically by state, thereunder by type of unit (cavalry, artillery, or infantry), followed by reserve, militia, local defense, conscript, prison guard, instruction, or other organizations. The arrangement of compiled records for units raised directly or otherwise by the Confederate government is similar except that the latter units are not broken down by state. Numbered units are listed first, followed alphabetically by the named units. There are no record-of-events cards for a small number of state units that were mustered into Confederate service or for militia units that were never mustered into service. Lists of officers were prepared for many state militia units that were not mustered into service and for other organizations for which no rolls were found. These lists, which are filed under "Miscellaneous," appear at the end of records of state units and at the and of records of units raised directly by the Confederate government. With a few exceptions, no lists were prepared for units from North Carolina. Roll Description Alabama 1 1st Cavalry--Capt. Ward's Battery, Light Artillery 2 1st--11th Infantry 3 12th--28th Infantry 4 29th Infantry--48th Militia 5 49th Infantry--Miscellaneous, Alabama Arizona Herbert's Battalion, Cavalry Arkansas 6 1st Cavalry (Crawford's)--2d Battalion, Infantry 7 3d--14th Infantry (McCarver's) 8 14th Infantry (Powers')--27th Infantry 9 30th Infantry--Miscellaneous, Arkansas Florida 10 1st Cavalry--4th Infantry 11 5th Infantry--Capt. Parson's Co. Georgia 12 1st--12th Cavalry 13 12th Battalion, State Guards, Cavalry--Capt. Wheaton's Co. (Chatham Artillery) 14 1st Regulars--4th Battalion, State Guards, Infantry 15 4th Battalion, Sharpshooters--10th Battalion, Infantry 16 11th Infantry--23d Battalion, Local Defense (Athens Battalion, Enfield Rifle Battalion), Infantry 17 24th--37th Infantry 18 38th--57th Infantry 19 59th Infantry--Miscellaneous, Georgia Kentucky 20 1st Cavalry (Butler's)--Capt. Thompson's Co., Cavalry 21 Capt. Byrne's Co., Horse Artillery--Miscellaneous, Kentucky Louisiana 22 1st Cavalry--1st Special Battalion (Wheat's), Infantry 23 2d Infantry--6th Regiment, European Brigade (Italian Guards Battalion), Militia 24 7th Infantry--14th Battalion (Austin's), Sharpshooters 25 15th--31st Infantry 26 Algiers Battalion, Militia--Officers, Miscellaneous Organizations Maryland 1st Cavalry--Miscellaneous, Maryland Mississippi 27 1st Cavalry--24th Battalion, Cavalry 28 28th Cavalry--1st Battalion, Sharpshooters 29 2d Infantry--5th Infantry, State Troops 30 6th--12th Infantry 31 13th--21st Infantry 32 22d--37th Infantry 33 39th Infantry--Miscellaneous, Mississippi Missouri 34 1st Cavalry--Capt. Walsh's Co., Light Artillery 35 1st Infantry--8th Battalion, Infantry 36 9th Infantry--Miscellaneous, Missouri North Carolina 37 1st Cavalry (9th State Troops)--Capt. Moseley's Co. (Sampson's Artillery) 38 1st Infantry--7th Battalion, Junior Reserves 39 8th--18th Infantry 40 20th--32d Infantry 41 33d--49th Infantry 42 50th Infantry--Miscellaneous, North Carolina South Carolina 43 1st Cavalry--Capt. Walpole's Co., Cavalry 44 1st Artillery--Capt. Zimmerman's Co. (Pee Dee Artillery) 45 1st Infantry (Butler's)--3d State Troops (6 months, 1863--64) 46 4th Infantry--9th Battalion (Pee Dee Legion), Infantry 47 10th--19th Infantry 48 20th Infantry--Miscellaneous, South Carolina Tennessee 49 1st Cavalry (Carter's)--15th Cavalry (Stewart's) 50 16th Cavalry (Logwood's)--Artillery Corps (McCown's) 51 1st Infantry (Field's)--7th Infantry 52 8th Infantry--22d Battalion, Infantry 53 23d Infantry (Martin's Regiment)--35th Infantry (5th Regiment Provisional Army, Mountain Rifle Regiment) 54 36th--50th Infantry (Consolidated) 55 51st Infantry--Miscellaneous, Tennessee Texas 56 1st Cavalry, State Troops, 6 months, 1863--64--12th Cavalry (Parson's Mounted Volunteers, 4th Dragoons) 57 13th Cavalry (Burnett's Regiment, 13th Mounted Volunteers)--29th Cavalry (De Morse Regiment) 58 30th Cavalry (Gurley's Regiment, 1st Partisans)--Capt. Upton's Co., Local Defense, Cavalry 59 1st Heavy Artillery--7th Infantry (Gregg's) 60 8th Infantry (Hobby's)--17th Infantry (Allen's Regiment) 61 18th Infantry (Ochiltree's)--Conscripts, Texas Virginia 62 1st Cavalry--12th Cavalry (10th Virginia Cavalry) 63 13th Cavalry (16th Battalion; 5th Cavalry, 12 months, 1861--62)--Capt. Thurmond's Co. (Partisan Rangers), Cavalry 64 1st Artillery (2d Virginia Artillery)--Capt. Young's Co. (Halifax Light Artillery) 65 1st Infantry (Williams' Rifles)--5th Battalion (Henry's Reserves) 66 6th--13th Infantry 67 14th Infantry--22d Battalion (2d Battalion), Infantry 68 23d Infantry--31st Militia 69 32d Infantry--43d Militia 70 44th--57th Infantry 71 58th Infantry--64th Militia 72 67th Militia--Conscripts, Camp Lee, Virginia Organizations raised directly by the Confederate Government 73 1st Confederate Cavalry--Capt. White's Battery, Horse Artillery 74 1st Confederate Infantry (1st Confederate Regiment, Georgia Volunteers)--Miscellaneous Records